Solomon, when asked that question, said there is no proof to it, no records or documentation for it, and has the accounting records from Burisma and Joe did not get money for lobbying. He researched it out. But he did say that he'd heard that rumor many times and there's not truth to it. So, let's not pass on a lie.
John Solomon just debunked this claim. He said he has the verified financial records for Burisma obtained from a previous court case. There is no record of this money being paid to Joe Biden. Solomon is a straight shooter. See this youtube for verification.
Eventually, Hunter Biden took a Hertz rental car to his treatment center in Arizona, but workers at the Hertz office called the police after finding a crack pipe and baggie of crack, along with Biden’s license and a badge from Beau’s time as Delaware AG. ///
”Malayan Airline Boeing 777 MH370 ,,, ended up in storage at Ben Gurion int. Airport. Before that is was traced via being flown to Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport. Owner: GA Telesis, LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Abdol Moabery, ex employee of Aviation Systems International inc and C-S Aviation Services inc. Of course one name should not be remissed to be mentioned: George Soros.”
Joseph Cofer Black - that's the name that everyone should focus on. He is on the Board of Burisma Holdings and has some very interesting acquaintances.
The u.n. is going broke..clinton foundation not reeling in the profits they used to..chelsea's little beasts will be broke, biden son goes back on the cocaine train, piglosie hits the bottle heavier, schumers-list runs to "is-not-real" to hang with epstein.(Most Congressman have dual citizenship and free from insider trading rules))
Now? where is frankenstein, rr, and all the rest of the Russian dossier Bull Shit?... Hey brennan..behind closed doors for Yom Kippur? I do not believe satan cares about yom kippur, kipper, crapper or caper..Whatever you are going to TRY to sacrifice in the name of satan to fucking moluch..guess what it isn't going to work. CAN double tap yourself!! One shot to the balls, second shot to the left temple (in honour of moluch)
I personally think the case is even worse than that.
Protecting his son Hunter while waving a 1 billion loan guarantee is one thing. At the same time, MH17 occured. And the owner of Burisma, Kolomoisky, the secon richest Ukrainian and ex governor of east rebellious province Donetsk, is alleged to have had a private army of 29.000 men, outfitted with heavy weaponry including a buk.
Simple calculus: Shooting down MH17 would stop the EU in it's tracks to pursue a further integration with Ukraine and sealing the LNG production under it's thumb. Instead Biden and his gang got access, while blaming Russia.
Among these 20-30.000 men, there are Georgians .... -> link to Saakashvili? Note what happened as a prelude to the Ossetia debacle ... hmmmm.
And, Kolomoisky, has extensive contacts within Israeli security forces (IDF, Mossad, airport security, etc) and regards Ukraine as a second Jewish Homeland ... That would make him popular in certain circles, no doubt.
Malayan Airline Boeing 777 MH370 ,,, ended up in storage at Ben Gurion int. Airport. Before that is was traced via being flown to Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport. Owner: GA Telesis, LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Abdol Moabery, ex employee of Aviation Systems International inc and C-S Aviation Services inc. Of course one name should not be remissed to be mentioned: George Soros.
Ever heard of Purnenda Chatterjee? Apart from connections to the above companies ... owner of Winston Partners of Alexandria in Virginia. ....wait for it ..... Marvin! Marvin Bush! And low energy Jeb!
And of course Marvin .....well, what can I say: adviser to HCC Insurance Holdings, the re-insurer of the WTC pre 9/11 ...
”Malayan Airline Boeing 777 MH370 ,,, ended up in storage at Ben Gurion int. Airport. Before that is was traced via being flown to Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport. Owner: GA Telesis, LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Abdol Moabery, ex employee of Aviation Systems International inc and C-S Aviation Services inc. Of course one name should not be remissed to be mentioned: George Soros.”
Following the money for these corrupt public officials is like following the bloody trail of a serial killer, a killer that murders the Constitution every chance he gets.
Were gonna need a bigger GTMO. Seriously. As Trump recently [paraphrase]: "why would I want to but 10, 50, hundreds, tens of thousands of foreign fighters in GTMO and pay all that money for them?"
any idea when this payment was made? Hunter was put on the board in 2014. Joe was VP until Trump was inaugurated in Jan 2017. Was this payment made before that? Did Joe declare himself and agent for a foreign government, will the FBI be interviewing him? Will they allow him to back date his declaration like they did Tony Podesta? Inquiring minds want to know.
solo7 ago
Solomon, when asked that question, said there is no proof to it, no records or documentation for it, and has the accounting records from Burisma and Joe did not get money for lobbying. He researched it out. But he did say that he'd heard that rumor many times and there's not truth to it. So, let's not pass on a lie.
davidw221 ago
john Solaman says this isn't true, fake story.
NeverLandExpress ago
John Solomon just debunked this claim. He said he has the verified financial records for Burisma obtained from a previous court case. There is no record of this money being paid to Joe Biden. Solomon is a straight shooter. See this youtube for verification.
He does verify Hunter Biden received at least 166 thousand per month however.
silver_uptothesky ago
Eventually, Hunter Biden took a Hertz rental car to his treatment center in Arizona, but workers at the Hertz office called the police after finding a crack pipe and baggie of crack, along with Biden’s license and a badge from Beau’s time as Delaware AG. ///
Intlrnt2 ago
I’m following along until this:
”Malayan Airline Boeing 777 MH370 ,,, ended up in storage at Ben Gurion int. Airport. Before that is was traced via being flown to Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport. Owner: GA Telesis, LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Abdol Moabery, ex employee of Aviation Systems International inc and C-S Aviation Services inc. Of course one name should not be remissed to be mentioned: George Soros.”
First I’ve heard.
BadPenny ago
Anyone find it interdasting that Diane Feinstein has endorsed Biden for Prez? Feinstein has China problems.
lord_nougat ago
Pinecones ago
Q Drop 3175 You can RUN but you can't HIDE
Biden is toast. The protections he once had are no more. These people really are stupid!
Texasjoker ago
Means nothing until arrest happen. Trump will win 48 states in a landslide 2020
Doc_Hollidae ago
How could this be? Joe said he'd never spoken about business to his son or anyone from Burisma. /s
Monty_Batton ago
Joseph Cofer Black - that's the name that everyone should focus on. He is on the Board of Burisma Holdings and has some very interesting acquaintances.
Karmy ago
This article has info on Cofer Black and how he's tied to Mitt Romney.
BadPenny ago
Boom Biden, Boom Romney that's 2 this week.
blueflamingo ago
But it was good for the American people. Good ole Joe. Always putting country first. A true nationalist.
MolochHunter ago
the Wheel of Corruption is nearly all in plain sight
last link to fall in place - if anyone can fill in the gap - is evidence that USA 'aid' money went to Burisma to 'rebuild Ukraine'
AUSAFVet ago
The u.n. is going broke..clinton foundation not reeling in the profits they used to..chelsea's little beasts will be broke, biden son goes back on the cocaine train, piglosie hits the bottle heavier, schumers-list runs to "is-not-real" to hang with epstein.(Most Congressman have dual citizenship and free from insider trading rules))
Now? where is frankenstein, rr, and all the rest of the Russian dossier Bull Shit?... Hey brennan..behind closed doors for Yom Kippur? I do not believe satan cares about yom kippur, kipper, crapper or caper..Whatever you are going to TRY to sacrifice in the name of satan to fucking moluch..guess what it isn't going to work. CAN double tap yourself!! One shot to the balls, second shot to the left temple (in honour of moluch)
MolochHunter ago
Brennan quietly converted to islam decades ago after a long post in S.Arabia
shit make sense now?
gentlemanadventurer ago
Israel makes ten million dollars a day. Joe is an amateur.
sweetholymosiah ago
TheRealIndianaJoe ago
LoL! Say what you want about Biden, butting I am liking him more and more every day. He is a curse upon the dems!
icehole3 ago
I did want to see 1 Biden/Trump debate just laughs, now we get HillHag reruns.
redtoe_skipper ago
I personally think the case is even worse than that.
Protecting his son Hunter while waving a 1 billion loan guarantee is one thing. At the same time, MH17 occured. And the owner of Burisma, Kolomoisky, the secon richest Ukrainian and ex governor of east rebellious province Donetsk, is alleged to have had a private army of 29.000 men, outfitted with heavy weaponry including a buk.
Simple calculus: Shooting down MH17 would stop the EU in it's tracks to pursue a further integration with Ukraine and sealing the LNG production under it's thumb. Instead Biden and his gang got access, while blaming Russia.
Among these 20-30.000 men, there are Georgians .... -> link to Saakashvili? Note what happened as a prelude to the Ossetia debacle ... hmmmm.
And, Kolomoisky, has extensive contacts within Israeli security forces (IDF, Mossad, airport security, etc) and regards Ukraine as a second Jewish Homeland ... That would make him popular in certain circles, no doubt.
Malayan Airline Boeing 777 MH370 ,,, ended up in storage at Ben Gurion int. Airport. Before that is was traced via being flown to Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport. Owner: GA Telesis, LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Abdol Moabery, ex employee of Aviation Systems International inc and C-S Aviation Services inc. Of course one name should not be remissed to be mentioned: George Soros.
Ever heard of Purnenda Chatterjee? Apart from connections to the above companies ... owner of Winston Partners of Alexandria in Virginia. ....wait for it ..... Marvin! Marvin Bush! And low energy Jeb!
And of course Marvin .....well, what can I say: adviser to HCC Insurance Holdings, the re-insurer of the WTC pre 9/11 ...
The circle is square?
Intlrnt2 ago
I’m following along until this:
”Malayan Airline Boeing 777 MH370 ,,, ended up in storage at Ben Gurion int. Airport. Before that is was traced via being flown to Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport. Owner: GA Telesis, LLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Abdol Moabery, ex employee of Aviation Systems International inc and C-S Aviation Services inc. Of course one name should not be remissed to be mentioned: George Soros.”
First I’ve heard.
redtoe_skipper ago
there pictures ... ;-) check it out. start here:
Intlrnt2 ago
Yup. There it is.
MH370 nosing into a hangar at Ben Gurion Airport.
BadPenny ago
Great post Anon!
webster_warrior ago
Excellent post. Just great, the Senators own lobbying firms. Have they missed any angle at all?
AlphabeticalAnon ago
More specifically, tried to blame Putin himself as he wouldn't play his game.
MolochHunter ago
awaesome dot connecting
solo7 ago
except Joe Biden didn't get money for lobbying....and that's researched by John Solomon.
MolochHunter ago
what are you saying exactly? this gateway pundit article says it went to a lobby fund that he was a recipient of ??
sig94 ago
Following the money for these corrupt public officials is like following the bloody trail of a serial killer, a killer that murders the Constitution every chance he gets.
Blacksmith21 ago
Were gonna need a bigger GTMO. Seriously. As Trump recently [paraphrase]: "why would I want to but 10, 50, hundreds, tens of thousands of foreign fighters in GTMO and pay all that money for them?"
hamman365 ago
any idea when this payment was made? Hunter was put on the board in 2014. Joe was VP until Trump was inaugurated in Jan 2017. Was this payment made before that? Did Joe declare himself and agent for a foreign government, will the FBI be interviewing him? Will they allow him to back date his declaration like they did Tony Podesta? Inquiring minds want to know.
random128dsf321 ago
im sure he will get the Flynn treatment /s
TRFBYTrC0mmies ago
I can hear Biden now...’There’s no proof of anything. I will not answer these questions. Investigate Trump!’
hamman365 ago
hmmm and now we we know why Biden is now pushing so hard for impeachment. What a fooking maroon.