late2thegame ago

Would be nice if someone translated the words being said into English.

Johnny_Ninja ago

Lots of love from that part of the world in the comment section too.

jewsbadnews ago

Mike Pompeo is a lier, cheat and deceiver, he even admitted it on video.

DF_1982 ago

This looks staged af. Any motives for attacking Iran will be related to this alone:

Rothschild - Doesn't Own Iran yet...

Ddboomer ago

Dead general was the Benghazi mastermind. Dig deeper

ssgrader ago

the responses are more important... Twitter suspends us for hate and inciting violence.. look at some of the threats openly against US Military and US citizens and yet Twitter hasn't taken any of them down.... isn't that interesting ...

redtoe_skipper ago

Fox News... Fake news.

FatFreddiesCat ago

Read the responses. Lots of Iraqi, and Iranian, even Syrian people thanking him and saying how grateful they are.

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ketoll ago

This is a Sunni / Shiite issue. Sadam was a Sunni. After he was removed, the U.S. set up a Shiite leadership, which started persecuting a lot of the Sunnis in Iraq. Iran is a mostly Shiite country. So there's this whole other layer of things happening that require taking this into consideration. We always get the dumbed down translation of events in the news.

pizzaequalspedo ago

The Sunni vs Shiite paradigm is likely 90% MSM narrative meant to help keep the ME in a state of constant chaos where no matter what happens, the CIA and Mosad can pit factions against one other.

I’d be shocked if most Sunnis and Shiites wouldn’t prefer to live peacefully.

lnsip9reg ago

What was a high ranking general from Iran doing in Iraq in the first place? It is exactly what it seemed, and it wasn't good.

Tandemlee ago

Like the US government give a rats asshole about how the Iraqi citizens feel about anything. What a simple-minded attempt at propaganda.

Ddboomer ago

Says the jaded, negative leftist.


Trash_Panda ago

It's pretty shocking how years of scrutiny and criticism of US intervention gets thrown out the window in the course of hours. Anybody shilling this crap has no spine.

Johnny_Ninja ago

They attacked a US embassy. They were planning worse shit. This isn't "interventionalism" at all.

Shit, if anything Trump shows more restraint than any past presidents in modern day. He prefers to use economic pressure. But when motherfuckers are firing rockets, there's only one valid response to that. Chill out. If you don't think that Trump should kill terrorists on an individual basis when it's warranted, you're a fucking moron.

This isn't the same as a ground war where we send thousands of troops. Stop pretending like it is.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Well, the facemasks are significant.

mac1221 ago

To these poor people who have been expendable in the war games of the DS for profit and power, the death of this monster signals the death of the real beast who has held them hostage for decades. I would celebrate too. Thank you Patriots. Real liberation is a joy to see!

fringe--dweller ago

"We will be welcomed as liberators"

This time it's FOR REAL no BS

mac1221 ago


Gopherurself ago


TheNiggerFaggot ago

I think everyone here knows that war with Iran is the only thing that can put the Democrats in power in 2020. Trump would shoot his base in the face on 5th avenue if he did that. I don't think he's going to. He cut the head off of the snake just as they were executing on their plan to escalate shit to that.

monsterdoggie ago

You seem to be confused. There was no war. We took out a terrorist.

Gopherurself ago

Let's hope they nuke Israel.

verboten ago

Remember the clips of Muslims dancing in the streets after 9/11? They were years old, only the clip of dancing Israelis was new, but never shown.

smokratez ago

The US, under pisreal control, had been bombing the fuck out of the middle east.

Drstrangegoy ago

we need to retract, fast. if trump wants our support on this shit he better shoot square with us about the truth of whats going on, and fast.

Lyonessrising ago

He has our support already.

Always will.

smokratez ago

Trump killed a major pisreal controlled terrorist leader, which both the Iraniens and Iraqies are happy about. What truth do you think we are not being told?

Drstrangegoy ago

the truth about who and what the people in control believe. the simple fact that they have an inverted culture, and are united. organized. and they despise the ideology of Christians and pretty much anybody who isn't evil like them. its not islam. its not Judaism. its lucefarianism, pure and simple. and they are just as common as Christians.

smokratez ago

jews are the leaders of satanism.


Apply gass directly to face, tranny faggot.

Drstrangegoy ago

why do you think i spend time in there? to understand. and i think i understand something significant now, but would like to talk to someone about it who understands. don't be a dick.

Hlaf4 ago

You are a good person who cares about truth, but any statement questioning president trump’s actions saying something like why doesn’t he tell us x is going to be met with accusations of shilling for the bad guys

Drstrangegoy ago

i'm expecting a huge deception. our enemies LOVE grand deceptions and sleight of hand. its one of their cultural values. I just cant help but feel everyones sliding into a trap. I just want us to pump the brakes a little bit and check out the lay of the land. its not that I don't trust trump. I don't trust hardly anybody.

Hlaf4 ago

I respect that - this world moves so damn quickly for us not in the know. It’s impossible to feel great about the state of the world right now. It seems like so much has to be done in secret and it always sucks being left in the dark. I feel like the country overall is paying attention more to politics now, though without all of the real info we are just reacting to the media spin on the facts. If you’re into Q it does feel good to feel like we’re getting an inside glimpse to some of these moves, but I agree it’s good to be skeptical of any news overall regardless

Drstrangegoy ago

I don't know anything about big things. i'm just here with my wife and my cat. slowly growing older. the relentless chemical attacks have rendered us childless. I've lately taken to listening to clocks because the sound is comforting. reminds me of order and structure, of how those seconds ticking by are the mortar of our lives. ive resolved to enjoy every one of those little buggers. i never thought i'd live to be thirty. or forty. or fifty? no way. that's too far into the future.

KLDB ago

Where are they? everything wrapped in tarps? Construction site?

Ddboomer ago

This is what it looks like over there. Have you never lived overseas or traveled. Even in Asia it looks like this.

KLDB ago

Never traveled to Asia. I went and searched largest cities in Iran. Searched Tehran Streets, Tehran Markets. Nothings looks like this in the video. I search Iranian streets and nothing looks like this. They use white for marking the end of roads.

My question is Where are they?

In Canada we use the same tarps to wrap construction sites to keep the building protected from weather while you are working on the exterior.

Ddboomer ago

Good question,

pancho7 ago


KLDB ago

It's been reported as both.

My question again is still Where are they?

Tandemlee ago

There on the set created to make this shitty video to convince people that Iraq's are happy with the USA's hostile attack on foreign soil. USA USA USA WE LOVE USA OUR SAVIORS

KLDB ago

You know... It's just easier to do good things... rather then going about pretending to the world, that you do good things...

HelloDolly ago

1700 address at 11 seconds

derram ago :

Secretary Pompeo on Twitter: "Iraqis — Iraqis — dancing in the street for freedom; thankful that General Soleimani is no more.… "

This has been an automated message.