moderator99 ago

She's getting scared about all the porn she and her many satanist H-wood friends have been creating/collecting/passing around for so long.

Deleting it won't help you. The NSA has it all!

Iam7777777 ago

Its her husband

Martin von hasberg and fetron island. Its been scrubbed. Kipper kids.

NewSouthernBelle ago

Took a long time, but with your cues, I found something:

I noticed her husband looked like a Nazi.

And he's from "Argentina."

BTW, I'm not trashing him when I say he looks like a Nazi.

I love the German people.

He just has this military kind of, well, aura about him. The way he stands. Looks like he's had some kind of training. Maybe it's just from growing up with his father?

He's also a "von," therefore has some kind of nobility background. Unfortunately, that means he's likely some kind of deviant.

Source: have met numerous German nobles.

Niceballsnigga ago

Kamala Harris tweeted she never saw a courtroom where people weren't allowed to testify. That bitch must have been asleep for months.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Nice Gordian knot symbology in the hands.

She was cast as a witch in Hocus Pocus.

Child eaters.

What a stretch huh?

What happens to the Fiddler On The Roof when the house burns down?

pepeledog ago

Who told her this?

dundundunnnnn ago

Why is Bette Midler getting involved? Super fucking weird. You think she's covering for herself or a friend?

dundundunnnnn ago

I see. Thank you.

iam ago

What in the actual fuck.

Shit is seriously about to pop off.

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

“It might be a good idea NOT to look at any of it”.....?

Yeah, this is what an innocent person would say....NOT!!! Your sins are about to be revealed you say. Let’s see it everybody and make it go viral. Send to EVERYBODY - the light is about to shine on the dark deeds of the self-proclaimed elite. How glorious this is going to be. Thanks for the heads up bitch.

GracieTracie2 ago

It’s just wonderful to see the comments. I really enjoyed that. The satanist are feeling the pain

ldsanon ago

Why does the Cabal use these washed-up celebs to pass out their propaganda? Bette Midler? Tom Arnold? Jim Carrey? Alyssa Milano? How do these people live in Hollyweird when they haven't worked a day in ten years? Does the Cabal put them on a "pension plan" and roll them out when they need a spokesperson--without risking the working celebs?

Mad_As_Helll ago

They sold their souls a long time ago, this is all part of the deal

hildberht ago

Add in the shit coming out of DeNiro's mouth. They are shitting bricks now.

Expect them to get more hysterical as Q day approaches.

QCrumbCatcher ago

These subtle panic comments by libs both celbs and politicians actually give a lot of validity to the notion that a major happening is coming. Why else would they proactively draw attention to the subject?

hildberht ago

As long as I don’t see your head it’s all good

sheepdoggie ago

Geraldo Rivera use to date her, maybe he texted her a tic toc ;-)

Heathcliff ago

It's unreal how much she looks like a man in drag.

Aslanisonthemove ago


KueAnaan ago

So then Hocus Pocus was a biography?

Johnnyrockstar ago

This reference to Russia Saudis Kazakh seems to really start to put into focus Khazars. I had doubts but all roads seem to lead to Ukraine or Khazaria.

KueAnaan ago

Weird how she didn't mention Israel in her list of filthy, lying nations

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

So all the hangings will be fake. So do not react. Well, I'm having a drink to celebrate.

The1stLantern ago

How the fuck gives a rats ass what some washed up old boomer actress says on Twitter. Wake me up when FrazzleDrip drops and its Hillary freaking out.

SandyBottoms ago

Frazzledrip, never heard of that before but after a few searches Im disgusted but not shocked.

Leroy_Antoine ago


The regular Joe would have no clue that somebody made fake videos about them and were going to release them.

Joe10jo ago

Major panic!!!! Love it!

SK63 ago

Why the heck is someone as irrelevant as Bette Midler acting as their Paul Revere?

Trudeaus_Socks ago

Many actors are american royalty who choose a “job” of luxury and adoration from the public. Many others are spies who appreciate the excuse to travel, do weird shit, and have cameras all the time.

LettItBurn ago



....we don't forgive.

....we don't forget.

qbabygirl ago

Over the target???

Grizzible ago

Serious question.... What "benefit" is it to Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Etc, to make fake videos of Hollywood pedophiles? Hollywood is disgusting; even if these videos were fake, and we know they are not, they would be doing us a favor. Did Chinese authorities just wake up one day and say, "let's stir up some shit in America. Lets expose degenerate Hollywood of being degenerate?"

iam ago

Every major super power operates on a plan of "do anything you can to achieve total world dominance" without making every other country hate you.

Mad_As_Helll ago

Hollywood could no longer exist without Chinese money, this idiot is biting the hand that feeds her

Grizzible ago

Yeah, would be funny if some of these foreign world leaders would make a statement.

Secret_1 ago

Bette, as a young gay, I used to admire you; ad an awoke patriot I think you are an EVIL CU_T probably into satanism and human exploitation!!!

ManOnFire ago

Betty Boop gives the TRIBE a bad name...

ALIENS2222 ago

Butt Meddler

Scottnaye1 ago

The evil has not gone away from ignoring it; When these "stars" start getting called out at the gas pump and at dinner, they can thank Mad Maxine!

obvoiusly ago

So is there a snuff video with Bette Midler killing babies coming out?

CrocodileDindu ago

Don't know that witchface.

Wheatstone ago

One comment suggested that the picture of the CCTV monitors at Epstein island we all saw was her in the hallway!

This could be worth some analysis guys.

Blacksmith21 ago

You've seen the original Anonymous video about Orgy Island, right?

SandyBottoms ago

Link or GTFO

ldsanon ago

Never saw it. What does it say?

Wheatstone ago

All I found was one of the announcement that the video existed.

Did anything else come out?

Blacksmith21 ago

That is interesting because HRC's shriveled fun bags aren't that big. Even on IR.

Blacksmith21 ago

Those Polish girls...glad I married one.

QBoomBoom ago

Ha! Comments are gold. Her role as a witch in movies was type-casting.

Headhunter1 ago

The wind beneath my ass


Leroy_Antoine ago

The wind between my cheeks.

1Paydaddy ago

She sold her soul to Satan when she played the part of Janice Joplin.

NewSouthernBelle ago

Janice Joplin -- who was a sacrifice to Satan.


That's what the 27 club is about.

The Saturn return is an astrological event.

Satan = Saturn.

I'm not sure how that works, but it does.

Lonegunman65 ago

Wow! I only saw one tweet that you could say were in support of Midler’s tweet. The rest of the patriots are trashing her ass, lol!

VolunteerForTrump ago

Wow, she does sound scared. Something personal perhaps?

Zadim ago


P is for Prison - where they will rot til they are dead

A is for Arkancide - for failing the killary

N is for Noose - that fits around their necks

I is for Indictment - that they know are already coming

C is for Coffin - where their corpses and legacies will decay with the worms

Niceballsnigga ago

None of that rhymes but B for effort

Zadim ago

It is from Up against the walll at Redneck Mothers by Arlo Guthrie. His didn't rhyme either, bht he made a million dollars from his version

Blacksmith21 ago

The new nursery rhyme for 2020 babies. White people need to get banging away.

Zadim ago

I remember a lot of nursery rhymes came in those big picture books, I don't think it would be a good idea in this case!

bdmthrfkr ago

Those comments lol.

ifrikkenr ago

She just Steisanded herself so hard

Blacksmith21 ago

Ironic, isn't it?

AlternateSelection ago

So she's freaking out that vids of her doing some wicked shit may have found its way online? Sweet.

She is a full blown cunt but didn't have her pegged as a pedo too.

TexasInfidel ago

Devine Ms M

Fag loving POS since the 70's.

anotherukanon ago

Well, make it obvious why don't we? She's certainly afraid of something, perhaps of the proof of her own actions in the past. Look at those replies, not one in concern or support for her.

Soon they won't be able to walk down the streets.

e-traiu ago


This will be glorious

akilyoung ago

Amazing. The comments.

markrod420 ago

Holy shit. Are we gonna get frazzledrip or schiff kiddy diddling finally coming out? This is some serious panic. And normally I am very skeptical of claims of "panic".

Blacksmith21 ago

Something's coming out. Dunno what it is, but HRC, Schitt and others have been "Warning" us of "deep fakes" for months...

markrod420 ago

Oh i know that. But this just seems so urgent. Its way more detailed. Usually they just kind of mention it to get us ready. This is like "OH SHIT THEYRE FUCKING COMING DONT LOOK" levels of panic.

DeathToMing ago

here's a trippy thing to contemplate:

it's not frazzledrip - it's actually (dnp is a digital rights filetype)

There is a muppet named frazzle:

Interesting read

markrod420 ago

I dont know that i understand the significance.

DeathToMing ago

yah fair enuf .. it's a bit of a stretch. frazzle is def a thing though and we'll be hearing a lot more about it soon I think

markrod420 ago

I mean it could be that i get. Just dont know what that character might mean. But either way god i hope we catch these people soon.

DeathToMing ago

me too .. burn them in hellfire

I worry how the masses will take this sort of reveal.

How will the average msm sheeple process something like this?

The msm will be yelling it's not true! and the sheeple will think 'thank god for that'

The alternative is too horrific for most people to process .. damn sometimes I can't deal with it myself

Beyond me - how to prepare people for something so bad .. I have no clue :(

markrod420 ago

I just tell em. Flat out. I go, its excessively complicated. Its been years of research. The elites rape kids. I dont have the time and you dont have the interest for me to prove it to you. But if we are lucky, it might come out soon.

DeathToMing ago

it'll be biblical ;)

brettco12 ago

Hoping suicide weekend comes early for betteey

MIDefender ago

All CAPS. kek

markrod420 ago

Maybe she is the all caps kike. Rofl.

DoneWokeUp ago

Wow the Patriots are letting her have it.

JackANorey ago

Excellent. Bill Barr for Nobel Peace Prize

rhanon ago

i make a point of ripping this bitch a new one every chance i can

Wheatstone ago

The comments are clobbering her lol.

Armadino ago

They won't be able to walk the streets? I guess it starts from the comment section...

Cheetah1964 ago

And they are pretty darn funny.

Zadim ago

From a twitter post.

Hey Bette is there any videos out there where you were participating in some horrific rituals? And I think you know what I mean, prison time?


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LadyoftheGoldenRose ago

Huh. This is definitely panic!

tradstew ago

Malicious, disgusting, evil, vile content has been oozing from Hollywood for decades. IT IS a good idea to not view any of its content!!

qbabygirl ago

Cheers to that anon!

amarQ144 ago

Mostly trashy thriller crap. This is different. "Documentary" satanic ritual rape, torture, murder...actual footage they will claim to be "deep fake". The flood gates are about to open. Turns out dozens were playing the "hidden camera for blackmail" game...not just Epstein and NXVIM. Mosad DC, Mosad Hollywood, Secret Societies, Catholic church (did ya think those "confessionals" were private?) H. Hefner...Pay to play. There are two main flavors of blackmail. Voluntary and involuntary. Only one is accepted currency in the game of wealth and power.

captainramius87 ago


Its one of the main pillars of their power.

Mossad and the cabal is PISSED people are figuring it out.

qbabygirl ago

Even 80s movies I percieved as "innocent" are full of satanic agenda. Like good old Tim Hank's in the movie "The Burbs" shows a scene of a nude blonde woman hogtied and sacrificed by men dressed in tribal garb. I remembered it being a funny movie but, I was wrong. Theyre all shit.

amarQ144 ago

An actors whole job is to pretend like they aren't acting...and they will sell their soul for the job. Fame and Fortune.


Look at that big jew schnozz. Never a good sign.

y000danon ago

Why are Jews noses so big?


The_Real_Wahrheit ago

It's a great sign AZ! They can't hide with that big hideous nose! In other words, "they won't be able to walk down the street" soon!!

Yay! Merry Christmas Patriots!

AndyMan_45 ago

Thanks man, now I'm cleaning my computer off.

Patriotknife100 ago

Care for some Streisand Effect, bette? You're about as dumb as babs and Maxine Waters are. Why you screaming so loud in all caps? What do you have to hide?

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Kek kek

derram ago :


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