BoredomAccount214 ago

something tells me you're a retard that doesn't understand what he is reading.

Fateswebb ago

Without a declaration of war it seems to violate posse comitatus.

yellowrose ago

Jade Helm info was unsettling. It meshed with some endtime biblical prophetic passages of the AC. Am happy to see DJT & not HRC.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Defend civil authorities? I sure hope that means that the good guy cops will have back up when arresting the swamp creatures who also wear the label of "civil authorities".

akilyoung ago

Reinforced my theory, [F] started 10/3, ended 10/31.

Wrote a thread the other day about it.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Can you link that? Would love reading it.

akilyoung ago

AmazingFlightLizard ago

Wait, is Posse Comitatus suspended for the Marine Corps, now?

Schifty5ive ago

For some reason it doesnt apply to the usmc or coast guard or even natiobal guard. I researched it over a year ago so i forget why but i remember concluding this.

bamadeplorable420 ago

post 955US Marine Corp Activated in 3 US Cities



17 Mar 2018 - 7:44:59 PM

Three Booms Next Week




17 Mar 2018 - 7:44:01 PM

Next week.






USMC activated.

US (3).


Lord0Trade ago

I'm personally not comfortable with this.

alcogiggles ago

That first screenshot comes from "Jim Stone". He's a fake ass NSA wannabe that spreads so much propaganda. He's been exposed many times on Voat, yet people still source him. But you see this time the screenshot didn't mention it was Jim Stone as a source, but I knew just from looking at it.

Careful of these shills folks.

veteran88 ago

They should be deployed against the lying press and the antifa terrorists to name a few.

No rules of engagement, kill em all.

Shiftworker1976 ago

550/19 live ammo Q post #955

blurgirl ago

Was there code in the Whitehouse video on the same day as USMC info drop 10/3 showing Trump was taking off on Marine 1 Chopper? Serial Brain2, I need you on this decode:-)

mikeymoo242 ago

If this is Jade Helm shit - it ain’t good!

It was before “Q” and I was following it on sites like and

I’ve mentioned Jade Helm before and it’s fucked.

Trains full of U.N. equipment.

Wal-Mart conversions.

Industrial/pre-fab burial “caskets”.

Guillotines ‘cause “they’re cheaper than bullets”.

(Side Note - Guillotines were brought up, I believe under Obumma and they said they were “office paper cutters”.)

Jade Helm is not another rabbit hole - it’s what was going on if Hilldabeast won the election.

Systematicparadox ago

Holy shit, guillotines??? ive been following the 2nd term of the obama regime purchase of trillions of bullets, fema camps, walmarts being closed down and transforming into military warehousing, and jade helm shit but, I never heard of the government buying guillotines. lol

061916 ago

Plot twist - The wiping out of the Deep State has been planned a long time and that's who the coffins and reeducation camps are for

Keneo77 ago

Good to see someone on the planet knows the truth.

TexasPatriot972 ago

As long as DS has to get past Congress or POTUS to enact these measures, we're okay. Unless or until DS is dissolved and DSA is removed from DNC, we will be only one election away from everything you mentioned above, and more, such as labor camps, "re-education" camps, property confiscation and redistribution, new monetary system and a conversion to a UN/EU type constitution.

Scary time was when DS controlled Congress and Obama was president, and IMO what saved us was civilian law enforcement. A large number of Sheriffs refused to comply with gun confiscation or any measures that contradicted US Constitution. It was frightening to see that in some jurisdictions and states, law enforcement was willing to comply and had zero problem with trampling your rights as long as they got to keep their authority but most of the country still wasn't ready to accept this new, UN way of life. If you remember, upon this pushback, "Big Sis" Janet Napolitano began the campaign to brainwash civilian LE, sending regular and frequent memos warning about disgruntled veterans, people with "Ron Paul Bumper Stickers", Second Amendment loyalists and the like. She tried to draw a connection by anyone right-of-center with Timothy McVeigh. Obama was thankfully unsuccessful in his attempt to change the Oath of Enlistment and the oath taken by officers to elevate Commander-In-Chief above Constitution and remove ". .so help me God". On the business end, Eric Holder sent DOJ and Obama sent IRS to stop banks and other big businesses from working with gun and ammunition manufacturers or supporting right-of-center causes in Operation Choke Point. Let's also not forget Obama's "purge" of military leadership at the Lt. Col. level on up, mothballing any officers who weren't malleable to his wishes.

Under leadership that respects the US Constitution, the auspices under which I could see US military needed on our own soil may come to fruition when/if arrests begin and the DS begins to dissolve. Rest assured, the clowns have access to NBCs, and in a last-ditch effort to regain power, would IMO not hesitate to use them. There are cells throughout the country, and insurgents would likely come in through Coastal states and our borders.

I'm hoping to see a peaceful draining of the swamp, but I don't think it's possible to drain the swamp without a major thinning of the human herd.

Hamnegg ago

Didn’t Obumfuck also repeal possi comitati?

TexasPatriot972 ago

First, Bush II expanded the reasons under the Insurrection Act such that Presidential use of military forces for domestic purposes wouldn't be a posse comitatus violation. This gave the president pretty sweeping powers. Congress repealed this in 2008.

Obama redefined the type of person to be defined as a terrorist under the Insurrection act. It looks like it would allow the president to clean up places like Dearborn, MI or Minneapolis, MN, but more than anything, it would allow the president to single out persons or groups, e.g. go after the militias.

Hamnegg ago

Thanks for the clarity.

1031grnis ago

I remember reading something about guillotines were going to be used awhile back. Do you have any source for this?

ShaneE11183386 ago

They were literally in the dsm 5

Guillotine execution so fucking weird

hg74rhyd9 ago

Yeah, I remember that stuff. Sick and twisted to the core.

Schifty5ive ago

Dont know how many believe him but i remember juan o savin said this would start around halloween. Im ready for another letdown if nothing happens but its nice to look forward to something even if far away(like post 2020 elect or smthin)

swimkin ago

1st Q drop mentions an HRC arrest on the morn of October, 30th. Just wondering if that was just a fantasy or a prediction.

blurgirl ago

Yes Juan John Jr did say that! Something would happen before the the witches Holiday and Q told us about red October. Field McConnell was talking in code and told he can stand down.

blurgirl ago

Yes! right around the witches Holiday. Field McConnell was talking in code and told he can stand down.

PacaGoat ago

This is puttimg pieces in place. Nothing yet. But it is preperations.

0369Retired ago

Not quite correct... MarAdmin is a Marine Administrative message, which is VERY common - almost a daily occurrence. This MarAdmin provides guidance on procedures/authorities to activate and deactivate Reserve units in support of state and local authorities in the event of a natural disaster in the US. The Marines are not preparing for anything out of the ordinary... this is just a revision of procedure.

PacaGoat ago

Ive seen them many times in my day. Its common.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

That’s what they want you to think. Just normal stuff, nothing to see here, then,,,,boom.

abattoirdaydream ago

Furthermore it states that it is replacing MARADMIN 300/14.

BadPenny ago

This is not permission it's a procedural document. Get real.

Pinecones ago

Thanks for sharing these. The mil responses say it's legit but they didn't over hype it.

RockmanRaiden ago

It was faggy. Thanks for sharing.