skimster ago

This idiot's ex-wife and daughters are getting dicked daily by a nigger sex shaman. If this happens to you, don't go out alone. Be brave for one time in your life and take the cunt and the nigger with you.

drmckoy ago

Is Kevin Spacey trying to compete with the Clinton kill list?

Holcosu ago

I have had the same thoughts as well. There sure have been a lot of suicides. I would really like to think and hope that not all, if any are true. Maybe they are being protected for their testimonies. Q team is not stupid, and I believe they would protect the witnesses in order to “have it all”.

mac1221 ago

Check this creepy Christmas video by Spacey out. Is he trying to say something here?

sunshine702 ago

Creepy....Trying to make a comeback.

No. No. No

TempoNick ago

Maybe Ari was sorry he didn't take Kevin up on the offer.

Hawkerbuff7 ago

How about instead of listing the Suicide Hotline number you put the Pervert Whistle Blower Protection number?

FireSauce ago

Could be. Or maybe because his wife turned into a coal burnerJPG and he said fuck this

Zye17 ago

"Kill them with kindness"????

arbennett ago

we've been had folks

Smallest_Skil ago

Hummmm perhaps that christmas coded video he put out was not directed to trump.

Magill50001 ago

When is a real journalist gonna call out this bull shit. These arent suicides

rickki6 ago


TexasInfidel ago

Ever think why so long between the events?

Pretty clear whats going on so why not zip them all in short order?

Likely tapes have already been made so it would all be revenge anyway

nycpats ago

No woman no cry.

Runspotrun ago

  1. Spacey was just squawking on social media so this is certainly interesting
  2. It shows you the power pedowood has--Ari Behn was an individual of considerable influence, and yet he was taken out to protect Spacey.
    ==> Exactly who is Kevin Spacey that he commands globaly murders on his behalf? Hillary did this but she had political clout. Spacey is an actor. This is nuts.

NewSouthernBelle ago

Spacey is connected to the British royals.

He hinted as much in his Let Me Be Frank video.

Note the cup he drinks from. There's some royal connection.

sunshine702 ago

I think he is C_A Nazi royalty. His dad was.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You can just pay people. When you have a bunch of money, you can also make connections easier than most.

Runspotrun ago

Hollywood stars are not as wealthy as many are led to believe

Cost of living alone in Hollywood is enormous

Second, the victim was likely more wealthy and certainly equally connected

Thus, financial assets are less relevant than social ties and influence

Spacey commands more power than his status as a star in decline would ordinarily receive

sunshine702"s suggestion seems more plausible

SuckaFree ago

Interesting, very, very interesting.

Zadim ago

Spacey doing his Keyser Söze routine again.

PGLiterati ago

So what's the line about Spacey coming out with a vid to mark the year as pretty good? I haven't heard about THIS year's video. Also, what kind of reach does Spacey have exactly?

metricisokay ago

Man all these people with information that could lead to the arrest of high profile individuals sure are a depressed geographic.

MindyBluestar17 ago

This Spacey fag needs a public lashing > hot oil/feathers/feces > days in the sun > place in any field > Satan laughs > animals & insects > vultures > Hell.

( no tar, so as to not hurt the vermin, nor impede them)

Commahorror ago

Hear me out: What, if....

All these suicides are actually witness protection operations to keep them safe to really put a nail in the coffin?

That would be a checkmate moment if all these people with knowledge are in fact alive and protected.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Except the fact hes put 2 videos out and then right after they die

If there werent videos id believe you

NewSouthernBelle ago

It would be cool if the White Hats had them stashed away somewhere.

I doubt it, though -- but it would be great if I were wrong.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Wishful thinking.

spartanW43 ago

Til Valhalla.

I'd like to think (and hope) they're safe and living.

but war, even ones fought with memes and cyber bullets, exact a human cost.

I fucking hope I'm wrong. I do.

MrMysterious ago

Doubtful, only because they are all in enemy territory. I hope for your scenario though.

zerofor4 ago

Enemy territory?

MrMysterious ago

In cabal controlled areas.

rickki6 ago

Oooooh !

dirt_reynolds ago

Wishful thinking.

You have to prosecute to protect witnesses.

Runspotrun ago

Certainly plausible, as this was the likely explanation for the slew of NYPD suicides in one year.

MindyBluestar17 ago

Nice theory

AlphabeticalAnon ago


They know who's targeted and they're getting it to look like the hits are working. That's why when that senator, Linda Collins-Smith was targeted and killed (according to the reality we're supposed to believe) didn't quite add up when she was already talking about being targeted on her social media accounts. She knew she was targeted and the white hats would have had to know about that. The whole shit show of liars (msm) who couldn't decide if she was stabbed or shot. The whole thing about the ex-husband, being an ex-circuit court judge being totally swept under the rug (she had tons of evidence against him) and all of that.

Same with Epstein. And so many entities that would be devastating to the fucking dems and Sorass, and all of them. And then there's Q. Saying constantly that patriots are in control. That they have it all.

No way these people are really dead. Not even Epstein. Who was indeed the #1 target. And they knew he would have a hit out on him. That Hillary would see to it.

mac1221 ago

I so hope you are right - even if just a few of these people are still alive it would be a bright spot. It seems to me though, that the deep state would know if a hit was carried out by their mechanics or not. However, if we were able to successfully get to these people before the swamp creatures could harm them, it would throw these deep state actors into such a panic mode it would explain some of their crazy behavior. Pain is coming.

NewSouthernBelle ago

It seems to me though, that the deep state would know if a hit was carried out by their mechanics or not.

I'm not so sure about that. There is more than one DS faction.

It could be difficult to figure out which group did the hit, especially on someone who 1) made a lot of enemies; and 2) worked for more than one intelligence group.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well their hitmen don't live with the hag of cankle-dom, so how would any of these fuckwits know if the hit was successful or not. Remember those "operators" are standing by and knowing who has the hit target on them and then in turn know who to get out of danger and then report back that all went well and with planeted evidence of some dead body that was never there. Easy to do with white hats being a lot of the cops and so on. Just like the evil scum did with Sandy Hook and so on, this was used against them.

My guess would be that someone had a hit put out on them, and when thought dead, it proved that they weren't dead.

mac1221 ago

Good points.

Trudeaus_Socks ago

As IF Trump (xD chess player who has spoken about the Clinton body count) left Epstein unprotected.

LanJon310 ago

Well said. And think about this - If you had information on some deep state shit right now, would you want to keep it hidden? Seems like those who in the know, and keeping it hidden, are being eliminated.

Maybe they will see that it's time to call Q.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I have info on their asses. And I've been making it very public. They can't come after the whole circle of people I'm with. We are literally what they would call "nobodies" and we were better at cloaking ourselves in the matrix as we've had years of experience in the cyber realms.

They can't touch some of us. I know for a fact they cannot kill Nacky. But that nigger Belinga sure wants to invade people's lives with his psycho maintenance trailer trash who has already, a year ago, mouthed off about their little "secret court" shit. Those lowlife psychos think they will own everything but the DS will have nothing to offer. And those evil pos will be getting wrath from both sides.

Maybe we have secret courts too? But ones that come from the ancient grounds of what useed to be. The trees that were cut but come back with a wrath that will match their size. A secret earth.

amarQ144 ago

so Nacky got protection or just immune?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

She has a "gift".

amarQ144 ago

well that's toe tappers, knee knockers, bread basket, chest cougher, chin wagger, smell boxer, eye blinker, brain thinker, nicky nacky nocky noo, good news!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You know... everything they broadcast on the fake news asshole box (the TV and radio) is one giant spell casting evil pantomine. That's why everything is scripted. To say the exact same words to keep a spell cast over the population.

Being awake, you tune them out. Don't listen and their voice have no power. But they never honed any skills on how to cast words and spells through nature. Nacky has.

lovely1 ago

Source for nypd being stalked?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Several of them stated that they were being followed. Jesus Christ. And no, I'm not going to do your research for you over this. Find it yourself.

blueblur ago

I wondered this about Epstein.

mark7 ago

2 shots to the back of the head? Or did he beat himself to death with a bat? I wish spacey would check out, as well.

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amarQ144 ago

killed'um with love

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

Yeah, right after his creepy video.

amarQ144 ago

prolee jez coinkidink