Secret_1 ago

Like it's Iran's choice....

TraditionalCode0 ago

Good luck getting those parts.

The desert is only a good place to hide when nobody is looking for you.

MeanoReno ago

Ha! Ha! That’s good!

downvoatmachine ago

Saddam kicked them jets before Merica invaded, I don't think those were ever returned just random side note. don't underestimate them, NK Iran DS or whoever.... "these people are stupid" is a great way to get surprised.

docksofthebay ago

Spare Parts are probably hard to come by....can be challenging to maintain flying proficiency when wheels up time is severely limited.

numina18 ago

At first, I didn't get it, then: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Smokybubbles ago

It will be a shame if our raptors have to splash any old F4 phantoms to clear the way for bomb runs.


Or f-14's we sold them in the mid-70's.

They have the last ones flying anywhere in the world from what I've heard.

Belgarrath ago

I just saw today they only have around 20 F-14's still operational (YT video mentioned it). Wikipedia says 40-44, but that stat says it's from 2014/2015.

docksofthebay ago

F4 Phantoms were great gun platforms

jamesjames ago

Ha" Good Luck With That!

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Haha... so you want your air force of magic carpets wiped out completely in 24 hours? Because Hussein is not in charge and yeah, you will lose your magic carpets in 24 hours. Later Iran.. good luck with that archaic medieval stuff your ayatollah talks to you about.

jcuriousity18 ago

Best in Show of the day. Thank you for the levity!

X22guy ago

Iran’s AF would be gone in under 30 minutes . The smart pilots surrender and land in another country.


People don't seem to realize how laughable other countries capabilities are compared to ours.

Russia is as close to an actually formidable opponent we have.

China is still desperately trying to reverse engineer everything of ours they can get their hands on and still can get a single aircraft carrier operational.

Their airforce belongs in a museum.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Notice how the front of /all is now a whole bunch of pro-Iran war shill posts?

Makes ya wonder about voat.

DanijelStark ago

One side sides with kikes and Jews .

The other side sides with Muslim fanatics .

Both side are controlled by the same Tribe - but people are too dumb to understand this , so they will rather choose to support one side , thinking theyre against the other one , while they actually unawarely play the game that Cabal served them .

In other words , siding with ANYONE in Middle East is definitely not recommended .

obvious-throwaway- ago

I don't wonder about Voat, I wonder how anyone can expect not to be called a Kike faggot shill after knowing all the red pills that are dropped on here daily and still thinking Iran is the enemy we have to worry about.

For anyone mad that Iran "might" have killed 1 US soldier, know, the Jewish Sackler family is responsible for over 400,000 white American murders through overprescribing opioids with a network of corrupt mostly Jewish doctors. Their crime is against all ages, no exclusions. They destroyed families and has crippled our nation. They are responsible for the homeless epidemic and the horrors they have brought upon our people have affected millions. Yet they sit cozy somewhere in a mansion right now most likely drinking the blood of goy children with Jeffrey Epstein, the Jew in charge of ABC and the Jew in charge of CBS.

But the might of US forces are much more concerned about a soldier in a place NONE OF US SHOULD FUCKING EVEN BE gets killed by a group that hates the fucking filthy evil rat bastard Kikes as much as we do.

iam ago

Been thinking the same thing. Not surprising though I guess, considering that Q has always been anti-Iran.

The sheep are getting fleeced.

LionElTrump ago

Be true if it wasn't for Obama and Hillary selling military secrets and arms deals through things like her bathroom server. That is how all these nations have made leaps in military tech, from Obama ending NASA so Musk and the civilian sector could be 'hacked' for NKorea missile tech, to China weakening steel and backdoors but 'not really backdoors'(((Wikileaks drop))), SA/Israel and Iran all have been giving cash to which ever foundation from McCain, Romney, Heinz, Clinton, Sackler, ..the list goes on for whatever US/allied PRO-HUMAN RIGHTS created technology

Belrick ago

usa is riddled with infections

docksofthebay ago

Yes, I remember when China was having problems with their missiles going off course. China Bill C decided to "sell" them the technology to fix the gyroscope problem.

AndyMan_45 ago

Magic carpet ride!

Patrice_oneal_ ago

You stupid idiots dont seem te grasp that they are one of the last non-rothschild slaves in the world. Any last of you maggots deserve to be tax slaves of jews

DanijelStark ago

Yeah , please tell me again how Iran is a "non-Rothschild slave" while having a Central Bank .

You Cabal bootlickers are pathetic and utterly dumb .

Patrice_oneal_ ago

Go fight with your big mouth, go die for israel

DanijelStark ago

You moron do not realize I am even not a US citizen ?

Do not deflect from the fact that Iran has central bank . Now go and lick Cabal's ass some more ...

Patrice_oneal_ ago

I dont care what second ass citizen you are.

DanijelStark ago

Trust me - the only ass you should care is your ass ...

Because as this blows up all around the world as truths unravel , those who are found spreading lies and supporting Cabal will not find a pleasant resolution .

quidproquo ago

WELL, we will just have to (CARPET) bomb them back to the middle ages!


A whole jew world...

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

Jasmine: I thought you were going to show me the world? Every place we've flown over looks just like home!

Aladdin: What are you talking about? We're in Sweden!

ZombiClown ago

AUSAFVet ago

Too Fucking Funny !!! Woo Hooo!

SearchVoatBot ago

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AUSAFVet ago

umm..what the fuck are you talking about??

DickTick ago

Responding to bots now are we?

AUSAFVet ago

lol yeah what the fuck

had a few beers looked right ...

summerwind_US ago

That wasn't what I was expecting :). Thanks for the laugh!

docksofthebay ago

Covert Photo