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thislionsheart ago

Shill. She got a tattoo to cover it up. The brand is real.

RainDrops ago

Plus the NXVIM sex slaves were branded on the flesh near their pubic bone.

"First, they stripped naked. One by one, they lay on a massage table while a female osteopath, also a Nxivm member, used a cauterizing pen to brand the flesh near their pelvic bone."

"As a process of initiation, female members were allegedly branded near their pelvic bone with Raniere and Mack’s initials."

I would hope that you would know where the pubic bone is on a woman...

The so-called brand is supposedly near her hand in this picture...uh that''s not the pubic bone!

Where the little bow on her panties sits is in the pubic bone area is and the so-called brand is nowhere near that!