buildingbetter ago

This is why it is important to continue getting people and candidates to join Parler. We have an alternative, let's use it.


Really? How interesting. I wonder if this move is in response to some obscure law suit involving election tampering, with possible foreign laws coming in to play, that we have yet to hear about?

MrMysterious ago

You guys realize this came out right after the Trump campaign manager came out and said there was no way for the Dems to compete with Trump in the digital market right? So this is designed to hurt Trump.

Qdini ago

Yeah, I realized that after I posted it. They know DJT and Parscale have a huge advantage over Dems in targeting messages/ads

calfag ago

Looks like Jack is trying to blend in with the natives on the streets of SF.

1scm ago

A major step forward to push the demonrats NWO agenda. GOP can not places ads, gets shadow banned and downright eliminated. Election interference at it's best. What a criminal outfit.

Qdini ago

If they do this then they will be outed fairly quickly. And the lawsuits will be devastating.

1scm ago

They are already doing it. They already refused to post a GOP ad a few weeks ago.

USAMatters ago

Jack Dorsey does not look so good these days.

lord_nougat ago

He looked good at some point?

USAMatters ago

Actually he did look good - but then he goes eating those flies - a bit of a turn off.

lord_nougat ago

I never found him attractive, but that's just me.

You're certainly not wrong about the whole eating flies thing, though, of course.

USAMatters ago


Nosfewratsjews ago


So now Twitter gets to decide what's "Political" or not. Which will probably be taken up as de facto standards by lazy assholes in Government.

I fucking hate this Timeline.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I hope you're the guy who's been tormenting that piece of shit who is featured here:

If you go look at my group on the banned list you'll see more of his shitty jewish behavior. From the latest I hear, he's still crying out in pain as he continually strikes. Putt isn't going to let that knuckleheaded kid get to him.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Nah, that's @Nosferatjew - good job Nosferatjew! I approve your behavior.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The blogger isn't even on voat. That's some guy from a totally different forum called Hack Forums. From what I hear HF had doxxed the fucker some time ago.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I find it very fascinating that a number of the names on his ban-list are all on Voat but pretend to be enemies.

I wonder why that subversive behavior would be so prevalent. Fucking SRS garbage.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

YAH! No shit. All I had to do was join here and get that Q icon and I was a target. I also agreed with something James Wood said on twatter once before James Wood lost his twatter account and he totally lost his shit that so many people were also agreeing with. But he singled me out because I was a newcomer.

He's a piece of shit.

Other names he uses are like WolfFangs and Wagon.