moderator99 ago


Reagan was weak like Lindsay Graham is.

JoRoy ago

I don’t care what Mazie Hirono said... not all women should be believed.

SCforTRUMP ago

What, ANOTHER FORD with psycho retro retrieved memories?? Nope - never happened!

aumone ago

I do/did - He didn't work AT the hanger-he worked with the people there. He died quite a few years ago. I just wish I had not been so young when he told his stories because now I wish I had listened more. He worked with Wernher von Braun also. He told me that he and Wernher and a couple of other scientists were sending out messages to space.

I tried to find more info on him when I got older but it seems as though much of it has been either purged or was never made public. The only thing I remember about his Area 51 story was that when the crash happened in Roswell, he said he was notified; a car was sent for him; and he and a few other people were flown to the hanger and saw "them"-but he would not go any further with what he saw.

The other thing I remember him telling me was that some day I would be able to put a piece of metal in a glass of water and it will boil immediately. I have no idea if it is true to this day. :) So many stories I wish I had not been too young to understand them. It seems like a waste now.

I'll bet there are a lot of people who heard stories but were too young to appreciate them.

IAMthePie ago

Yes it is. I remember seeing a picture of RR with Richard Nixon and that Oppenheimer guy who invented the nuclear bomb. All three of them standing together at the Bohemian Grove. And I also remember RR shaking Gorbachev hand when the Berlin Wall came down and it was a classic illuminati handshake. Both of these are still on the internets of you look. What does it mean? IDK.

smacl61 ago

I don't think you are reading the drops correctly.

gamepwn ago

Type in Reagan on QMAP. Q praises Reagan.

BulletMagnet879 ago

WTF? If they start telling lies about dead people and piss them off, who the hell will be left to vote for them 20 times per person all with the same SS#?

Runspotrun ago

Q as MI has extensive knowledge and documentation not available to the rest of the world

It is very important to recognize that victims--especially those who have suffered tremendous trauma--even when they are entirely honest can suffer from false memories, memory lapses, and also implanted memories which they sincerely believe but which are not in fact true

My memory is good, but it is not perfect

Ronald Reagan spoke passionately about the unborn, the pain they feel during an abortion etc.

Thus, the likelihood he was involved in molesting children--or in actively seeking to cover it up--is very small

Reagan was an American Patriot who recognized communism as evil

He was an idealist

He was targeted for assassination by Bush Sr. because he was a fundamentally good man who could not be corrupted

Victims suffer a great deal, and merit respect and compassion. However, no one merits treatment as if they were incapable of error

FractalizingIron ago

Yeah, I pretty much agree with this perspective. Well stated.

MudPuddlePie ago

Some sauce I ran across...

Brice Taylor's actual name is Sue Ford, a Beverly Hills debutant, and victim of incest and perhaps Multiple Personality Disorder, now named Dissociative Identity Disorder in DSM-IV. Ford got her degree in psychology before she "recovered" her memories, and perhaps was falsely influenced by reading other people's life stories.

According to Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, in their 2004 book "Access Denied for Reasons of National Security", Ford stole the fictionalized novel from her "ex-roommate" and its ghost writer, Rod Robinson (also a victim of incest and perhaps DID/MPD. Robinson told O'Brien, "I am an author writing a FICTIONAL book on mind control that incorporates much of the information Sue was able to obtain THROUGH HER THERAPIST," (NOT from Sue herself). This book was never about Sue Ford, aka "Brice Taylor". It is more based on the life of Cathy O'Brien, who collaborated on the facts of her deprogramming for which Robinson's novel is loosely based. Ford paid Phillips $500/month rent in return for living with him and O'Brien and Phillip's brain-damaged mother, but Ford claims to have paid Phillips $75,000. After reading Ford's so-called notes of her memories, Phillips wrote, "she either is deliberately perpetrating fraud or is indeed the victim of false memories from her therapists."

O'Brien's daughter is also named Kelly, who was kidnapped into a Satanic cult run by the state of Tennessee, and a Nazi electroshock hospital run by Vanderbilt University, and scheduled for a court-ordered "exorcism by Satanists" (oxymoron). "Laws do not apply for reasons of national security", according to Judge Andrew Shookhoff, ignoring the Tennessee legislature's new law in O'Brien's daughter's name.

When Robinson said he was almost finished writing his novel, Ford replied, "Since my experience was only incest, I guess I have nothing to contribute.... I want my name on the cover." Robinson replied, "If you'll do the legwork on getting the book printed and pay half the printing cost, you can add your name to the cover." "Really? My name can be on the cover of STARSHINE?", she asked. Robinson replied, "Right after mine. You've got the manuscript right there. When you solidify the deal the deal to have it printed, I'll wire you half the money." O'Brien asked her why she wanted to use an alias on the book, wondering why a person with DID would want a new identity. "For legal reasons," Ford replied.

"It never occurred to me, Mark or Rod that Sue would eventually remove Rod's name from his book entirely, ironically change the title to "Thanks for the Memories", and keep all the sales profits," O'Brien wrote. "She plans to release Rod's fiction book as her reality, so she can use mind control as a defense to any crime. We asked her to leave immediately."

So "Brice Taylor's" book is useful, at least for general background on CIA' MKULTRA, and background on O'Brien's first book, "Trance Formation of America". [email protected]

MudPuddlePie ago

Forgot to add that she "recovered" her memories after a head "injury."

MudPuddlePie ago

Brice Taylor's real name is Susan Ford.

aumone ago

I think I have to go with Q especially after watching this video! It seems to have more weight than Brice Taylor! Especially since my step-grandfather worked with Area 51 as well as the Manhattan Project. Many things in this video he implied in his stories to us.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You knew someone who worked in Area 51?

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Reagan's conversion to the GOP coincided with his being put on the General Electric payroll. GE is not controlled by nice people.

FacelessOne ago

Nobody likes the hard truth that all of America's and the worlds, people in positions of power throughout history are evil and corrupt, prone to the worst degeneracy man is capable of.

Ide3o0gicidal ago

Those we've been taught to trust the most.. Ronald Wilson Reagan brought the skills of an actor to the WH. I've also read scandalous and esoteric details about Nancy, but am too undecided about them to transmit. At minimum, the Hinkley attempt successfully cowwed Reagan into submission to HWBush, by all indications.

Anonpath ago

As you state, I can concur. I’ve read that Reagan was forced by the Deep State to accept GHWBush, who had called RR’s plan voodoo economics. Soon after coming to power in 1981, they got this MKUltra nut trying to impress Jodi Foster to assassinate him. From then on he was forced to play ball with the DS. Why did he sign an amnesty bill for illegals without any Dem reciprocity aside from promises? Why did he arm Afghan “freedom fighters” who were really fundamentalist Islamist terrorists? He allowed a Marine Barracks to be destroyed by jihadists, and never struck back, giving us the “paper tiger” image. Our enemy was Iran, but he gave them arms to free hostages and double crossed Saddam, the other power in the region. For a staunch conservative, not much was conserved when his presidency ended.

BigWind ago

MK ultra nut? It goes much deeper that that. The Hinkley clan was pretty close to the Bush clan. 'Ex' CIA director GHW Bush had a son named Neal who hung out with the brother of the attemted assassin. FWIW, Neal was in deep with the savings and loan swindle. These days, the man who attempted to assassinate a sitting president essentially walks free now. The story about Taxi Driver being the inspiration for the failed attempt just 69 days into RR's term was most likely some kind of deep state comms/warning broadcast. And Reagan didn't just play ball, he did everything he was told to do.

It was all a show, much like the one we're watching now.

Ide3o0gicidal ago

Also, re: the S&L scandal; the Keating 5.

Mcnoname. Again.

Ide3o0gicidal ago

Also notable: Bandar "Bush" of 9/11 infamy.

Ide3o0gicidal ago

Iran/Contra pardons.. it'd be nice if I could, in good conscience, trust AG Barr. I'm hopeful, but deeply skeptical.

BigWind ago

Hard to trust Barr indeed. Defending wife-killing sniper Horiuchi pro bono is a huge red flag.

derram ago :

Brice Taylor drops names of her elite abusers - YouTube

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