moderator99 ago

Thank you very much.

levinyl112 ago

More deleted than actual files

fuspezza ago

Now comes the pain 21

Mammy ago

^^^This anon has a point, ya know...

Tyranny-News-Network ago

The numbers of fully-redacted pages is staggering! Here's a fun fact...FBI = BAD.

mathemagician33 ago

this is true. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the motivation for releasing these files was.

ouroboros1311 ago

this is a really good question. FBI Vault released A LOT of shit these 2 last years (Tesla, Finders, Epstein..) Why??

Mammy ago

Egg-zactly. My guess is there's white hats on the inside who want anons to keep diggin and spreading the info.

whatisbestinlife ago

last page lists a myspace and if you search for the only things they dont redact you do end up finding a child who commited suicide. raymond howell. i searched for "happiness makes the world go round" "275 friends" "myspace"

bamadeplorable420 ago

jim's newest.............

bamadeplorable420 ago

new Qdrops on Qmap.....

Lightrush ago

BUNCH OF BLANK CRAP....empty pages

whatisbestinlife ago

they dont redact it all. crumbs

AUSAFVet ago

Hey epstein enjoying your freedom?

ghost_of_aswartz ago

There is no reason why they'd have to shard it into 21 parts <eyeroll>

I'll probably combine them and repost

Mammy ago

Awesome, thank you!

FatFreddiesCat ago

Caution -Malwarebytes blocks for PUP. serious? I'll stick with the segmented version. Thanks anyway.

littlestown ago

some are only 11 pages but some are over 200, It took me a few days.

AuraLain ago

Thanks for posting!

littlestown ago

That was a while ago, look for the pictures of kids in cages, The prince and his little blond are in there. The girls also talk about Epstein being gay."no intercourse"

Basballdude ago

Or that he was an asset that couldn’t get into that part because it could be used later as an out by the defense of the people he was ratting out.

Mammy ago

Interdasting. Thought it was a fresh drop. got it from /pol, again. Dang do I miss Notables...

littlestown ago

I try and check the Vault every few days.