lorlipone ago

I get the part about aiding china as they operate reeducation camps, but the document he's citing reads like something Terry Davis would have written.

libertarianleeluu ago

"Endangering and Threatening all of the world's citizens, and humanity by misusing and weaponizing Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, 24 Robotics, 5G, Machines, Smart Phones, Smart Homes, Smart Cities, loT's, 25 Holograms, Mixed Reality, Nano-Technology, Cloning, Gen-Editing, Cybernetics, Bio-Engineering, and the creation of a digital Al Brain linked to 26 Google's Search engine with the use and extraction of humanities bio-Metrics 27 data, digital bio-metric codes including facial, voice, health, organ, neural network and body recognition technology. Thus, controlling humanities 28 thoughts, actions, biology, bio-metrics, brain neural pathways,"


"Weaponizing Al by Utilizing humanities bio-metric and social media 7 data and misusing the technology by Controlling the Human Race and its thoughts through Social Engineering and bio-digital social programming by 8 using people's bio-metric systems through Google and Facebooks eco 9 systems, coding, algorithm unfairness, with the use of social media data, their emotions, weaponization of the internet, smart phones, lo T's and computers, 10 thus controlling human thoughts, and humanity at a global scale against their 11 free-will and knowledge. Not informing the public that their dependency on smart phones, is due to frequencies and Artificial Intelligence software 12 emitting from the Al systems and devices that is connecting to the neural 13 networks of humans, creating a symbiotic process, making them a cyborg,


dependent, reliant, controlled and programmed by the products and services provided by Google, Facebook, Alphabet, Deep Mind, Tesla, and Neuralink. 15 In essence, putting the entire human race in a state of pet and owner


relationship, via their bio-metrics, biology, and digital selves neural network operating systems. The Owner being the Artificial Narrow Intelligence, other 17 Al forms, provided by the defendant's companies, organizations and personal


initiatives within their companies and Machine Software's operating inside the bio-metric systems of human beings."


QCad ago

If anything, this document clearly reveals that these companies have contributed specifically to human rights abuses and worse. They have contracted and collaborated with an oppressive government to undermine and enslave/torture it's citizens. They've taken an active role in oppressing a people. These companies have sold their humanity in exchange for wealth. They are the enemy of many.

On a related note , as a general rule the blind public has widely assumed that the majority of google and facebook and any other popular social platforms revenue model is mainly based on advertising revenue. I know. Blind and dumb are forever married to one another. But blanket acceptance that those huge dollar amounts could come from ads is stupendously ignorant. Even finding out that our data was being sold couldn't connect the dots for most of us.

Who would pay that much for random pieces of information? But to be allerted to the fact that these companies were contracting and conspiring with evil regimes to terrorize, capture, enslave and murder its citizens goes far to explain their huge wealth.

This suit is the beginning of connecting the dots for many many people who are unaware.

Thanks to control of our media this info will be slow to disseminate.

A light needs to be shined on the claims in this document.

praying71 ago

Document is linked on this page:


akilyoung ago


Cyrus Parsa

POTUS has been equated to King Cyrus, almost like a second coming of Cyrus (though imho, he is more like the return of many of the Biblical characters to freed the captives historically)

Last name, Parsa:

parsa (Noun) A Hebrew measure of itinerant distance: one parsa is about four kilometers, approximately the distance a man can walk in 72 minutes

Theres that number again... 72. hints at 1947, the most pivotal year in human history, also the 72 second WOW! signal from space in 1977, which is also the year the GREAT AWAKENING was announced on a hacked television broadcast signal. (among MANY other things)...

Very interesting name, I suspect it is an alias, or if not, the individual must have an interesting story...

akilyoung ago

Whelp, this just proved my decode from a few days ago!

Notice all the ties in the linked Q posts to 'big tech'...

And if THAT is in fact an accurate decode, then the part (in the extended section in the comments) about Hussein retaining council is accurate too!

See here... tie it all together, paint the picture!


Qanonplus1 ago

Comment from twitter;

This case is not written in the formal format of most filings. This was actually filed, but in my opinion, may be the work of someone who doesn't know what they're doing. Which means easily dismissed.

Qanonplus1 ago

This is too good to be true.

Read the entire thing.

Doesn't seem to be written in strict professional legal terms.

I question it.

Where was this found?

Qanonplus1 ago

Why would a jewish college tell on itself?

Far2Long2 ago

Are you new here?

The Beast is obligated to disclose his plans so as not to violate the universal law of free will. This is the reason false flags are made to be obvious false flags.

xtalbluedolpin2 ago

Geez! Ya Think!!!

ALIENS2222 ago

look at the school hosting it... scu.edu. Notice anything?

AlternateSelection ago

Ho Lee Fuk. !!

Far2Long2 ago

Wi Tu Lo!

Chasmaniac ago

Sum Ting Wong!

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Hory sheit

ALIENS2222 ago


Santa Clara University

The Jesuit University in Silicon Valley



ALIENS2222 ago

No response on this on Qresearch... Just sayin'

hg74rhyd9 ago

So I see he's only looking for about 99% of Google's, Facebooks, Alphabet's net worth plus the net worth of the CEO's, owners etc, plus half of Elon Musk's net worth (though he seems to offer the possibility of a settlement or other arrangement with Elon if he's willing to talk).

That's a lotta dough he's gunning for.

hg74rhyd9 ago

Who's the guy bringing the charges? IMO it likely won't get very far unless the feds are behind this, and I see no mention of that. Still, hopefully this stirs things up a bit, these are huge charges.

ALIENS2222 ago

https://youtu.be/LOCrifB3EDM THIS GUY https://www.scu.edu/ From this JEWISH school. https://files.catbox.moe/vpf1q8.png Responses like this from the chan. This is a bullshit document made by jews/iranians. That is all

hg74rhyd9 ago

I'll answer myself here, from the document:

Cyrus A. Parsa is the Founder and CEO of The Al Organization, Loyal

Guardian Security and The Social Programming Institute. All created to assist

19 in making our society safer and better. Cyrus has a Bachelors in International

20 Security & Conflict Resolution, and a Master's Degree in Homeland Security.

He is an expert in China-Iran affairs, and has consulted on Human-Organ 21 Trafficking, Anti-Terrorism, Vulnerability, Risk, Asset Management and

22 Emerging Threats to governments, agencies, people and organizations. He

23 lived in the mountains of China with fighting monks as a youth. 20 years of

hidden research, and development, with a network of thousands of Chinese

24 and Westerners, allowed for great insight into the threats we face from China,

25 Iran and the Western corporate inter-connectivity. Cyrus's discoveries have

led him to coin the new concepts of "The Al Global Bio-Digital Network, The

26 Human Bio-Digital Network, Bio-Digital Social Programming, Bio-Digital

27 Hybrid Sexual Assault & Micro-Botic Terrorism" to explain how the dangers

28 we face, and all the trouble we find ourselves in, are rooted in these almost

imperceptible elements that are now connecting with Al, Society, Smart Phones, loT, and Robotics through one platform. Within this platform, Cyrus

2 found extinction codes. He is the author of Artificial Intelligence Dangers to

Humanity & Al, Trump, China & the Weaponization of Robotics with 5G"

akilyoung ago

Isnt it ironic that many people say that POTUS is the 'second coming of King Cyrus'? What are the odds...?

Witsend ago

Ya see, just anyone can file a suit like that. . .Is what I expected to say.

RedPillMAGA ago

Hoooooooly shit!!!!! This is yuuuuuuuuge!

hg74rhyd9 ago

I just started reading the document, but uh... wow? Would be great if we could verify some of this stuff.

ALIENS2222 ago

Jew school.

mark7 ago

Idk, a lot of misspellings. Seems too good to be true.

HelloDolly ago

Fake. First of all it's got a civil case number so it's not a criminal case. Second, the formatting is all wrong for a federal court filing. I could look up the case number in that district but too tired. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

RussianGoyBot ago

is this it?

RussianGoyBot ago

violation of Article 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Genocide Convention

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/peterma00955950/status/1208530756160688129 :

Trump45in2020 on Twitter: "This is Huge. Look at the defendants on the left. Google, FB, Deep Mind Inc, Tesla, Alphabet Inc, Zuckerberg, EMusk.

2 complaints on RT from victims of ...... read the charges below.

It’s Starting.… /dg77QUU593"

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