preacherusmvmcva2 ago

The book of Revelation is quite literal and if we were in that time there would be no doubt. For one thing you would not be typing on a computer as people fight on horseback with bow/arrow, swords, etc. because there are no missiles, tanks, jeeps, jets, etc. All this technology will go away during the time of the book of revelation. You would also see 144,000 supernaturally endowed Jews running around preaching the gospel of the Kingdom and you could not kill them, and on top of that - all the people they convert will be killed by the adversary. And then there is the thing in chapter 7 where all wind is stopped and the sun scorches the earth and it's inhabitants. Come on, if you are a Bible believer you have to believe the whole thing and not interpret it allegorically as God means what He says and says what He means. We live in the time period of the Apostle Paul's epistles - the dispensation of the grace of God, not the time of wrath which is the end. When you see 200 lb hail that is on fire hitting the earth you can be sure you are in the time of wrath......

Ivanovich ago

This movement is dead if you retards start to rely on the second coming for redemption. So out of touch it’s sad

ShaneE11183386 ago

Q is Micheal the archangel

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The DS are NOT in on it. They are simply doing what God knew they would do. A parasite is easy to guess the moves of. There's a pattern with murderers and liars and psychos. But being in on it is not what (((they))) planned. They're the dumbfucks. We're really just observers. Watchers. Dreamers. Poets. But we are also part of a kingdom from the stars.

jrpark05 ago

No man knows the date and hour of Christ's return, and if Q was referring to this, then Q is full of shit. However, I don't think this is what Q is referring to.

fundie ago

Please read your bible again. It gets a lot worse before it gets better.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Minnesota wins the Superbowl.

Trfsrfr ago


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logjam ago

The Holy "Script"ures.

iam ago

So you are saying that everything is predetermined by God?

alphazebra ago

Predetermining and foreknowing are two different things. If I saw a movie’s ending and then spoiled it for you as we were watching doesn’t make me responsible for the movie’s action. I just happened to know how it all played out in the end cuz I saw it first.

iam ago

If God is in all things then don't you know what happens too?

alphazebra ago

Maybe we do. But think about our sensory organs. There is every wavelength of light happening everywhere all the time but we only see a super-small fraction of it. So our eyes are primarily filters; same with our ears. Would it be so strange to think then that our brains our filters for our mind? What purpose filtering out most everything serves is anybody’s guess. I think it’s so we can enjoy the discovery that time brings

whowantsgingersnaps ago

Yes. That’s what meditation’s for.

iam ago

So what happens?

Juzlurkin ago

What a time to be alive!

ssgrader ago

How many of us knew the world leaders acted on a script BEFORE Q came on the scene?

A few times i thought so..

But now I ask when isn't it scripted

CanPatriot ago

I believe the Bible is the Word of God. PERIOD. It’s the only book that has changed the lives of billions of people WW. The power of the Holy Spirit of God flows through the Bible. The living Word of God. If you aren’t sure if this is true then read it for yourself.

AndyMan_45 ago

What he says.

TexasInfidel ago

Well no shit cupcake

Trump is ass deep in all of it.

All theater and the world is the stage.

Shiftworker1976 ago

January 20th 2017 President Trump was sworn into office when he laid his hand on the Bible. He was 70years,7months,7days old 777. January 20th 2017 Benjamin Netanyahu was serving his 2nd term as Prime Minister he was in office 7years,7months,7days 777. We are in the End Times. It is Biblical. WWG1WGA

Peanuttles ago

I hate to use the words "end times." Because that phrase makes it sound like the end of everything. But that's not what's been prophecied. It's an end to evildoers ruling on earth. It's an end to darkness being allowed to spread anywhere. But it's a new beginning for everyone else.

ssgrader ago

I agree but still it is the END of an age so end times is appropriate ( Remember after the 1000 reign of Christ the Earth will pass away and a NEW earth will appear. )

dotmaster2 ago


at end of 2016 we were ending the 1000 yr of war

pope and globalist were trying to bring in anti Christ to stop what's next

1000' years of peace

deepstate doing everything (all in) to stop what's coming ( there demise)

hg74rhyd9 ago

Bingo, well said.

Shiftworker1976 ago

I stand corrected and in agreement thank you. Patriot

Doglegwarrior ago

u fucking christ cucks who worship the jew sand nigger god are so over top insane its hard to stay on your side. i will just sit this out i can side with the hipster idiot liberal commies but you christ cucks are almost as bad in other ways... youbfucking morons will get in charge and goverment wont shrink u will start pass8ng morslity laws you wont stop the fucking white genocide because u fucking idiots dont care.

rant over. name the jew because circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits...

Trudeaus_Socks ago

Namefag nonsense

Doglegwarrior ago

ummm this is not anon no namefag sub why u naming shit here?

Trudeaus_Socks ago

I hope someone axe you the same question, roles reversed, on QRV.

doginventer ago

2 Thessalonians 2:3

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

olieman ago

Agree... Also antichrist at the 6th trump, Jesus Christ at the 7th. There will be a great deception first. Everyone must use diligence.

fundie ago

Great deception. I am beginning to think that the Q phenomenon qualifies

ammonthenephite ago

Bible itslef, assuming for a moment its true, says that no one, not even the angels, know when christ is returning, so there is no way Q, nor you, know either.

And all these 'signs of the time' have been happening since the time of christ, so nothing new there either.

alphazebra ago

He said none but the father know “the day or hour”. Those are very minute specific timeframes. What Jesus DOESN’T say is also full of meaning. He didn’t say “month” or “year” and he could have used language to imply we were totally in the dark but he didn’t. He also said “keep on the watch.” What would we keep on the watch for if we had no clue the general time when to be on the lookout? He said it would be in the “last watch of the evening” meaning late in the last days.

ammonthenephite ago

And people have been saying its 'the last days' for two thousand years now. I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you...

Peanuttles ago

Jesus said nobody knew the exact time for his return but the Father. But we could look at signs and tell when it was getting close. And then he explained what to look for. I'm in my 60's now and I can tell you it really does seem closer than it ever has been in my lifetime--if it really means a "rapture" the way it's been presented. (The word "rapture" isn't in the Bible.) I'm not sure exactly what will happen or exactly when, because I'm not sure how accurate the interpretation is that has been written about the subject. That thinking didn't come around until John Darby began pushing it in 1830.

LeeDoverwood ago

The "Rapture" theory is exactly opposite to the biblical narrative. Research the Hebrew word taken. Christ had it right when he declared Lot's wife was "taken". Obviously she wasn't 'raptured' or turned into a pillar of salt.

DaraChaos ago

I'm a Christian who believes the Bible. That said, I agree with everything else that you've stated.

omnimattymattymatt ago

One big club that we ain't in. George Carlin was right. About so much.

Blackwargreymon ago

And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe.

AndyMan_45 ago

Strictly from the Biblical standpoint, the Third Temple has to be desecrated and it hasn't even been built yet.

iam ago

Shut it down folks.

Cloudrdr ago

If you consider al-aqsa as a "TEMPLE", then this might qualify as desecration...

News from October 2019


hg74rhyd9 ago

And the Jews resumed animal sacrifice somewhere around October of last year too, if I recall...

ReadyExit ago

There is a temple built on top. Built by what religion is entirely up for debate but there is a third temple already built. Being built on top of another seems like desecration. There’s also a ton of violence and I’m sure plenty of deaths around it to consider it desecration.

ssgrader ago

If GOD is supreme in ALL things why is there a wall still standing at the "Temple" site?

"Not one stone will upon another"

Is GOD a Liar?

Could it be BECAUSE that isn't the Temple. Could it be Antonio Fortress ...

Think Logically..

How many men in a Legion?

How many men are needed to support the fighters?

How many Cavalry were out of there?

How many men needed to support them?

Where did they put the SUPPLIES that are needed for such an Army?

Where do they Drill?

Remember the Roman Army was Extremely Efficient considering how strung out they were ( logistical speaking)

( yes I can be wrong here I am only looking at this Logically with Mans Thinking > that being said ..YES i do believe this )

MudPuddlePie ago

Wailing wall is not the temple. A. fortress is correct.

ssgrader ago

And the ground is where the Mosque is is where I believe the Romans drilled.. Remember there were Cavalry as well .. Josephus wrote about this

CanIPlay2 ago

Tell Bibi to get on it, almost all of us have hammers. Maybe even some heavy equipment users here.

DanijelStark ago

"Apocalypse" literally means "revelation of hidden knowledge" .

Historical , technological , societal knowledge . And beyond that .

These are the "end days" ... but end days for them ...

hg74rhyd9 ago

End of an age/era. Too many peeps think this means the end of the world. What will the next one look like, in light of the revelation of hidden knowledge? Exciting IMHO.

1031grnis ago

Could be end of the Age of Pisces and beginning the Age of Aquarius.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

And us, a new beginning starts tomorrow, or the next day.

Annie99 ago

We are indeed living in the biblical last days. Some have suggested Trumps role is to reveal the man of lawlessness. People are being divided good - evil. The bible says God wins but only after the cry of peace and security - does this mean that we lose for a time - not sure.

Torc ago

Shame that people judge your comment with up/down votes as your comment IS worthy of discussion.

Annie99 ago

Cheers - quote on the lunch room wall at work states " parachutes like the mind work best when open". Good advice I thought :)

bk1978 ago

When you say that "We lose for a time", do you mean the 7 years of tribulation?

Annie99 ago

Not sure if the tribulation is still to come or we are already living in it. I think Jesu's return is on account of his chosen ones being prosecuted and that's kinda happening now (churches being destroyed) etc. Is it going to get worse don't know. :)

fundie ago

The great tribulation is forthcoming; remember that there will come such tribulation upon the earth that has never been, nor will ever be again. And also remember that unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved. No, we haven’t even begun to see tribulation yet. And they will kill you, believing that they do God a service. Prepare yourself, and draw close to Jesus while there is yet time. When the storm comes, if you have not built your house upon the rock, you will not stand in the judgment. But for those who trust in him and keep his commandments, his angels will watch over you and keep you safe. You must repent and live a clean life, however. Do not be deceived! You must forsake this world and repent. God bless you patriots, I encourage each of you to take stock of yourselves spiritually, and ask God to strengthen you in these coming days!

TSE ago

Why do you trust the Bible? Everything in it was written down thousands of years ago by mere mortal men, translated a hundred times from languages that nobody speaks anymore, and consolidated and cleaned up by some faggot Pope a thousand + years ago so he could control the people.

UpwardBound ago

TSE: Do your homework. The Bible is an extremely accurate text. Translated from the original language (Hebrew or Greek) into English for us English speaking people. There are thousands of manuscripts that are also identical in verbiage. Any differences in manuscripts is very minor. So your whole point is false.

TSE ago

You are wrong. Many pieces of the text, especially old testament, in Hebrew where translated from earlier writings like from Egypt and other ancient texts and story tellers. It is well knows that some pedo Pope got together more than 1000 years ago and put together the bible. Including only writings he liked/needed to control the folks. Made up shit as he went along. There are so many Books with contradicting writings - which one is true. Why is the Book of Enoch not included? And all was put together from story tellers, because some "points" are from before writing even existed. It is like taking the word from some guy yelling on a street corner in San Fran the end is near.

MudPuddlePie ago

Actually that's not accurate. The Dead Sea scrolls, written very close to Jesus life, when compared to today's Bible have proven that very little has changed biblically (nothing of consequence)in the last two thousand years. It's some translations that have issues. 1611 King James is my personal favorite for original language accuracy.

TSE ago

Pieces of the old testament where translated from earlier writings like from Egypt and other ancient texts and story tellers. It is well knows that some pedo Pope got together more than 1000 years ago and put together the bible. Including only writings he liked/needed to control the folks. Made up shit as he went along. There are so many Books with contradicting writings - which one is true. Why is the Book of Enoch not included? And all was put together from story tellers, because some "points" are from before writing even existed. It is like taking the word from some guy yelling on a street corner in San Fran the end is near.

MudPuddlePie ago

Well, no. But you believe whatever you want.

Annie99 ago

Don't trust it but as one source of ancient writings it holds a lot of information. Book of Enoch (not incl in the Bible) is also fascinating. Samaritan tablet's - Nibaru is a whole new rabbit hole. Agreed the Popes a dirty pedo but we know he's going down. Even the history of regions can be very informative.

MagicalMan ago

Sometimes I wonder if the evil part of humanity was let run free so that those in power could pretend to one day clean the mess up and everyone will cheer the leading human saviors as great heroes, thus restoring order and faith in government, but the same guys, different strategy, behind the scenes are in power. is that the plan? The great hegelian dialectic. The state will remain in control. Look for the things that remain consistent.

Annie99 ago

It does certainly look that way sometimes - time will tell.

MagicalMan ago

Indeed. We will see. Honestly, all this confusion is leading me to determine what the proper way to honor Jesus and God is. To see widespread hatred and watering-down of his word within and without the church has made me suspicious that this is indeed the path of truth, and if so, I can only know when it is my time to act on earth when circumstance is clear, but otherwise to find the true path, the narrow gate of goodness in the meantime. All this endless information I've been following for years for some hope of a normal future and a simple life, has me still uncertain. Ugh, you are certainly right.

TSE ago

Yes, Book of Enoch and Samaritan tablet's is very interesting reading.