quest4truth ago

As for Cummings, this may be a good example of "Watch the Wives". Both of them were under the spotlight for all of that missing money, his seat wasn't even cold before she announced that she would run for the seat. She is probably arrogant enough to believe that she could get the sympathy vote and somehow play that to get the focus off the missing money even though we know that she has a non profit and a for profit organization that is probably used to launder the $$. Just my theory...

heartlovealive1 ago

Boom boom boom! Patriots are in control . wwg1wga

Astrotheologist ago

No end is sight to bailouts...

This has been a fun Psyop yall.

Hope you got your gold and silver.

QPilledLib ago

What did Hillary say? I missed the story on that one.

1Paydaddy ago

Another democrat tossed on the Trash Heap, Katie Hill takes center stage!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Suicides are not as good as arrests. Just sayin'

Cheetah1964 ago

I am one happy camper.

LoveIsBlind ago

The freedom caucus storming Shiffty's scif! Loving the Booms. We needed them!

Sc4bbers ago

Don’t forget Cummings death. I know I’m not the only one who finds the timing and circumstances to be extremely suspicious.

Similar to GWB in terms of timing...

I told this to some friends who said I was looking for conspiracies... but here’s the thing...

How often is it when someone dies that the cause of death isn’t released? When have you ever been to a funeral and not known what the cause of death was? It’s extremely bizarre. Especially for a public figure who has the best healthcare you can get.

We’re told it was from long-standing health issues... but I don’t believe this. What kind of long-standing health issue results in you unexpectedly dropping dead?

If they knew he had a terminal illness it’s more than likely he would have stepped down. He also did not look particularly sick.

Which leads me to believe this was a heart attack and by long-standing issue they’re referring to blood pressure or some previous heart issue that could be a precursor to a heart attack.

Heart attack you say? Because of how his death is being used by the media and I capital hill (to delay Horowitz, imo), I’m just a tad bit suspicious.

The clowns have had untraceable heart attack guns since the 70’s. Same way they got Breitbart.

headrick ago

first round of arrests and military trials---> then suicide week....they still believe they can wriggle out of this

KarlKastner ago

Trump calling RINOS "human scum".

oceanside ago

sounds about right

Cheetah1964 ago

The "human" part is kinda pushing it.

lifeduringwartime ago

Gives humans a bad name.

TheBRAINz ago


Zadim ago

The BOOM we haven't heard yet is the one made by a gallow door dropping open, all these others are more of a POP.

Hildabeest, biden, schiff and clapper et al are still foot loose, fancy free, breathing the air and most of all above ground.

Patriotknife100 ago

Noname,ghwb,cummings, & epstein. More on the way.

ihatejunkiemail ago

epstein isnt dead

vangielee17 ago

Epstein ???? (not so sure)

Lookingforthetruth ago

You really think epstein is dead? Did ya see the funeral ????

Zadim ago

So long as there is no public display of justice, justice can never be claimed. People die all the time but few are publicly executed, not here at least. I think Saddam Hussein was the last public figure to be publicly executed.

Patriotknife100 ago

Anyone still have the recipe to Jim Jones' koolaid?

40KFTAGLView ago


Blacksmith21 ago

1 pallet of Kool-Aid cherry + 55 gal drum of cyanide. Mix. Serve. Enjoy.

rickki6 ago

Oooooh love waking up to this V! What a way to end the week patriots ... am I right ? lOl

EricKaliberhall ago

A collective suicide at CNN on air (Stelter as host) would be a proper boom... Should spike their ratings as well. Talk about a win win situation.

Dogsoldiertoo ago

That would be a pay-per-view blockbuster!

1Paydaddy ago

And the Gargoyle Elijah Cummings is in Hell.

DC92T ago

At least we got him out! I wish Maxine would have a health issue...

1Paydaddy ago

Your wish is about to come true Patriot.

ALIENS2222 ago

The rat king. Of. Baltimore. ... But it's a dry heat

1Paydaddy ago

Love it!

MAIDENanon ago

did ANYBODY hear about ongoing health problems with this guy? He is with No Name, Bush sr.

Same fate IMHO

TheBRAINz ago

He was in declining health for some time; visibly frail and needing a walker for daily mobility. Elderly frail sick people die. Sometimes a "cigar" is just a cigar.

ihatejunkiemail ago

spelled nigger wrong... twice

mrGaudi ago

He wasn't elderly. He wasn't even 70. All the years of feeding at the trough, being lazy and never exercising, and being a pampered queen made his heart weak. He looked swollen, his heart wasnt going to give him another year of being corrupt hack.

Blacksmith21 ago

Plus he lay in state in the rotunda. The stress of what is coming for the Korruptniks is intense enough to kill off the weak and frail (Cummings).

Sc4bbers ago

Then why wouldn’t they release cause of death? And if he was terminally ill, as you’re suggesting, then why not disclose cancer as the cause of death? And if that was the case he would have stepped down earlier like other senators have.

I believe it was a heart attack.

Cloudrdr ago

Still NOT a Senator. Member of US House of Representatives.

If you do not understand civics, it is difficult to take any comments regarding it as serious.

Details matter.

Sc4bbers ago

It’s a moot point... if you don’t understand logic than it’s difficult to even have a discussion.

The argument holds. He had excellent healthcare.

TheBRAINz ago

Corrupt lifetime swamprats rarely step down from positions of power. They often cling to their positions through dying breath.

Cheetah1964 ago

A certain Supreme Court justice comes to mind...

Sc4bbers ago

Then why didn’t they release cause of death? Other senators have died from cancer and the cause of death is usually released.

Cheetah1964 ago

They didn't want the kuru thing to get out.

Vibratron ago

that's an insult to Gargoyles

1Paydaddy ago

My Bad, He resembles a Milk Dud is more like it.

PizzaHunter ago

He will be one of the lucky ones.

xxxnerdxxx ago

No. God's justice is far more thorough (and fair) than anything man can deal out.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah, but man needs to see the justice being served in this life. Not the afterlife.

xxxnerdxxx ago

I agree - I also want desperately to see justice done here. But they cannot escape by suicide or dying prematurely. Rest assured, God's judgement is fair and certain.

RoBatten ago

Have faith . . .

Blacksmith21 ago

I have faith that I will SEE justice with my own eyes!

Pollycracker ago

Promises, promises.