DickTick ago

Lol.. all that horseshit talk and not a single fucking source or link..... Imagine that

Morbo ago

The person who posted that (TheAmerican/GhostSkin/GishKnots/Niggervirus/etc.) is a well known Voat retard and shitposter. He has no information to base it on other than to troll gullible people or insight outrage over the message. He's an idiot. Treat him and his words as such. That being said, who knows what will happen with Voat outside of Putt and his mysterious angel investor. It could go down or stay up indefinitely and no one outside of those two knows for sure. Always expect any website to be temporary and/or compromised. Trust nothing on the internet unless you control it, but even then be cautious.

grace8 ago

Thanks Morbo! I do not trust Putt/Voat and consider it to be controlled op just like Reddit.

Goatspecter ago

What no link? No details? That's just lame!

Q20191776 ago

Source please.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Don't worry, Citizen. The SRS parasite brigade will be along shortly to downvote your post.

Can't have the proles reading this content. Please willingly submit yourself to the nearest processing center for termination to save taxpayer dollars in your future collection.

Vrblpollushin ago
