that_guy_pming_tits ago

His verified twitter account has his name in (((Nadler))) parenthesis.

whatisbestinlife ago

i remember them beating and stabbing the still alive gaddafi

Skskain ago

There is footage of them sodomising the guy with a bayonet

whatisbestinlife ago

i saw it

madhatter67 ago

they came, they saw, he funny hillary

1scm ago

maybe nadler has an apple in his mouth.

301854 ago

Now that is insulting pigs. He doesn't deserve to be elevated to the level of pig.

Moorgarten ago

Nnnope... not controlled. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had announced that Iraq would no longer sell its oil in US dollars just prior to the US launching its regime change mission in 2003.Libyan leader Muam­mar Gaddafi’s attempt to create a gold-backed African currency Dinar in 2011 led to another invasion and Syria is just the next example... Don’t dare dump the dollar! Or else!

amarQ144 ago

Nad took some time off. He is on the set of the Wizard of Oz re-make. Trump told him he would pull a few strings...git him a munchkin slot.

301854 ago

I thought he would be the star of the Humpty-Dumpty remake.

Wwg1wga1972 ago

I think you meant batman remake.

amarQ144 ago

could be...or maybe a spy shagged him

JackANorey ago

I don't think he was controlled. That's why the deep state sent the military in twice because Saddam was a tough guy and he wasn't playing ball. They tried to bribe him, he was having none of it, they tried to assassinate him, they failed, the last resort is to send in the big guns.

Maybe a long time ago when it suited him against Iran, yes,

but read John Perkins - Economic Hitman for all the details. Good book

TopFart ago

Saddam Hussein was on the CIA payroll. For many years he was carrying out CIA policy. After being well supplied militarily by the US, he waged war against Iran. This war was at the behest of the USA.

Hussein started to get in trouble when Israel accused him of trying to get the nuclear bomb. This allegation was fueled by the Russian contracted nuclear reactor being built In Iraq. Israel opposed the reactor deal and was very vocal about it. Israel bombed and destroyed the reactor before it was ever operational. After this, Hussein often criticized Israel as a rogue state. Next, it was Hussein's decision to sell Iraqi oil in Euros instead of accepting US dollars. This ruffled some feathers back in Washington DC. Hussein's handlers were starting to question his loyalty. Then, Hussein discovered that Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil by horizontally drilling into Iraqi oil fields in Iraq. No resolution was reached with Kuwait, so Iraq invaded Kuwait. This act was initially approved by Donald Rumsfield, but it was a lie and gave reason for the USA, at the urging of Israel, to attack Iraq.

Skskain ago

Thanks for sharing

LiamOdinThomas ago

Aaww now those were the days...huh?

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Man that was Christmas morning wasn't it? I totally remember.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nadler is mosdef MIA. Of course I remember the hanging of Hussein. We've done it before. Let's do it again.

voatsecurityguard ago

Hanged* I’m “hung”

Six_Cents ago

If memory serves, Saddam Hussein had tons of yellow cake/ uranium ore (shipped to Canada after Desert Storm II?) that could be used for nuclear weapons and also chemical weapons factories - all could be weapons of mass destruction.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

And I think it was Valerie Plame's husband who was Ambassador in Niger or some other neighboring shithole.

She was again in the news recently too, wonder why.

corrbrick ago

Yea, Joe Wilson was a hero of the left, because of the article he penned in the NYT, "What I didn't Find in Niger" that pointed out the lies of the neocons about WMDs.

Basballdude ago

You can’t say “neighboring”...

Fetalpig ago

Nope,the yellow cake was stored in Niger,it was sold to him from Donald Rumsfeld,there never was a threat from Saddam,only a threat when Saddam didnt follow the rules set out by Pedo GHW Bush,and they felt that Saddam would blow the lid off,the Iran business deals done by Halliburton and I mean Dick shoot him in the face Cheney. You know at the UN Powell covered Picasso Guernica painting,when he decided to lie about Iraqs chemical weapons,thought it in poor taste to have a painting that depicted what he was lying about. There were no weapons,even GW jokes about it at the press dinner. Dirty bombs are Mossad weapons of threat.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Thank god people stilled remember that for now.

The truth dies with those of us alive today.

Notice how they released the 911 Pentagon wreckage photos last spring? Where there were no parts in 2004, there are today.

Thank you photoshop

AlternateSelection ago

Exactly. Dirty bunch of damn lies led us into Iraq. Anybody held accountable yet? Nope.