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Adarcer ago

So is this what that huge list of [s] is about on every GA page I open ? This is a waste of bandwidth for mobile users IMO.

IMO blocking people from posting at least on a site where you can just ban troublesome users and remove submissions is basically censorship. You're removing the voice of any legitimate newbie who might come and ask questions unless they get approval to post.

I know you have a hard time keeping up with the spam and this seems to be the easiest solution but it is not the best. I am pretty sure you have had at least a year to vet more people to help remove spam and porn and ban bad users after at least one/or more warning.

Also ... why is all the blame always going to SBBH ? One of the tactics of a shill is to defect blame to cause division. Will be probably downvoated for this comment alone but there have been one or two SBBH peeps here for as long as I remember and have never seen anything to bad from those accounts.

MolochHunter ago


have a look inside this subs deleted items folder and banned user folder

they were auto generating accounts and post spamming via bot

on one day we had over 150 garbage posts in a 3 hour block

if you think we moderators do nothing with our lives but sit here 24/7, maintaining vigilance across multiple time zones to keep the board clean of crap, fighting automation with manual means

you got another thing coming

Adarcer ago

You don't fight Automation with manual means ... you fight automation with automation.

In the terms of plugins or antispam code built in site

Timed submissions 5-10 minites for new accounts ?

Make things less able to be automated ... like creating accounts.

MolochHunter ago

who do you think we are? What powers and access to utilize automation do you think we have ?

we dont run the entirety of Voat

we'd be lucky if the guy who does answered our PMs

we deal as best we do with the resources we have

dont like it, fuck off. There's 4 other Q anon subverses around this Voat site

Adarcer ago

Yep ... where is putt ?

MolochHunter ago


so you're aware of this dynamic

and yet you're still up in our grill

faggot of the nigger kind