boomeredpill ago

spielberg and bill gates are huge power players. It would be like trying to tackle jabba the hut. Those guys along with the windsor family in GB are the real players fronting for the 8 families.

Gr8_again ago

Oh Spielberg is not above the law. He's been named for years. His day of doom is soon coming. Q confirmed no deals. Rob Reiner is another who has been taking advantage of child actors. Millstone for those who helped cover it all up.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Great here comes another round of ddos attacks.

PG researchers have known he’s one of (((them))) for awhile

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

How is Spielberg too dangerous to name? Yes, he's rich but has no real power other than what he can buy.

darkknight111 ago

Spielberg also has extensive mafia connections.

He’s buddy buddy with the Bronfman Crime Family (one of the worst of all mafias). To the point he has a spot on MEGA with one of them.

Said mobsters also have had spots on CFR, Council of 300, Bilderbergs.

Don’t forget his connections to David Geffen and the Velvet Mafia.

Spielberg has immense indirect power via his connections. Not to mention he’s suspected of being involved in three different Hollywood homicides.

VargIsMyRabbi ago

Crispin Glover seemed to have a lot to say about Spielberg

ALIENS2222 ago

Spiel(((berg))) Never forget

Hoppinmad ago

But muh Jaws.

HeLovedPandas ago

But muh Indy.

Quicktor ago

There are only two (2) brand names in Hollywood...

'Disney' and 'Spielberg'...

you figure it out...

RV911 ago

Would agree if your only education was 'American'

Zoetrope was not an American invention.

Get it together faggots. We are officially peak limelight.

Barfin ago

Amblin Entertainment. NAMBLA

fartyshorts ago

Her name was Heather O'Rourke

e-traiu ago

I cringe from that horrorstory about that little angel.

She made poltergeist less freightening ❤️

sheepdoggie ago

93 Society, Edge member , 9th Circle etc . One of satans favorite.

dagonn3 ago

Spielberg. Geffen. Russell Simmons. Not only too big to jail, to big to even talk about.

Bryan Singer and Dan Schneider get mentioned, but no punishments.

Spacey's charges seem to be disappearing.

Can't imagine Harvey Weinstein is going to face any long-term problems.

Hollywood pushed #MeToo to try and get to Trump, and instead only got a bunch of liberal donors. Funny too, considering all the whores in Hollywood gladly took it from whoever they needed to in order to land roles. That's how Hollywood has worked for 50-70+ years. But suddenly they're all "victims". They know what they have to do to land a role, they do it, they reap the benefits, then years later they cry "victim". Fuck'em.

brettco12 ago


DanaNordic ago

You are forgetting some of these whores are 8-12 year old boys and girls. And no, I do not consent to Fuck'em.

bushka ago

Not only that but talented people who would be good entertainers don't get chosen unless they subject themselves to this degradation. It isn't fair for a person to have to pay with their body to pursue a career in the film industry.

Barfin ago

truth is they are all having consensual sex for pay. Now with epstein and young kids a lot of times it is statutory rape since they are under age tho.

RV911 ago

Order 66

e-traiu ago

Yeah, not only did they kill alot of inocent kids, but they also slayed the jedi younglins those bastards!

RV911 ago

Without cybernetics, we prevail