DuHast ago

Yes, Operation Ajax took out Mossadegh and installed Shah. Then a grass roots Islamic rebellion rejected the West and their puppet Shah and installed what we have now. How is taking out the Islamic Republic putting the CIA in the crosshairs. ??

K-Harbour ago

Who all in government has Persian connections?


Lisa Page?

tech-adm ago

True, but Trump (as far as I can tell) is no CIA/Deep State stooge, unlike Obama or any other preceding President after JFK. He was responding appropriately to the murder of an American citizen. I applaud his surgical strike and resistance to entering the U.S. into another Middle Eastern quagmire.

Peanuttles ago

Dulles was a devil.

thislionsheart ago

Remember we also killed qadaffi and hussein who both warned about the new world order and were not bad men

4841400209 ago

Had forgotten about the NWO warnings. Also, Osama Bin Laden said Americans would be surprised to find out the truth about who was behind the 9/11 attacks.

Pollycracker ago

George HW Bush

thislionsheart ago

I want you all to know that Hilary Clinton and Rumsfeld also created Al Qaeda and ISIS to destabilize the middle east and I presume that this goes along with your post. This is serious global destabilization shit, for what, to create super pissed crazed muslims who forcefully immigrate every country and rape it?

You do the math, the deepstate already did.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

Iran is the jew created bogeyman

DanijelStark ago

Correct . When you control the cause of problems from both sides - you are at same time the cause and the ... "resolution" .

Notice how many retards here get triggered when Iran is called out . Its easy to fool them , because theyre polarized only into one thought .

As Iran is taken down , the whole ME - and Israel is taken down . Without enemies , the expansion and war efforts are minimized . Plus , watching important economic data ( in particular , Lira plummeting right now ) has a good sign ...

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

A lot of people just think, let's go kill some sand niggers, but the end game is to get white US soldiers to fight white Russian soldiers while jews make money and get whitey eliminated without getting their hands dirty.

DanijelStark ago

Yep . But what if there was a behind cooperation between the USA and Russia on certain happenings ... they would need to keep the illusion of conflict on to fool the "Tribe" . Meanwhile , they would go on with their operations that "Tribe" wouldnt be aware of ...

At one point , the MSM will need to be cleaned GLOBALLY ( no , not just in USA - when you check it , they all pull their roots back to the "Tribe" and Jews ... )

MetaCog ago

The greatest news since the elections. I've not once enjoyed the non-stop propaganda circus for the past 3+ years, but seeing CNN bend over backwards to eulogize this Iranian terrorist has been personally gratifying indeed. CNN pundits are actually scared now, and it shows.

strange_69 ago


Groff ago

Don't forget Britain's involvement.

Doglegwarrior ago

most of us do. the problem with that statement is that the majority 85 to 90% of the population doesnt give a fuck doesnt read doesnt have a clue. if you dont know anout the uss liberty then you know our educational system is so fucked its unbelievble

4841400209 ago

You're correct in that most the population doesn't care and worse, doesn't seem to think it will have any effect on their lives. What's really appalling to me is the number of "highly educated" adults that don't have a clue.

TimberGhost ago

Common sense is a herb, that doesn't grow in every garden.

mac1221 ago

This is why we need to be personally responsible for the sphere of influence each of us has been placed into. We as a society need to quit drinking the Koolaid of placing the education of our most precious resource, our children, into the hands of institutionalized education that turns our children against us and the values we cherish. How many young people within our sphere do we even bother to take the time to reach out to. Believe it or not, there are many who are looking for an adult to invest a little time in them. Just saying...

Doglegwarrior ago

i agree its very difficult with 24/7 entertsinment. i dont have the answers its going to be dystopian future at this rate sadly

kydeplorable ago

I explained that very fact to my wife last night. The current regime are puppets for the black ops side of the CIA.

sunshine702 ago

The used to wear mini skirts in Iran until we overthrew the Shah.

The Cia is a lame deathcult.

sweetholymosiah ago

This is inaccurate. The current Iranian government is a result of a 'revolution' against the installed US dictator.

So yes, the current situation is a result of the initial CIA coup in the 50s, but the '79 revolution is in response to US aggression and is not a direct product of CIA intervention.

Pollycracker ago

Do some reading friend.

sweetholymosiah ago

Anything specific? Care to disagree with anything I've stated so far?

deleteme123 ago

Bingo. Clueless OP.

sweetholymosiah ago

Pathetic how many people upvoted this garbage post.

DanijelStark ago

I am still trying to comprehend how the fuck so many people here on VOAT think that Iran is a "good guy" just because theyre anti-Israel ?

In truth , when was the last time Iran DIRECTLY attacked Israel or Israeli assets in the region ? They always used proxy forces ( Hezbollah ) .

Considering Iran is definitely NOT like it was just several decades ago , but a country fueled by Islamic sectarianism and more hardline Islamic country ( altough , less than some Sunni examples ) , then how the heck can it be a "good guy" ?

Of course that it is CIA creation , ever since overthrowing Mosaddegh , it went into down spiral ...

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You're absolutely right, by chaos on the doorstep of the C_A and the DS is something that we could always use a lot more of. The more they make moves, the more we anticipate those moves and counterattack faster. They're now stranded on a sinking ship, trying desperately to bail the water out while the water is coming in too fast.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Ok well drop Israel and we drop the Iran problem. That means the CIA is heavily or completely tethered to Israel.

WillGreeley ago

Isn't Jimmy Carter the birthplace of Iran's restoration to the 'Persian Kingdom'?

SerialChiller ago

They also installed compliant Presidents here in the United States.

HighEnergyLife ago

So why is john Bolton congratulating the attack?

Doglegwarrior ago

john bolton is one giant deep state george bush era piece of shit chicken hawk who id love to punch in the face.

HighEnergyLife ago

Exactly, so I like being on the other side of his positions

JoustingJesus ago

fuck that guy

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Bolton's a retard who jumps up and yells like Yosemite Sam whenever a bomb or gun goes off so he can rush "aid" to the battle, by which I mean profit off of war.

Swallowdaredpill ago

Because they hope this will start a war.

alphazebra ago

Because neocons like any attack that signals conflict. Means the military-industrial complex companies they are part of make more money. Hopefully this attack was surgical and serves to stop more fighting rather than prolong it.

Big_Plains_Junction ago

Because someone got blown up.

zxcvzxcv ago

Obama's (((white))) grandfather was a bigshot in the cia. Obama sends free cash to iran. makes sense

Moln0014 ago

There is a lot of things the CIA has done, and does, that the general public does not know about.

Dalai_Llama ago

That and UK kikes.

smokratez ago

And who controls the cia? Do jew know that?

DuHast ago

The Jews control the CIA. Long time. They even have a Jewish director now with Haspel.

Stopmotionhistory ago

The plan is coming together I think.

captainramius87 ago


Stopmotionhistory ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPQlXNH36mI that's how. The Q posts are too much now, the dates keep tripping me out. too clever.

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vastrightwing ago

You misspelled israel.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Yeah. We are probably watching another (((movie))).

captainramius87 ago

I dont like this at all.....

Nothing feels good lately.

nevergiveup2them ago

From the strikes success even with the NYT trying to tip off the enemy I think we have the C_A inside the crosshairs. Their coup is not working, they haven't effectually assassinated PDJT, their puppet countries are falling out of their control. Brexit made it through, NK is coming into the world. Last one is Iran and people of Iran have been revolting. Add to that Gina is giving up the goodies to Barr and Durham. I would say by the headlines today we are making them our bitch.

captainramius87 ago

I'm not sold.

Ben Shapiro is happy.

Chances of POTUS being controlled by the zionists has just gone way way up.

Still need to see how everything plays out. But russia is saying this just created tons of problems....

The media has been screaming about iran for a long time.... which leads me to believe I think you're wrong and the CIA isn't controlling iran.

DuHast ago

Fuck yes. You get the Donut of The Day. Zionists, NeoCons, Israelis, Trump, they are all eating the from the same bag of popcorn on Iran.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

But but but but but Trump is Putin’s biatch????? Why would he have pissed off Russia, unless..........he’s not Putin’s biatch! Amazing isn’t it?

rndmvar ago

making them our bitch.

I'm actually hoping for a rope swing set.

mac1221 ago

Very well said. I believe you are correct in that the clowns are in the crosshairs. The ammunition the DS is expending tells us it is getting serious and becoming exhausted. Head on a swivel. Thank you for your comment.

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