Chantebo52 ago

Amazing! And another thing that's amazing-Rick Steves, the host of (of all places) a PBS travel log, did a segment on his trip to Iran showing many interviews with Iranian citizens and every one of them showed how much they love and admire the USA and want to have everything we have-not one claimed to support the autocratic regime they have and they risked a lot in saying so and had to be very careful in their choice of words!! In the next FIVE YEARS of the GREAT DJT's PRESIDENCY, I guarantee-Iran and China will come in line, there will be unprecedented world peace and he will seal his legacy as THE GREATEST PRESIDENT OF OUR TIME!! MAGA!!!

369693936 ago

Bots — whether in human or AI form — never open their eyes, they are programmed with one intention only. Still good info.

ketoll ago

Reddit is owned by China now, why is anyone shocked at all these reddit posts with Communist China agendas?

Hoboritler ago

You don't think there would be people celebrating if Trump got assassinated? And then there would be people saying how Trump has young (illegal) American blood on his hands.

FatLadySings ago

Soleimani was behind the massacre in Banghazi.....and that's just the tip of the iceberg! He and Obama were on the same team. Iranian Oligarchs own the Port of Canaveral and they have their own shipping company......Obama made that deal happen. Thank about what could be in some of those containers??????

Runspotrun ago

Yes the Iranian shills are full-time pests

They have been quiet on our site for a day or two because they are active elsewhere

They pretend to be one of us, they are not

They pretend to be many, they are few

Expel them

keksupreme ago

imagine shilling for the jews who want war with iran lmao

HighEnergyLife ago

So all you have to say is that he was a muh terrorist and that we just brought freedom to Iran and im supposed to believe it.

Fuck yourself sideways faggot

captainramius87 ago


Stop upvoting this bullshit..

People are talking about this post over on reddit conspiracy.

I suggest all of you go over their and read the comments because theirs a lot of truth in them.

It's time to start reevaluating everything about our great leader...

Its possible the Zionists really do have him by the balls.

Dont forget Kushner's family owns 666 5th avenue in New York. Dig into that building.

I pray to god things dont escalate and this assassination truly is to prevent war..

HoppyHap ago

Some of my military brothers are in wheel chairs and others are dead because of that POS.Glad he is dead.

captainramius87 ago

I support all the troops and what they do for us. I know their hearts are in the right place..

But we shouldn't be over their anymore.

HoppyHap ago

Iran is a nuclear country that controls Syria and soon Iraq the way things are currently headed. hey have no qualms about nuking your azz. Either take care of them now or have your American brother and sisters die on the shores of the US. SOLEIMANI planned to bomb a DC restaurant and hired Mexican Cartel to kill the Saudi ambassador on US soil. Dig deep enough and he was involved in Las Vegas. Iran is an issue that does not require a war and the handlers of Iran are being taken out. So be it,

HighEnergyLife ago

Voat is shilled hard when you see this neocohn propaganda getting upvoted

Tandemlee ago


Reddit is full of shills and fake posts, just like this one.

1010101010101010 ago

Yes, go and search for the exact source you have no idea about to see my point of view!

webster_warrior ago

What a fitting conclusion for Reddit -- a hot bed of terrorists. You just gotta love it !

jimibulgin ago

Iran's problem. Not the US's.

HoppyHap ago

Tell that to my brothers in arms that are living life in a wheel chair or their kids are living life without a father or mother becasue of the roadside bombs this pos setup.

jimibulgin ago

Your "brothers in arms" had no business being there in the first place. Yet they went, of their own free will. It is unfortunate, but again, not my problem or the domain of of the USA.

HoppyHap ago

SOLEIMANI planned to bomb a DC restaurant and hired Mexican Cartel to kill the Saudi ambassador on US soil. Dig deep enough and he was involved in Las Vegas shooting. Was the reason all those people died because the failed assignation of a Saudi Prince while he was in Vegas by Iran? That is not even counting the thousands of Iran protestors killed and tortured. Over 600 dead soldiers and that is not counting the ones with missing limbs and blinded.

You are argue that we should not be there and that is fine. It does not change the fact that we are and the people we put there need for us to cover there six until we bring them back.

jimibulgin ago

The Vegas shooting was a complete fabrication. Thanks for showing your true colors.

HoppyHap ago

Do you have proof?

jimibulgin ago

"Proof"?? Of course not.

But there is plenty of 'evidence' to suggest it. It gets harder and harder to find as it gets scrubbed or buried in noise.

thislionsheart ago

This is a very important .jpeg

e-traiu ago

Rise up brothers and sisters❤️

downvoatmachine ago

I don't trust any of you random internet strangers. I'm not ready to form my opinion other than continuing to not support further war in the middle east and continuing to believe that the powers that be have forced regime change in many nations over there with the support of citizens of those nations. there is a war on for our minds, our souls and control of the population.

captainramius87 ago


People need to not knee jerk react to this and think Trump is saving iran..

For all we know we're about to kill thousands of Iranians so we can put another zionist puppet in charge of their country.

If we go to war with them..

Then in 5 or 6 years end up causing regime change. Then they put in a central bank... we will know the truth.

InquisitorNyxos ago

Q did say Iran would go down right before Israel.

HighEnergyLife ago

This is probably what's occurring. Jews sold Trump another term if he gives them Syria or Iran

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago


wanderingblade ago

Operation Ajax

obvious-throwaway- ago

Didn't this "terrorist" spend his days attacking and murdering Jews? Um....

danjo_kandui ago

Doesn’t the Jews always say that so that people give them defense funds and protect them? This is the oldest Zionist trick in the book. The second oldest is demonizing anyone that questions that with the label anti-Semitic.

iam ago

The US is the biggest terrorist organization in the world.

And they PROVABLY lied us into practically every country since Sept. 11, 2001.

Why wouldn't they be lying now?

As Gen. Wesley Clark said in 2003, Iran has been the final target since day 1.

Stop falling for the R & D's tricks guys.

pizzaequalspedo ago


The US WAS the biggest terrorist organization in the world.

It’s not R’s vs D’s.

It’s Trump vs the NWO

iam ago

Dude, the establishment R's and D's comprise the electoral college, and they voted for Trump over Clinton.

They are lying to you.

SpiritualPaper ago

Freedom loving Iranians outnumber those who terrorize them in their own country.

epik- ago

The only source of terror for Iranians are Israel and America lmao

SpiritualPaper ago

You underestimate the Iranian citizens who are rioting in their country at the risk of their own lives.

captainramius87 ago

This may as well be an endorsement that this was a bad move by the united states.

Reddit is HORRIBLY compromised by the deep state....

It's possible I'm wrong about the particular poster and hes right. But reddit seriously has tons of government paid agents posting on their 24/7

alakai ago

Oh you mean the ones advocating for World War 3 yeah I see them all the time it's called discernment

ketoll ago

Reddit is HORRIBLY compromised by the deep state....

Reddit is China's bitch after Tencent invested heavily in it.

sitrep ago

Well, he gave you some stuff to look up in case you don't believe him.

RussianGoyBot ago

what? do my own research? who the fuck does that?

SearchVoatBot ago

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pby1000 ago

I have seen twitter posts from people in Iran, Iraq, and Syria. I am glad that they are reaching out to people in the West so we can all keep tabs on the Deep State. It was great to see the Christmas videos they were posting.

captainramius87 ago

We were also told gaddafi was a dictator... but now we know he was a hero to most of the people.

I'm skeptical about all of this

epik- ago

Iran is one if not the most secular and modern islamic nation

  • our sworn enemy

Saudi Arabia is the most backward islamic nation in the region

  • our great ally

Revel4ti0n ago

I am proud for the iranians to stand up for their freedom.

Most politicians think if Trump does something it must be bad. That’s not the case and still he didn’t start a new war

HighEnergyLife ago

still he didn’t start a new war

Stop moving the goalpost. Just because he "didn't start a war" doesn't mean it's great. Wtf does this have to do with his MAGA message?

369693936 ago

If you understand how it relates to U1 trafficked by Amb. Stevens (unbeknownst to him at the time) through Benghazi to Iran to set up a DS stronghold, and thus why "the loose end" was left to be raped and murdered, then it might start making sense to you.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Quit wetting your pants. Trump is in the process of freeing Iraq and Iran from CIA backed theorists

HighEnergyLife ago

Did Hillary free Libya from cia controlled Gaddafi too?

369693936 ago

Might want to stop embarrassing yourself with how proudly misinformed you are. There's a reason DJT tweeted "anti-Benghazi" and it goes deeper than you seem capable of understanding at this moment.

HighEnergyLife ago

I see, this is the q-verse where everything is made up on the fly and is infinitely deep and complicated. It's almost as if Hollywood is writing it.

369693936 ago

HighEnergyLife ago

Oh shit I didnt know some guy on the internet said he was a muh terrorist!!! We must protect our greatest allies like saudi Arabia and Israel. Without them we just couldn't survive

369693936 ago

LOL at you, not sure who the other guy is but Dave Janda has a track record for validity. Anyone who does the least bit of research knows this. You must be too busy shit posting to bother seeking truth.

369693936 ago

Muted you, please feel free to keep embarrassing yourself.

369693936 ago

Unfortunately the truth is not democratic. You don't need Q to find this information faggot.

bb22 ago

Killing real terrorists is MAGA.

FatLadySings ago

DFWU Don't Fuck With Us, has everything to do with MAGA. It's so refreshing to have a President with Balls, and a Frist Lady without Balls! Go lick your marbles.

smokratez ago

Melania is a dude.

jondrell ago

Aren't you a pissy little bitch? Go tuck yourself into bed and leave the talk for the grownups fucktard. Or while you're at it, go fucking move your Iran loving ass out of the US.

HighEnergyLife ago

Shill account

Gopherurself ago


Dalai_Llama ago

Foreigners love us more than we love ourselves. Almost as if we were once great before we were infested with WWII refugees that hate their host savior.

nomoss ago

Yes it's sad BUT people are starting to wake up.

It's better today than it was 50 years ago as today we're talking about it.

deleteme123 ago

Don't be naive.

Chants of “down with America” in the Tehran metro -

Crensch ago

Rally mourning Soleimani

A few hundred people on the street with something playing we can't understand?

Chants of “down with America” in the Tehran metro

Intelligible sandnigger garbage, and both of your links suspiciously from the same goatfucking soyboy.

Who's naive?


HateTheCabal ago

@crensch, there should be some kind of rule that you cannot comment if you don’t bother to read the post. This guy didn’t read the post he’s commenting on.

RockmanRaiden ago

The narrative around this is frightening because of how many are eating it up.

deleteme123 ago

It is quite incredible to witness them dance to the drums.

SuckaFree ago

Anyone that doesn't have their head up the CLOWN MSM's asses knows this to be true.

AUSAFVet ago

Yep the clowns/c_a, which are nothing more then MK/Mind Fucked robots that could not "live" in the "Real" world, led by their half witted leader, brennan, think they are the baddest of the bad and can make people cower with just a look..

Too bad, game over....Too many people are on to your crap and are not afraid of you. Take your dildos, your blankie and go home..America is NOT bending over for you anymore.

DickTick ago

Good for him!