EyeDare ago


If you want to know what's been going on for decades, research Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, United Nations Agenda 2030. Some great articles out there showing how far into the plan we are and R and D Presidents who have continually worked this plan back to the 1950s. This is scary shit when you see it laid out Year by year.(President Clinton-NAFTA) It is clear the Council on Foreign Relations is running the world and they have a very nefarious agenda. Learn, Research.

Enaashby ago

So tired of being insulated from the truth. Time to declass as much as possible so that as many of these swamp creatures as possible will gladly accept execution and/or life in Club Gitmo instead of being literally torn asunder by the American people.

bigbaldjohnny ago

watch the water

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If 99% of people are that pussified, they need to go.

Nodabunaga ago

well, than fix your healthcare ;) I honestly believe the effect of cognitive dissonance would rise much higher than it is now

Bern666 ago

If you study the Catholic church it has always been a battle to keep their PAGAN rituals intact or underground. And of course THEY appointed KINGS for a long time. In reality they are useless slave people and the rest are just FILTH. The jews who the F cares?

corrbrick ago

Many people may lose it if things come out too rapidly, but Q must also take concern over those who will respond by entering a deeper state of denial, aided by a ramped up mockingbird media. Timing is everything.

MetalThatMatters ago

This has been playing out for ... I dunno ... 6thousand years roughly ... since Creation and the Fall ... That 1% that can handle it more than likely has a deep, meaningful and real relationship with Jesus Christ.

allogonist ago

It wasn't meant to imply that people would feint.

W45P__ ago

who cares tbh? the reveal must happen!

SubhumanDeplorable ago

I think we can handle it. Come on Barr, get off your ass.

Rabid_Robot ago

I have to say that getting red pilled really opened up another world for me but in the same way that it did for Neo. Sometimes I wonder if I would've been better off with the blue one.

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NakedPrey ago

Honestly, I'm really getting tired of hearing this.. Whether we can handle it or not, how can we ever prevent this type of thing again unless all the facts are on the table, history books changed. Maybe a slow drip of facts, but I hope Trump has on his team, somebody who will document everything, since we do have a right to know. It should be our choice. Imagine if we kept the info on the Holocaust silent. :(

databoi ago

What's up with the red shoes? And who is wearing that headdress?

RoundWheel ago

Red shoe club. These are people who have personally sacrificed a child and walked in their blood.

databoi ago

Are you being ironic because this is hilarious.

RoundWheel ago

Nope. This is what is required to belong to the red shoe club.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Extremely non-funny, rather, deadly serious and evil.

Red shoes have been deeply researched so the symbolism isn't just speculation.

late2thegame ago

No, he isn't being ironic. It is also said that the red shoes are made from human skin.

Sherrie ago

I am so sick of this argument that everything can’t be released because people couldn’t handle it. Bullshit! It’s the same as the National Security excuse. And by the way, if the snowflakes can’t handle the truth, then let them go to the hospital and get medicated. But the rest of us want this shit to be exposed NOW. How many children are still being abused while we wait for the weak minded to wake up?

AUSAFVet ago

Things need to start moving against the big black hats!!! So now India is fighting against the Palestinians. Ummmm. Hildabeast,Gina and Kerry were just in India in December for the wedding and previously when she fell down the steps. Sorry can’t send links right now

Meez ago

No it won't. Everyone already knows everything is corrupt. Some of the names involved might surprise us but that's about it.

Actually, I'm not surprised by any of this. What surprises me is that Trump and MI have the cojones to do something about it and are trying to fight back. Especially Trump. He's the lightning rod. He knows every single person in his family could be in danger now & in the future due to the violent leftist crazies out there and the MSM who encourages them daily. Look at JRK and others. Look at TV & Movies. Movies - The Hunt. TV, MSNBC recently hosted someone who said he wanted pitchforks at republican houses. Remember calls to incite violence by Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, etc...

The entire "it'd put yo ass in the hospital if you knew" jibe, is just a lie to keep the story going without having an ending.

Also, Q later ending up appending that statement to say that most things will be made public, with the exception of items that could damage international relations.

davezzzz5 ago

I'm ready. Are you ready? Bring it on.

Trizzle1 ago

I am good with that. Disclose away, I need a break.

monsterdoggie ago

If it was just pedophilia and satanism as most people know it, then it wouldn't be such a big deal to reveal it. The picture you provide leaves out the really bad stuff that is almost unimaginable for most people.

Qser17 ago

Agreed, like info about the soul-sucking stuff, soul replacements, etc.

monsterdoggie ago

Demonic interdimensional ETs rule the planet.

Qser17 ago

I believe you. They must have been the "fallen angels" of biblical lore.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Read Bill Cooper's chapter on the real government in his book Behold a Pale Horse. ETs.

Jasperrock ago

What if they have been combining humans with animals? What if Tony Podesta's favorite artist is painting actual creatures? (warning - view at own risk)


2020Freedom ago

Q already stated this was being done in a drop.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Those animal/human things are so disturbing. Who could even imagine such a thing?

UpwardBound ago

That’s bull. The world was exposed to some very evil stuff from WWII and moved on. Expose it all and get rid of the evil doers.

RoundWheel ago

Yes, but in structure and safety. Learning all that was a lie and your leaders are satanic pedovores and have been stealing trillions (rothschilds owe the US 12 trillion) from us and sending our children off to wars they created to justify holocaust, population control, theft, spiritual wars, and power, causes everything to go to shit.

Most people can't even process half that.

european ago

Radar01 ago

How will we know the "complete picture" is the truth?

Thoutzan ago

Excuses. Both factions have dirts on each other, so they won't let the lit open to blow them all out.

Political gain >>>>voters' wish, always.

Radar01 ago

The risk is worth the reward. Yes, I believe this type of disclosure will unite people like never before. A movie is coming out called 8 days based on a true story of true child trafficking. How it has become a commercial industry. It may be a way to reach those asleep and awake. To educate parents of the evil stalking their children. Mark Levin interviewed the producer on Aug 11th. People will be shocked, but then their shock will turn unto rage, and WE will unite! Righteous Rage can be used for good.

Codyhbgbrb ago

If we know what’s going on, since it’s supposedly right under our noses, we might be able to play a part in stopping it. See something, say something works better if we know what to look for.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Then I would suggest people get one hell of a grip while the victims are not in a hospital but in court.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Bullshit. People will heal. Humans have been through worse on Earth. Only a snowflake would believe this "the truth would just make people to sick".

Lightweight excuse for sure... For What appears to be going on.

HighPlainsDrifter1 ago

Perhaps, it wouldn't affect me like that but it would manifest itself in a slew of ANGER towards those involved in such evil. "They will not be able to walk the streets"-Q

Make them walk the streets!!! Justice would be swift.

OR even better, put them in the general population in Rikers Island and announce why they're there over the PA.

AinzOown ago

Any proof on that "taste of art" picture? I know he's a pedo and all but that's kind of a smoking gun if you can tie it to him.

CMAnon ago

Treating us like children for our own good? The hard working people who pay the bills deserve the truth. It's long overdue...about our elected officials, about those hired to work for the government on our behalf, about the military, the news and entertainment media, about those who have been entrusted with our wealth. All of it needs to come out. If a purge is needed, so be it. If we need to restructure society to make sure it doesn't happen again, let's get on with what needs done. We've endured pain of one type of another our entire lives. If we need to roll up our sleeves and purge our society of criminals, gangsters, deviants and the like there's no time like the present.

nzmc ago

Identical title as here https://voat.co/v/QRV/3379818

progressbin ago

The choice to know will be yours.

I choose hospital.

Time4puff ago

They arent giving the American people enough credit. Many wants to know, many will shrug it off, many need mental help already, many are still getting hurt... Let's see the goods. Let's get the MFer that's been doing this. It's time.

Codyhbgbrb ago

I’m sure Big Pharma would agree. Drug sales through the roof.

Rhondaher ago

I agree, it's time to stop dicking around and start full disclousure. It's time the public understands what is happening to the children

european ago

What do you think is happening?

Rhondaher ago

We know they are being sexually abused and some are tortured in Satanic ritual abuse and its being reported that their blood is drunk for the adrenochrome.

SpaceForce ago

Remember, that Cuck Spez over on Reddit created that Cannibal subreddit. These people are sick!

dueces ago

Bring it Q!!

22trilionAsecond ago

Fuck off with this garbage.

we need full disclosure now. Don't you care about the victims.

Why doesn't the Q anon community demand full disclosure. because its will be too shocking ? seriously

Some have said that full disclosure will let the enemy know what we don't know. So they can then start covering their tracks.

If people found out about the full extent of this satanic child trafficking they would still go to work. The bread would still reach the stores. Shit would carry on.

Don't forget about the victims who are suffering right now. Would full disclosure back in 2016 have prevented their suffering ?

Johnny_Ninja ago

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


I'm pretty sure he was talking about you.

22trilionAsecond ago

what ?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

^ Deep state shill.

Barfin ago

mass arrests now

QanadaHere ago

They would crash the economies of the world. They would also get off scott free, as they have judges in place to be lenient. We need the rest of the normies to wake up to the point where if they tried to get away with this shit, no one would let them. Currently they have enough brainwashed, and enough people in high places to get off. Patience is key.

Lurky_McLurkmoar ago

They would crash the economies of the world

Small thinking. Economies can be rebuilt.

They would also get off scott free

Unsupportable opinion

We need the rest of the normies to wake up

Agreed. And the best way to accomplish that is full disclosure

Patience is key

Easy for you to say. Some of us have understood the world's real evils for many years, not just since 2016/17/18

QanadaHere ago

Lol, You wish kid. I am 40 years old and have been researching since before the internet was a thing faggot. You are retarded. go home .Your drunk.

Dressage2 ago

The comped judges are slowly being removed and honest, law abiding judges are taking their place. The swamp alphabet agency, DOJ that dictates bringing Federal charges has been replaced as well. With Barr and Wray, in FBI, we are ready to roll. Look what a difference it made in SDNY criminal section. We got rid of Preet Barrita (sp) and AG Eric Schneiderman. (He would attend the NXVIM recruitment parties!! Another pedo being reeled in.) Because of new employees that following the law we reeled in NXVIM and JE. We are making progress.

Anon-Dan ago

Wray is a corrupted black hat. No help coming from him.

HighPlainsDrifter1 ago

Well, there is always the option of black ops rendition. Ever been Snipe'n? In the woods of course.

22trilionAsecond ago

There will never be a right time.

We don't live in a world where people are willing to fight to the death defending something they love. We now live in a world where people only start fighting after they have lost something worth living for.

Rip them out of their comfy life's. They can take it. Make them aware. Stop keeping suffering secret.

If they crash the economy then people will be more willing for support drastic actions. like mass deportation and a good lynching.

I know there is more out there than satanic child trafficking. I know that there is info that would make my job redundant. Something like a new form of basically free energy.

There has been plenty of people like Q who have held on to info for so long they end up taking ti to their graves.

I wanted full disclosure in 2016 do the victims have to wait another few years. How much longer do they have to wait ?

The1stLantern ago

If the Truth literally passed over every home and took the first born child like in the biblical days of old, I'd still say release it, consequences be damned. Anything else is a pathetic fucking excuse.

weaselmonkey ago

as a youngest child, I'm okay with that.

clanofwolves ago

I don't think so, God designed us to take and absorb a lot more than weak people think. In fact, the larger the truth, the easier it will be to clean them all out. partial truths and limited transparency will give those who resist the ability to rationalize it away and stay asleep. Open the floodgates... Knowledge is power. Knowledge is freedom.

Codyhbgbrb ago

Agreed. People come together and help each other in times of crisis. Look at 9-11, Vegas, even cleaning up Baltimore. We are stronger than we seem, braver than we believe and smarter than we think. And for those who that quote doesn’t apply, we can take care of them.

HumanPrimer ago

They will get over it. Time to disclose all. Until we do, we will to one degree or another remain humans in the dark.

xxxnerdxxx ago

I am willing to take that risk.

Waking the American people up and making even mentioning the name "democrat" a curse word is necessary.

Banky1974 ago

Indeed. Rip the band-aid off. I'd rather know the truth even if it's catastrophically horrible than live in a concocted world. So does the rest of the country, whether they know it or not.

QanadaHere ago

the two party system is a system of control. Usually both parties are controlled by men in dark rooms. The white hats gave us this opportunity to seize our world back, and we need to capitalize.

fuckingmockies ago

As if Republicans aren't cut from the same cloth.

HighPlainsDrifter1 ago

You don't read too good? Exactly what Qanada said.

grace8 ago

See what happens when you attack.

If we all put our energy into upvoting all comments from q supporters we read, rather than criticizing each other, then our CCP will be strong enough that the shills cant kill any of us off. They don't respect anything but strong CCP. Making CCP strong for all Q supporters makes life easier for the mods cause the shills have less power over a strong ccp person.

I'm trying to spread the need for strong CCP due to the threat by Admin to cut everyone's CCP. Many of us will be made vulnerable by that and since as a community we fail to upvote enough the shills we have stronger ccp than most of us. Your conflict with F-mockies offered an opportunity. I hope you don't take my comment to personally. Its meant for the whole community. Upvoting protects Q, and the Mods. Its what we can do to protect the movement.

fuckingmockies ago

Are you fucking retarded? As of this post, I made my comment 1.1 hours ago while QanadaHere made his 56 minutes ago.

Forget to put your glasses on, Boomer?

Thoutzan ago

yet q team doesn't seem to care about fluoride and vaxx and chemtrails and 5g

worst excuse ever

weaselmonkey ago

Chemtrails are drastically reduced, by 85-90% over Long Island Sound, NY/CT.

Thoutzan ago

So the rest of 15% - 10% is for your health huh ? How'd you know they didn't increase the density of poison so that the flight counts are reduced ?

weaselmonkey ago

Because you can still see lots of planes with normal contrails that dissipate quickly.

Thoutzan ago

Okay but in my area it increased by three fold ! Maybe they determined mission accomplished in yours and moved to ours xD

QanadaHere ago

When did Q say they don't care about those things?

Thoutzan ago

When did Q say they care about those things ?

They have it all, yet did they warn you about how to avoid false flags ? Q#1010 warned you about not all vaccines are safe but never cared to tell you which ones are safe. Has chemtrial stopped ? Ever read the news 5G causes school kids cancer yet Trump is hyping 5G and vaccine ?

Think by yourselves, goy.

QanadaHere ago

Q team doesnt tell us anything. they ask us to dig. Try to keep up.

we_kill_creativity ago

Did anything else ever come out about that picture of Obama? It doesn't appear to be photoshopped, and I work with photoshop a lot.