comprametu ago

Amen! God is gracious and just.

Torc ago

Researched the you tube link in this post and come across this thread.

Since Trump was elected President, the legislative session has ended and begun on the same day, Providing non-stop immunity for Reps and Sens. Is that awesome? Just use the Constitution as a cover to escape criminal prosecution!

It is possible for POTOS to use his powers under Art2-Sec3 and force adjournment of Congress. At that time, the session would end and so would immunity.

Jan 6 is Epiphany=Epiphany seeks the devoted-3301

USN7480 ago

Has anyone been able to open the link in drop #3593? I keep getting "Cannot be found."

Qdini ago

You must use TOR

dalatecht ago


veteran88 ago

My armor is contempt

My shield is disgust

My sword is hatred

In the God Emperor's name let none of the enemy survive.

HelloDolly ago

The Hunger Games symbol looks like the Q post to me. Looks like a Q actually. Tried to find out about the author but not much information about her personal beliefs. The Hunger Games always struck me as having extremely conservative themes though. Thoughts.

Black_beauty7 ago


One of my favorite verses in the bible♡

Put your full armor on folks. We need to be prepared at all times.

Dustcutter ago

Honestly, this seems like a generic post. Easy post for a Q impostor. I'm not convinced this is the original Q. But that's just me.

lightmeup77 ago

Chills up the spine.

We are ready.



derram ago📁 :

Future World Music - Victory Of Life (Volume.11 Preview - early 2011) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

4freedomsring ago

St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray.

And do thou, oh Prince of the Heavenly Hosts,

By the Power of God,

Cast into hell Satan, and ALL the evil spirits, who PROWL about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

MindyBluestar17 ago

Pray to God through Jesus. Never are we instructed to pray to the Saints nor to Mary...never. The only way to the Father is through His Son. Period.

Catholicism teaches lies and falsehoods.

They are deeds-based, paying $ to the church for someone's release from non-existant Purgatory. Faith LEADS to deeds, but deeds in themselves do not save. God needs nothing except our belief in His Son, faith and obedience to His Word made flesh.

36963 ago

The purgatory is real but the church would not save anybody. Our own actions, retrospection, doing good and believing in the true savior Christ can save us.

MindyBluestar17 ago

To be out of the body is to be in the presence of the Lord... at the time of death. God doesn't put us in the bullpen and wait to call us up!

Paying to get out of purgatory is blasphemous.

36963 ago

Yes paying is not solving the problem - this is ridiculous. Christ solved the problem for past sins but everybody is responsible for his future ones.

There are many phases after death and we don’t have the presence of our Father if we are not pure. The function of the purgatory is to clean. Then there is period of night and we come back for new experience until after many we can reach our creator. Right now the closest way to reach to “above” is though Christ. He is the way and the path.

MindyBluestar17 ago

I'll leave it at this. Once one's sins are forgiven, one is no longer stained by said sin. Jesus is our advocate; His death on the cross was propitiation for our sins.

I dont have any idea where the " phases of death" comes from. One is either dead or middle ground. How could we even know anything beyond death besides what Christ told us?

To be absent from the body, is to be in the presence of the Lord.

Please read the Bible ( not the Catholic bible). My Catholic relatives, my catholic Biblical knowledge at all! Catholics are not encouraged to read it.

Just pray for insight.

Lots of idolatry in Catholicism...burying statues in the yard, praying to saints, etc.


36963 ago

Got it Christ did it for us so we are free to sin again. ;)

On serious note - Christ saved the humanity especially the stragglers. After his time he is always present for us. He is the only one who can help us. You can pray to him - he is closer to us and he came for us.

Lauraingalls ago

The 1st LINK doesn't work. Anyone know what it is?

pby1000 ago

Have to use tor.

Lauraingalls ago


Qdini ago

It's the interim version of 8Kun. They only way to access the boards right now is via TOR

Lauraingalls ago


Smokybubbles ago

Let's do this then, Q. We are all more than ready. Enough blue balls.

akilyoung ago

newera ago


Oracle64 ago

So proud of my country's Patriots

Time4puff ago

Amen. We are ready and stand at the ready. May god protect all our patriots.

rickki6 ago


SkyCruiser ago

The link is not working for me. Can someone post a screen grab, or an explanation.

pizzaequalspedo ago

TLTR version:

This is a battle for humanity and it’s good vs evil with a super natural component

Vascodegecko ago

Download Brave browser and use Tor window.

Qdini ago

I just added what appears to be the corrected post above. 8Kun interim is up, but can only be accessed via TOR.

Read the updated post here:


Qdini ago

It works if you use TOR

have_a_good_day ago

I don't have access to the first link. Are the links of #3593 and #3594 identical?

Qdini ago

3594 appears to be the correction to 3593. I posted it above along with the link to the "Victory of Life" music

Lurker17 ago

My Kindle won't load it either. I was told the link uses a tor browser.

bopper ago

"Prepare." Probably gonna get a little rough.

USN7480 ago

I think Trump's counterpunch after this impeachment scam is going to be spectacular.

bopper ago

I agree.

pby1000 ago

How rough do you imagine?

bopper ago

I think he means primarily be prepared in a spiritual sense, because of what will be revealed, and having to help friends and one another, and that's why he quoted the verse about the spiritual armor ( "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.")

pby1000 ago

I sense that people are getting frustrated because it is taking too long. It is frustrating to see Schiff at this hearing acting like he owns the place. That fucker needs to go down for treason.

bopper ago

I know, and you and I and Blacksmith and others have been here so long, back to pizzagate days.

pby1000 ago

Right... I never thought it would take this long.

bopper ago

Oh man oh man. I know, excruciating.

pby1000 ago


Qdini ago


Blacksmith21 ago

I was just sitting here reviewing some prep things in case SHTF. I'm very well stocked, but it's nice to top things off. WOnder if it will hold until the gunshow in 10 days? Should I buy something?

i_am_texas_charlie ago

The answer to that question is always 'Yes'.

Blacksmith21 ago

Right now, I'm thinking mostly more ammo. Need to get back into reloading and clean my bench off to start making more freedom pills.

My wife would prb kill me if I bought another gun. Need to pick up a couple more SIGs though....

DyslexicsUntie ago

Magazines and ammo for your current calibers

Blacksmith21 ago

Can never have too many mags. Nagpul put their money where their mouth was and moved from CO to TX (I think). Great products.

bopper ago

Good question, I'm feeling some anxiety lol. I think it's getting real close.

Blacksmith21 ago

Patriots are in control, @bopper. 5:5. Here we go. Breach, breach, breach.

bopper ago

Then I'll chill lol..

Yeah they are actually, good feeling.

have_a_good_day ago


Patriotknife100 ago

That link is from 2014. Biohazard disposal? M-f'ers were gonna kill us all. Yikes!

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Who the fuck downvoated Knife? Traitors in our midst!

Biohazard may be those pallets of body bags, thousands upon thousands, I can't remember exactly where I saw those pics but it seems they were near a FEMA camp down south somewhere.

yellowoodneepuks ago

Don't hold me to it but it's Madison GA I think, West of Atlanta, north side of I-20-I drove by it 2 yrs ago totally by accident and found it so interesting I tried to find signage on the storage facility but couldn't.

frankenglock ago

It was called Plan Z, and Q didn't go into much detail. M-f'ers indeed.

AyyAyyRon ago

Q Team did briefly mention the 16 year plan under Obama and Hillary to finalize the deep state/NWO plan to destroy America. They were going to destroy 90%+ of us in every way imaginable. Collapse Economy/Stock Market, WW3 with Russia, NK, Iran, etc. and much much more. These people are pure EVIL. The fact that we avoided this scenario alone is proof of God and divine intervention. Justice is coming my fellow patriots. Keep fighting the good fight. WWG1WGA!