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redtoe_skipper ago

So with this in mind: Where does the designation Jew come from. It is not how they call themselves. It is a designation strangers gave them. ...

Spelling with J- predominated from 16c. Replaced Old English Iudeas "the Jews," which is from Latin. "As an offensive and opprobrious term, person who seeks gain by sordid means," c. 1600. Jews' harp "simple mouth harp" is from 1580s, earlier Jews' trump (1540s); the connection with Jewishness is obscure, unless it is somehow biblical.

In uneducated times, inexplicable ancient artifacts were credited to Jews, based on the biblical chronology of history: such as Jews' money (1570s) "Roman coins found in England." In Greece, after Christianity had erased the memory of classical glory, ruins of pagan temples were called "Jews' castles," and in Cornwall, Jews' houses was the name for the remains of ancient tin-smelting works.

The latter is interesting, since it is suspected, Phoenicians have traded tin from Cornwall about 2 to 4.000 years ago. From a language perspective, Hebrew and Phoenician is not that different. And it is quite difficult to piece together what actually happened with these people eventually, especially after the third Punic war. They vanished. But surely, the designation Jew was not a positive, but rather a negative.

It is within the meaning of opprobrious: disgrace attached to conduct considered shameful. Ref: writings of Luther, writings about usury.

From history then, Phoenicians were not the well meaning, well intended traders they are often pictured to be, but a different image emerges. One of ruthless grafters, who keep people in servitude. And this is expressed in the word: jew.

Sordid is derived from sweart or Schwarz meaning black, vile, mean.

Contemplating this, I would tend to think that maintaining the designation as is, will instantly and maybe subconsciously, appeal to this negative connotation. And subconsciously, we all know it, despite huge swathes of our society pressing to forget. It was not that long ago, calling someone a jew indeed was a derogatory name.

In the local Dutch language in Twente: don't you jew me means: do not try to lower the price. A roman jorre = a catholic you cannot trust, a crypto jew. (Twente is catholic in general, or used to be). I do not allow you to jew me means I will not allow you to deceive me. Of course, to root out antisemitism this is being suppressed.

There is a field of scientific inquiry called “auditory plasticity” — or, the process whereby our perception of sound adapts according to the aural patterns we experience — It can be influenced by strong emotions to a point where similar sounds are mistakenly yoked together and interpreted as connoting one and the same thing.Of course, this can lead to humorous situations, but also very negative ones. Consider the sound of a fart. Some people will start laughing. Others will claim being raped. No, seriously. There is such a thing as fart-rape. And you have to be really sensitive to claim such.

So when Incandescent Ignoramus AOC promotes the demise of cows because of their affluent flatulence, she actually took the bull having sex with Europa literally.

But I digress.

It does not take a university degree to see what is going on in the world:

*1. Who are the Russian Oligarchs?

*2. Who are the Ukrainian Oligarchs?

*3. Who control the banking system? What is it and how does it work?

*4. Who control the think tanks surrounding major governmental institutions?

*5. Who control the media? (and thus language, opinion, expression?)

*6. Who control the laws?

*7. Who control feminism, mass immigration, equality, gay marriage, etc?

*8. Who refuse to apply the same measures to their own "homeland"?

Every time and again, you see the same kind of people. Perhaps even more confusing is the fact, that Ashkenazim are not considered Jews in the original sense. But, looking at heir history, it certainly falls within the designation, the negative connotation of "Jew".

I would argue, if you want to end the stereotyping: stop appropriating the word Jew as a designation for a people, as it is at best as composite.

Second: stop trying to alter it's meaning, it is stretching credulity.

And third: Accept that the designation jew is simply that: a description of a disgraceful and shameful act, that has already existed over a period of 4000 years.

Runspotrun ago

So, if I am not mistaken, your entire soliloquy boils down to hatred of the Jewish people?

Why is the hatred of Jews so strong on this site when POTUS is PRO-ISRAEL AND PRO-JEW?



NOW, Ilhan Omar hates Jews, so too does the DNC. So if you are of the anti-Semitic ilk, please share it in a forum where bigotry is WELCOME--THE DNC AND NOT HERE


2TBob ago

If I read this correctly, it is not an attempt at anti-Semitism, but more an explanation of how the WORD JEW, has this historically prerogative connotation and distinguish it from "Judeans", (for example).

Runspotrun ago

Perhaps you are correct, and my interpretation was inaccurate.

However, re-examine the final sentence: "Accept that the designation jew is simply that: a description of a disgraceful and shameful act, that has already existed over a period of 4000 years"

Why is this highly pejorative "clarification"--one that is arguable at best--warranted or even necessary? What is the point?

After discussing the global elite and the evil they commit, there is an apparent effort to tie in the "Jew"? To what purpose?

This seems like something that might be read in Pre-WWII Germany, and I find it scary.

2TBob ago

The final sentence seems fine to me. That is the essence of the argument made here.

Runspotrun ago

Sorry, then my initial response appears accurate to the point made

Patriots welcome all to the Great Awakening--Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Gay, Straight, anyone is welcome so long as they love our country, respect its laws, and honestly seek its welfare.

Any discussion of one religious group, in a pejorative or harsh, bigoted context is not welcome.

I cannot imagine a Jewish person reading that and not feeling deeply offended.

redtoe_skipper ago

No, I wish Leonard Cohen was still alive.....

You did not know the tribe almost quartered him for not towing the party line? Then what did he do to deserve such scorn?

I cannot imagine a Jewish person reading that and not feeling deeply offended.

Who are you that would make your imagination the ultimate measure of possibility? Saying a thing like that, says more about you, than the subject at hand. So why use that?

In terms of being offended: But what would they be deeply offended about, then?

For me calling to reject the designation jew for a people because of it being a misnomer and derogatory?

For us, stopping to call them jews, because it is derogatory?

By your logic how would you call a citizen of The Netherlands, then? Dutch? That's derogatory! You do see where this leads, do you?

Or would it be because I posted the 8 questions? Let me tell you, and you know this instinctively, it is not the question, but the answer to the question that may be offensive to some. And it requires intellectual honesty and fortitude to face these answers. But you know them already. The facts will only confirm what you subconsciously knew.

By your logic, Q is an anti-semite. I can already hear you roar. But, it is true. From the horses mouth:

Q 133

Soros (6+) -> Tribe?

Rothschild(6++) -> Tribe?

House of Saud(6+++) -> Tribe?

Q targeting tribesmen? ....Big nono in your world!


Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.

Who are these power brokers? See the 8 questions.

Discussing issues dispassionately and intelligently is one thing. Superimposing your fear is quite another.




And guess what? We have been told quite a great deal. We are here to investigate, to discuss. And if certain topics are anathema because of fear, we are easily controlled.

You have been here, what, 3 months? I sense a lot of fear in you, young nigerfaggot. But despair not, I do see progress. And I do not say this facetiously. From calling people moron and scum, you now are at insisting on conformity in not touching on this subject, because of two reasons. One: you are fearful, and two: you fear offending a Yehudi. That is progress. You are naming your fear. That's good!

The way I see it, people steeped in fear indeed are vulnerable to excess response. And I do agree with you, knowing the facts can lead to averse responses. Knowing the facts is one. An equitable solution a second. And many posts are simply expressions of anger. And this too has a place. As I wrote in my followup comment on audio-plasticity, this goes for words as well. We call it knee-jerking. Your programming requires you to respond in the way you did. Facts can help you overcome this. Although it is a process.

I can only encourage you to leave the news be for a while and concentrate on understanding. Once you can divorce yourself from this fear, you will be able to see through the lies and deceit. There is a red pill for you too.

Runspotrun ago

I back POTUS, America, and I love Israel. I love the Jewish people, period. Jew is NOT a derogatory term, but rather a mark of distinction. End of discussion. Consider what POTUS said just last night ==>

Trump also ripped into Omar’s history of “antisemitic screeds,” including statements where she said the U.S. support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins'” and said that “pro-Israel lawmakers have an allegiance to a foreign country. “She is a disgrace to our country,” Trump said, adding that lawmakers like her are the reason he will win in 13 months.

2TBob ago

I would hope any patriot of the Hebrew faith would understand that when they come in here and reject the easily offended card.

Runspotrun ago

Anyone who is anti-semitic, anti-Isreal and opposed to Jews belongs with the DNC. Trump said just last night before thousands in public that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have given far too much control of the Democrat Party to the radical left “including Minnesota’s own Omar,” to which the crowd booed loudly. Trump also ripped into Omar’s history of “antisemitic screeds,” including statements where she said the U.S. support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins'” and said that “pro-Israel lawmakers have an allegiance to a foreign country. “She is a disgrace to our country,” Trump said, adding that lawmakers like her are the reason he will win in 13 months.

2TBob ago

Man, you again? OK, if I can't "hate them", (which I never said), can I just not "trust them", (categorically as a group of non individuals)?

Runspotrun ago

You can have no feelings for "them"--as if a "they" existed separate from you--at all.

The Great Awakening is composed of ALL types: Jews, muslims, Christians, atheists...anyone who wants to serve the cause of truth and to be united under POTUS in the service of good

The only "they" (i.e., outsiders) are the CABAL

Thus the only two groups are PATRIOTS vs. CABAL (w/possible exception of the sheeple)