He spent millions on AI research & other transhumanist projects focused on life extension, mind uploading, and singularity.
He really believed in this tech & philosophy.
These people think they are Gods.
The Transhumanists have their own political party. They seek to change everything about our government.
They beileve in an extension of humanism which will reach an inevitable singularity between human evolution and Moore's law.
We don't know how far ahead some of these scientists are with this tech. Especially those who worked with DARPA or used unethical methods such as experimenting on human subjects.
Silicon Valley is obsessed with life extension. Of course "the fountain of youth" has always been sought by elites.
Btw, after Epstein it appears Maxwell has found a AI software CEO to back.
Reid Hoffman & Nicholas Berggruen are starting in LA to "Transform Humans."
This is deep.
This was the same core belief of Epstein and many of these other wack jobs.
Linked-In founder and Greylock (In-Q-Tel) advisor/investor Reid Hoffman is teaming up with scientists, artists, and ethicists to advance AI and Bioengineering.
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TheBRAINz ago
Here's an excellent rundown by Amazing Polly of Epstein's (and his many associates) obsession with trans-humanism and their eugenic research funding.