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Furlefonce ago

Hmm ... I also am fascinated by “language”. But I tend to think of it slightly different. Language - to me - is an ongoing effort to put one’s own perspective in relation to THIS that is encountered “out there” - in the world.

So despite bearing no factual objective truth it is the - in that moment - deepest possible resonance between “I” and “the world”. And all my judgement about the world mirrors my momentary level of understanding. But shouldn’t be mistaken as “objective” - even though my argumentation is perceived (by “me”) as air tight and bomb proof solid.

But in the end words are as fluctuate as thoughts. Their perception of being solid - thereby good for orientation and therefore “true” - is only founded on our somewhat as constant perceived level of chronic and unconscious somatic/ physical stress from undigested (subjective) fears.

When we eg had a very good, relaxing and long vacation - and a superficial amount of this chronic stress has been let go from our body - the (whole?) world appears different. And still we use mostly the same words like before only with a little less seriousness, judgement and conviction attached to it.

Another example - that you’ll have come across most certainly - is “rereading a (nonfiction) book” after a certain period of time ... and you feel like “What happened to the book? I know that these exact words(!!!) weren’t in there when I read it before!”.

Btw: this strange dejavu is happening regularly when you do meditation and is a good (and important) indicator that “You” - as a concept of “Who you are” - have evolved and developed.

The underlying wisdom is the gradual realization that “If there was a time I had been convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that THIS was true and I now SEE that it isn’t and I was just a fool like EVERYBODY ELSE ... Isn’t it more than probable that ”I” am also mistaken this time?”