jamesjames ago

See also JEDI & new advances in AI recent

OsoCovfefe ago

We were told long ago the Enemy used games to try and hide, same/same as bathroom servers and such things. As Q says, those people are stupid. It is all trapped, Akbar was correct again.

Just Do It Q!

rhanon ago

Hillary plays as Palpatine. "Losing to Trump...has left me scarred and deformed, but my resolve to destroy the american people...has never been STRONGER"

Johnny_Ninja ago

Apparently the Star Wars franchise is illuminati to the core, always has been. How fitting.

Systematicparadox ago

the funny thing is when i saw the post i was thinking"why is Q mentioning starwars? then i realized H-O-L-Y fuck they are using comms through star wars and when i got here, everyone here is confirming that they are switching their comms to SW. damn these people are duuuuuuummmmbbbbb

EastCoastMinion ago

this is so stupid- no one is using the star wars game for comms- you fucking morons will believe anything. The ironic thing is that the Star Wars game is probably 100 times for secure that 8KUN.

Qdini ago

It's documented that terrorists these games to covertly communicate. What makes you think the corrupt Cabal isn't


Lisa Haven video regarding Video game chat logs....go to 2 min. 57 sec.


WillGreeley ago

So, they have insiders in the WH, State Dept, CIA, DOJ, Pentagon sending classified info, msgs, warnings, around the world??

WillGreeley ago

Please explain - is the cabal sending msgs of threats against POTUS and family members? or msgs of instructions of what to say or do in situations?

What sort of msgs are they sharing? Their 'plans' for the media?

Need enlightenment of info.

Qdini ago

It's how the cabal coordinates their attempted coup

WillGreeley ago

Yes, gotcha. But, what do they tell each other to do? Like what can they possibly communicate about that hasn't already been said?

Moldy-Locks ago

are you really that dumb? That are attempting a coup and need to communicate undetected because their phones and email they know for sure are being monitored.


NCIS called out game comms in 2009.

Dead Reckoning

TV-14 | 44min | Action, Crime, Drama | Episode aired 31 March 2009

Gibbs meets Perry, who says that he launders dirty money for Siravo, the head of the mob; Perry asks for immunity. Perry tells how to reach Flores, Siravo's second-in-command, with whom he communicates real-time via the chat room of an online game;



So basically, Comey used this tweet to call a meeting on the starwars game, and the setting is on the Forest Moon of Endor?


Then Comey goes on to say that COMMS are still up and hes waiting for an answer?



But weeks prior, the Kushners troll Comey with this tweet?


Am I understanding this correctly?

Qdini ago

I like your thinking!


Q called out Game comms a long time ago that NSA had them covered. I guess Comey didnt get the memo. These PPL R Stupid.

Barsoomian ago

"Rebellion or Empire?" [Q3602] They already call themselves the Resistance, so I imagine they also see themselves as the Rebellion. Even though they are certainly the entrenched Empire.

Systematicparadox ago

so does that make us the mandolorians???

swamph8r ago

This message was specifically for James Comey referencing his 13 Oct 2019 twitter message where he switched his comms to Star Wars.

99% chance he is shitting himself right now. Probably just enacted his New Zealand plan.

Moldy-Locks ago

I wonder what they were using before SW.

RakerKey ago

Hence Comey's Star Wars figures

MudPuddlePie ago

"Hence Comey's Star Wars figures."

Nice catch.

Qdini ago

We promised never to take them down

AUSAFVet ago

Pray Medic****As I stated yrs ago..AND I am sure my comments/warnings are out there. Plants vs Zombies was a pretty cool game (for a while) but then "Players" came on the scene that would not participate in the game..When I noticed this I focused on the "Verbal" of them..they were not "playing" just talking(islamic) /in a corner or a side portion of the game that no one (kid) would pay attention. I killed a bunch but they would come back and play for a while before jumping to a higher level that most players couldn't get to..

(For those that want to bitch..I know the dialect..just not the words)

AUSAFVet ago

!!!!!!Systems are going out in PA. East

Qdini ago

Which systems??

AUSAFVet ago

was tv comcast..claims was an upgrade

AUSAFVet ago

TV Radio

Qdini ago

Hi @AUSAFVet, are your TV and Radio back up?

AUSAFVet ago


AUSAFVet ago

Lost TV and radio for 2 hrs said it was an "upgrade" but didn't effect my neighbors

swamph8r ago

Can you imagine those who just realized none of their comms have been secure?

Flip, run, or self eliminate.

PygmyGoat ago

A game owned by Disney. Go figure.

Lauraingalls ago

They can't hide. Q finds them.

JackANorey ago

Better still, Q knows all about it.

moderator99 ago

Q hinted at this before.

MudPuddlePie ago

Excellent, t/u.

MrIgnition ago

Remember Comey in that photoshoot surrounded by star wars toys set up to look like Dealey Plaza, Dallas?

fireantsinyourpants ago

Wow. so they’re just figuring out what gamers have known for as long as there has been online games? “Military Intelligence” indeed.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I have Popeye forearms.

AO28-1 ago

Isn't that nice? They are able to take some time out, relax and play a game after a hard day of resisting.

maaaxheadroom ago

Real terrorists do all their plotting in Diablo.

joeneesima ago

Oh, how the mighty have fallen...

This is both hilarious and pathetic.

Systematicparadox ago

you would think theyd set up better comms towers or something but to think we almost wouldve been ruled by these freaks.

rickki6 ago

Thanks QD love jumping on while making a chocolate cake and seeing this post

Qdini ago

bakers are baking!

rickki6 ago

Ok cake came out a little dry BUT the cream cheese frosting is INSANE!! Best one I have made. I will stick with my chocolate zucchini cake....it’s sooo moist! The zucchini is tasteless and brings the moisture

Qdini ago

Excellent work Baker!

rickki6 ago

Fun-e! I will let u know how the cake comes out. Cream cheese frosting . Kinda a vegan cake too. Not 100% tho lol. I used regular butter and all organic

Qdini ago


OobieDoob ago

FBI has been all over this since early Planetside 2. Other groups have probably operated there since Ultima Online. Certainly in the 70's there were common intrusions into mainframes, which often conducted message boards.

Essentially the games which have a "proximity voice" chat are the hardest to police. You don't necessarily have any specific information about how much people talk to one another specifically when it is a shared vehicle/squad voice chat.

So like everything else, the NSA and others have backdoored the shit out of these games. I suspect Sony sold off the game when the government started to make onerous backdoor and comm channel snooping changes.

drhitler ago

Even quake? that has the source released, surely there would be backdoor code in that about the in-game comms?

OobieDoob ago

The Government is always around 20 years behind. Also the bandwidth requirements for their snooping was/is significant. Those games had up to 16 players in short matches. There may have been special operating groups using them for communication or data sharing. However in my understanding there wasn't an actual permanent working group until MUDs developed fully into MMO's.

Fancy451 ago

back in 07 there were rumors eve online was being used for something similar.

MrIgnition ago

One of the guys that got killed in Benghazi was online when it all kicked off

anotherdream ago

Wonder if the writers for House of Cards knew about this? - Remember Frank always staying up late and playing video games? He wasn't just playing games, he was communicating secretly with his people.

I don't watch the show anymore, but I did watch the first few seasons with my wife. But this just came to mind when I read this Q post. The truth is stranger than fiction.

inhimwu1 ago

They sure did. Hollywood has many ways of communication to the cabal as well as grooming children for evil.

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Qdini ago

Surely they do. Apparently there is an LA C_A office that gives info to the TV cabal.

Goldenhawk ago

AF base Lookout Mtn. LA CA.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Don't forget Comey's tweet with all the Star Wars toys set up on the floor!

Busangirl19 ago

Symbolism will be their downfall

God bless you Patriot

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Thank you, and may you and yours be blessed, as well. 🙏

HighPlainsDrifter1 ago

Indeed Patriot. Bet that was Comey's comm for all involved to log on and check in.

USAMatters ago

sounds like that was the go plan. pathetic they are using children's games to communicate.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

I just said that in a reply to Qdini! Here's hoping Q got 'it all'!

Qdini ago

It was on the front page of the New York Times weekend edition. He wants to take down POTUS:


WinOneForTheQuipper ago

My old brain thanks you for the sauce. Makes me think that picture was a tip for a meetup and Q just might have caught Comey doing some plotting in the on line game comms.

MIMI1999 ago

YES! TY for reminder.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Wonder if Comey was on those game chats.....

Vascodegecko ago

There assholes really are faggot.

celestial-skylord ago

Wouldn't be surprised. I remember way back in 2010 or something there was a story about terrorists (or maybe "terrorists") using WoW for communication.

DrumpfBTFO ago

Yea, would make sense.

Using WoW, or similar services seems unsafe, but theres too many messages/data going back and forth, that there's no way to track it all, unless you know where to look. There was the case where someone stumbled upon a discord(?) group which seemed to be DS, they were talking about Mueller before he was appointed as head of the Russia-investigation, the group was palpatine's revenge or something.

Smokybubbles ago

The force is not leftist.

RainDrops ago

Terrorists Using Gaming Technology to Communicate

Video: https://nbcnewyork.com/on-air/as-seen-on/Terrorists-Using-Gaming-Technology-to-Communicate_New-York-350777561.html

The deep state is too!

In Prime Video's Jack Ryan Season 2:

[C_A] Jack Ryan figures out that the terrorists communicate via the instant-messaging system on a multiplayer video game.

USAMatters ago

. . . and the DS murdered tom clancy . . .

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Hopefully 2020 is going to be a "very bad year" for Disney and all their ilk!

USAMatters ago

yes, disney is one of the most terrible organizations on earth. a while back (when my children were young), I really started to tune into the "disney brainwash". the most horrific thing that can happen to a child is to lose the protection of loving parents. in so many of disney's movies, one or both parents are killed then real evil comes onto the children. i actually stopped having disney movies available. started to watch documentaries with the children. started going to farm team baseball games, joined a bicycling club for families and just got everyone outside as much as possible - even in winter - lots and lots of layers to keep us all warm. we made it through.

as Christians were are not supposed to hate, but i have been expanding the things i can do to help take down the cabal and disney - i am working on it more and more each day.

Psalm67 ago

I’m not a parent but have always thought bringing up kids in this age and also protecting/strengthening them against the increased evil all around seems increasingly daunting. Children are a blessing and you are amazing. Doing it right for their sake and the future of America. God bless u Patriot and all other great parents fighting for your children’s souls.

Systematicparadox ago

I thought about this but I gotta find the right woman first before anything else lol

FractalizingIron ago

To reject and judge (destroy) evil is not hate. It is righteous love.

This is what divides good and evil.

Evil says: all violence is hate (except when we do it).

Good says: violence belongs to the Lord. Sometimes force is necessary to resist evil.

Keep working on it USAM. God needs many, many hands in this fight, and its HIS family we are fighting for.

USAMatters ago

thank you :)

ideologicidal ago




Disney Interactive







Windows Phone


August 23, 2014

oddlike777 ago

RIP Windows Phone

Burn in hell Disney.

Qdini ago

Aaaah. Club 33.

Lonegunman65 ago

You know, when my kids were young we would go to Disneyland 2X a year and I would look into what it would take to become a member of club 33. Now that I’m awake, the whole Disney dynamic makes me sick to my stomach.

Busangirl19 ago

What's club 33? Masonic symbolism?

INK9 ago

It's a private club at Disneyworld and Disneyland. You have to be a Mason to join and apparently it's not cheap. From what I recall, the one at Disneyworld is somewhere on Main Street in the Americana section (or whatever they call it).

Lonegunman65 ago

Correct. The one in Disneyland is in Orleans Square by Pirates of the Caribbean.

Snailracer ago

There's a private upstairs buffet near pirates with a view of treasure island. It's something like 50k a year to belong. The address on the door is 33.

Busangirl19 ago


Shiftworker1976 ago

I probably went to Disney World 10 Times. Did a cruise too Glad I'm awake now. Makes me cringe and I'm the crazy man now that follows Q, Knows JFK jr. is alive. 450,000 federal indictments will take down Pedowood and our Government Other than that having a blast. We Will Win This War. WWG1WGA

Lonegunman65 ago

Amen to that patriot! I’m in the same boat. My family thinks I’m crazy for not wanting to visit Disneyland anymore.

Shiftworker1976 ago

I feel we have been chosen to learn this truth The Great Awakening. Q The Plan to Save the World (EPIC) We Are Q now. Flyn's digital soldiers. We must take the stand when we learn the truth we must convey the info to all. Trump and John are praying for US to have there back. We need them and They need US. Stay strong Patriot You will now be in my prayers. WWG1WGA

Anonpath ago

When Trump won election in 2016 it was almost a year after the new Star Wars sequel trilogy came out, which featured new good guys who were called “The Resistance”. Almost immediately my Twitter feed filled with people using the Rebel/Resistance sign with a safety pin as their avatar, calling themselves the anti-Trump resistance. George Takei and JJ Abrams started Trek against Trump. Everywhere you turned SW was being co-opted into anti-Trump propaganda. Now it makes sense why.

Systematicparadox ago

you know let go on and troll these people

Proudarmygal1 ago

This is one of the most blatant, terrifying, and seditious things I have ever seen in my life. As a former nsa analyst, I am so devastated to see the level of hatred and evil from so called government behavior. I believe this is a turning point. Get ready 🍿🍿🙏🏽🙏🏽

Qdini ago

We salute you and thank you for your honest duty!

WezeBWoke ago

I guess one of the real questions is which Dem Is playing the Jar Jar Binks character?

FractalizingIron ago

Not to mention that Disney recently acquired the SW franchise. Another reason to doubt the rebel alliance.

Always the Cabal projects and inverts the truth.

Ddboomer ago

I’m finding many movies that illustrate reality. Like one big movie. Matrix much.

amarQ144 ago

"We will build a new branch of the military...The Space Force"

Invicta ago

Interesting. Space Force. Wow! Lightbulb on! The true Force awakens. What animates our corporeal body is the Force or in Christianity, Spirit/pneûma (Jhn 4:24 God = Spirit — there is no "is" in the original Greek). Christ Jesus (CJ) brings the Spirit (called the Mediator 1 Timothy 2:5-7), that is, CJ sneaks Spirit past the evil Satanic dudes. They only want the flesh (evil), not the Spirit. CJ kicks ass.

the_Green_Chain ago

And "greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world." They (evildoers) call upon Satan for help. We have all we need with the Spirit of the living God in us. Evil can destroy the body, but it cannot destroy the soul. Evil loves power and control here on earth but we are pilgrims here and the world and all on it will burn. They fear us because we do not fear them. -Stay Free

INK9 ago

Hmmm. I wondered about that

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Ah no wondeer SW just went to complete shit.

Invicta ago

My impression with horrible stink included. I could NOT stand Rey, a fucking Mary Sue — no character arc. SW has been ruined beyond repair by the feminist-commie-psychobitches. I hope the Mandalorian kicks ass.

illuminalto2 ago

If you're giving your money to these people you are daft.

Just search 123movies or couchtuner and you can stream it for free - stay handy with the adblocker/no script and you're fine

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yeah the Rey character and basically all the other characters, INCLUDING the Han, Luke, and Leia characters just seemed to come back as totally different people. They weren't themselves. It wasn't the age either, although that was fucked-up because they were presented as their former inside selves. They were ripped out of some evil hairbrained unimaginative clusterfuck.

The ONLY characters that remained themselves was R2D2 and the only new character that actually HAD any personality, and that I loved, was BB-8.

If you're going to write a tragic character or two, goddamn give them some personality or humility. Something human. Something that shows the downtrodden as they would really be. Rey came off like some female cop in the acamady who just happened to have all these power and the force and yack yack yack.

But what started all this bullshit was George Lucas himself with all these horrible prequels. There was no character in any of those either. Obi Wan started to show promise of an interesting character but just went flat. Really flat. And the one character that had any true acting ability was Qui Gon Jin (spelling?) but yeah, they killed him off in the first movie.

Invicta ago

Star Wars doesn't wear its philosophy on its sleeve but it's there. It goes without saying but conflict is a constant. Early on we found in SW a story of tragedy, courage, and redemption. So what happened to this saga? Has it just become a reflection of what is going on politically in America? Those who are destroying SW, scene by scene, represent the forces of corruption and evil. They wish to destroy America. And there are the fans who detest what is happening to SW. They represent the patriots who are willing to defend the Republic against all odds. It's coming to the final battle.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I recall the last installment, the big evil pos demon fucker gets his ass handed to him by Han's kid, forget the name but he's the evil kid dude who wants to be like Darth Vader.

And he outright kills the big Soros demon slimefuck. That alone was a message to their (((masters))) and this "new generation" of DS wants all the power, they don't want to share it.

When the bigwigs who are currently in charge now realize how many of their lapdogs are flipping, this is probably the show Q talks about. Ad nauseum.

Lurky_McLurkmoar ago

Disney bought it

October 30, 2012

Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm Ltd.

Global leader in high-quality family entertainment agrees to acquire world-renowned Lucasfilm Ltd, including legendary STAR WARS franchise.


amarQ144 ago

and Fox News too

Allin4q ago

No. Disney bought Fox entertainment division not the news division.

amarQ144 ago

Fox News is an entertainment company

grannyluvsq ago

Fox New is owned by the Fox News Group, which itself was owned by News Corporation from 1996–2013, 21st Century Fox from 2013–2019, and Fox Corporation since 2019.

RussianGoyBot ago

Disney ruins everything. But hey disney+ has so much to choose from.

turkeylurker ago

Agreed. It is absolutely unwatchable now.

tar_daddy1 ago

many of the episodes build up to a big battle then dumb award ceremony at the end


AmazingFlightLizard ago


The Mandalorian is good shit, so far.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Yeah and true to the original somewhat

MinstrelBoy ago

The Mandalorian is cliche rubbish.

Hyaku-Shiki ago

Stop giving Disney money. They buried the Epstein story.

DickTick ago

almost fucking everybody buried the Epstein story, so if you're going to go by that rule then you pretty much need to live off the grid with no power or water

AlphabeticalAnon ago

It's so twisted and there's no imagination. There is something coming from far off though that will eclipse anything that SW ever offered. A story about the Star Rangers.

Qdini ago

Didn't know that. Thanks!!

Qdini ago

We have it all!

User7867 ago

Scrubbing their servers (again) doesn't help either. Closing the barn door after cow gets out.

Sc4bbers ago

Someone probably infiltrated their guild or clan or whatever you would call in this SW game.

Or perhaps this does evade normal nsa surveillance...

But not if you go through the gaming server with a fine comb...

Lots of ways they could have been comped.

duhiki ago

If it's using the internet, it's getting intercepted.

Moldy-Locks ago

You figure the team is watching quite a few "players".

They see Nellie Ohr just downloaded the star wars game. She sends an invite over to Comey and others.

But my question would be how did they expect to not get figured out?

Sc4bbers ago

Like I said, unless you knew where to look and we’re combing the gaming servers w a fine comb...

It might evade standard nsa surveillance.

If you’re using text functions within the game it would be easier to track but there’s lots of ways they could have communicated indirectly w/ in games.

For example, if you were to play the game rust you could communicate in game with a select group by using signs within the game. The game server would have no way of encoding the message on the signs in a legible sense because it’s not text data (you can airbrush etc.).

It’s possible that they figured out this kind of a comm strategy that DID evade nsa collection.

But If you knew where to look you could infiltrate the actual game or potentially do something more advanced to decode such a message through server side data.

HelloDolly ago

The "if you knew where to look" is intriguing. I think Team Trump probably still has embedded white or red hats.

INK9 ago


OpakapakaCaca ago

Maybe Barron......

PtCPt ago

Good call, one I'd not thought of.

amarQ144 ago

all those satellites Musk launched...kek

numina18 ago

They've been reduced to being gamers in a basement.

bamadeplorable420 ago

and impeachment games in the basement.

OpakapakaCaca ago

That explains why we have teenage/ 20 something incels committing these "mass shootings". Gamer comms...

JackANorey ago

Testimonies of liddleschiffs STAR Witnesses in the basement WAR room with the consoles out.

I bet it wasn't just joysticks liddleschiff was wiggling.

Chasmaniac ago

What's hilarious is that they think they're being so clever about it. Truly hilarious.

KarlKastner ago

Q Team should throw up the Punisher "Now Comes The Pain!" meme onto the screen when they make their comms. And record their reactions!

I'll buy the Blu Ray compilation.

the_Green_Chain ago

After intel is gathered. One need not ruin a pipeline of intel for an "In-your-face" act.

KarlKastner ago

That might depend on timimg. There could be a use for it. It could cause the target to hastily move to an alternate means of communication that you don't yet know about.

I'm sure the Q Team weighs all possible scenarios. My suggestion was with intimidation or flushing them out in mind.

WezeBWoke ago

Good idea, under the punisher logo have the phrase “apology accepted captain Needa“

Anonymous754 ago

I like this idea :)

USAMatters ago

absolutely a great idea!