AR47 ago

I inspect these for a career.

You take this picture OP?

Looks like national N205 60 knuckle boom crane. Seems to be an older one as well. Early 2000s or so on a International truck chassis.

If you can get me the serial number on the crane I can likely tell you who owns it. Or at least who has owned it.

littlestown ago

n55-29 can you get me new bushings? they are a little loose.

AR47 ago

Bushings for what exactly?

Besides just because I can work on them doesn't mean I will. I just tell you what all is wrong with it.

littlestown ago

Just looking for a source on knuckle and ram pin bushings. If I ever stopped digging holes around here I might find those someday.

PygmyGoat ago

I think it belongs to this guy:

EarthPerson ago

Can someone tell me who Q is? And what that's aboot?

generic_voat_name ago

It's a psyop by the (((spooks))), throwing crumbs at "patriots" that believe (((trump))) is saving America from the (((deep state))). Very laughable.

yellowrose ago

Intel on the Deep State counter-coup effort @ q anon dot pub. Fighting globalism.

littlestown ago

There is no reason the rest of us are not doing this. Get some paint and be proud! WWG1WGA!

GrizzlyDark ago

What a 'Murican looking picture.

SexMachine ago

q is a LARP, prove me wrong.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

are you asking for a friend?

SexMachine ago

I asked before for proof that this q bullshit is real, and got no real answer. Therefore, q must be a larp.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

oh ok i understand your point. it is very hard to just give 1 simple answer.

what i did myself was to start from the very first Q post and read and study all of the posts to think for myself and determine for myself whether or not Q was real. It was a lot of homework,

Last year there was a document with all of the Q posts and all of the online research and link to specific info to help gather facts. Facts only not opinions. I downloaded the smartsheet into excel so that i would have my own copy and could do more research on my own.

i dont know if the smartsheet is still available. hopefully someone will read this post and give you more info.

I am at work right now, but i will look into this for you.

i understand your questions and believe you are smart to not just follow like a dumb sheep. you are trying to determine what is fact and what is fiction.

rebelscumm ago

There's plenty of "proof" info graphics out there. I hope you get some one day. I've been following long enough and seen plenty to make me believe. "tip top" is a easy one to find.

SexMachine ago

Gotcha, so no proof.

rebelscumm ago

Lol look yourself you dimwit. qmap dot pub. You're literally pretending the sky isn't blue because you won't open your eyes.

Maroonsaint ago

Let me see your penis man come on

Lyonessrising ago


Revodude2 ago

John Galt.

amarQ144 ago

I like it. The more Johns the less waiting.