CMAnon ago

Are those girls and snowflakes supposed to be Antifa? Obviously Hollywood has no clue and people who watch that thinking it would resemble reality have none either.

TheInfoManCT ago

Regarding the movie clip...since I had no context, I could not tell who is fighting who. Could not tell who were the good guys and the bad guys so to speak. I would kinda like to know and also how the movie ended.

quick_and_dirty ago

Brother, I want to thank you for doing the work of organizing these clips and posting them. Thank you. My comment is not meant in any way to disrespect you or the work you are doing.

The scene from Bushwick where the girls and strangers are rushing armed troops using small arms is pure Hollywood. I think they were trying to create a more dramatic version of Euromaidan. A civil war will probably kick off with protestors being shot, however once a civil war starts, everyone goes home, hides their guns, starts to plan and coordinate and what begins is a slow low-kinetic drawn out period of surreal modern live mixed with violence and treachery. Believe it or not, people will go to work during the civil war. It will not be some sort of force on force battle. It will resemble something like Iraq, not Ukraine. We don't have access to arty and tanks. We have access to small arms only, not even light machine guns. All explosives will be homemade from chemicals in the garage.

The reason the tempo will be low is because we're incredibly well surveilled electronically. If you go buy potassium nitrate at the store during a civil war, or cat litter and sugar to make rockets you're going to be in a database. Every one of us who own NFA items will be in a database. They know who we are and will know what we're doing. Most American cities won't look like Ramadi or Fallujah, they'll look like Baghdad. Life as usual except when it's not. The difference is Iraqi's didn't use digital tech for every aspect of life so it was harder to find and track people.

Every night we took what intel we had and kicked in doors. Usually we found nothing. Lots of people will get raided and be afraid. People in your neighborhood will turn on you and sell you out, even just because they have beef with you. If you were posting Boogaloo memes you can bet you're getting your door kicked in. It will take a long time and move slow but eventually they'll find you.

I had more strict ROE in Baghdad than most cops have in the states. If you want to charge riot police over open ground holding a gun they're going to open up with automatic weapons. It'll be a blood bath. Conversely every one in America has a deer rifle in the closet. Snipers are terrifying and will be our only tool to deny access. Men with a broken down rifle in a backpack, no ID no cell phone, will be the only thing that can win the Boogaloo.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

That's a good description, Patriot, but that assumes that the Evildoers are the ones kicking down doors and the Patriots are watching their backs. I think the reverse is also possible, and it better damn well be so!

quick_and_dirty ago


Qd4Action ago

People advocating for a second civil war are idiots and should not be listened to. The elites want a civil war and are our enemy not our fellow man. Remember this.

I don't see many advocates of a Civil War around here - only comments that assert a second Civil War is inevitable. I don't see the 'government' fighting, I see liberals and Patriots fighting with the government trying to intervene.

As sickening as things like HRC - Uranium One, Benghazi, the Russia Hoax, and the 'Secret Empires' type corruption coming to the surface, I don't think those are the things that are going to make Americans fight one another. This movie, which I haven't seen, appears more like a second Revolution, not Civil War. I don't think there would be a second Revolution but the march to progressivism may very well set off a second Civil War.

My unit would be better tactically-trained and led than those depicted in this movie.

quick_and_dirty ago

If you're smart your unit would never set foot in the open. Snipers and IED's rule the civil war.

Charlesmelissa ago

Sotos and the UN want a second civil war. That way they can take control and force us to disarm and become part on the new world order. They will move in when the fighting starts and the Democrats will welcome them since that is what they want, us disarmed and under their forced control.

Revodude2 ago

The dems should thank President Trump everyday because he is the only reason that they are alive. For now.