lsdflkoi ago

This appears to be his Rolodex of sorts.

I'd guess as many are in their because they are famous, as their are pedo's.

I several marked witness "witness", didn't see Our beloved POTUS but did spot Ivanna & Ivanka which would make sense if you are on the outs with POTUS, next closest contact...

Might explain why POTUS/Ivanna split other than the obvious being FLOTUS is amazing...

MolochHunter ago

i dont put too much store by the black book. Its not indicative of complicity

flight logs, now there's a different story.

Relik ago

So many weird things. PDF Page 87 (92 on left side of scans), why is his gardener listed under "RUGS"?

I have to imagine there are lots of codes used in this book.

AUSAFVet ago

Last page..Former PM of Israel lol..

EpicWin ago

Oh one other thing...the Evergreen and Eagle are not here but her lawyer is...Cheryl Mills!

EpicWin ago

This is at least 19 years old. One of the 9/11 victims is on this list.

Also there’s a lot of crooked assholes who got lit up in the years to come...makes you wonder why now:,28804,1903155_1903156_1903172,00.html

bamadeplorable420 ago

did you notice that BANDAID on B.Barr's cheek today.?????????Nothing can stop what is coming.


This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children etc. all so another corrupt politician or 'insider' can simply undo it [band-aid].

This was not simply another 4-year election, but, a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim control over our gov't.📁

Panic in DC.


SpaceForce ago

We need screen shots!

SpaceForce ago

is it being DDOS'd?

new4now ago

Look at the very bottom, last page

Eva Andersson (Former Model and Mother of naked pic)


Epstein had 15 year old sex slave at Billionaire couple's home, Glenn Dubin and fmr. Epstein girlfriend Eva Andersson, according to their butler.

new4now ago

She dated Epstein supposively

Before Glen

In the memoir, Giuffre claims that Glenn had sex with her at the end of a massage after she was instructed by Epstein to meet the Dubins at The Breakers hotel in Palm Beach. Before she met with Glenn, she gave a pregnant Eva a brief massage which involved fondling her breasts, then swollen from the pregnancy. Once Eva had fallen asleep. Giuffre said she went to another room to give Glenn an hours-long massage that ended in intercourse.

kestrel9 ago

This is how they were closeup

new4now ago

Nice find 👍

new4now ago

Your welcome

lovehate123 ago

Im not Sure What this this is.

If You need retribution Just Say. Avenge me.

Not Sure What this means.

ALIENS2222 ago

Whew lad... There is a lot of shit in there.

Revodude2 ago

A lot of girls in multiple locations. I think this was his contact book, not his client book. Most likely some crossover though. He might have had also another book for his "best" clients.

SK63 ago

No Clinton, no Gore, no Mitchell, no Richardson, no Ghislaine, no De Niro, no DJT, no Schumer, no Nadler, no McCain ... it's not up to date, very incomplete.

WhiteDragon ago

pg. 4, second column, bottom:

212 3481779 Laura (Clinton's scheduler)

=> use the search feature!

EpicWin ago

Duh it’s from at least 20 years ago. Think about it - Evergreen and Eagle we’re still in the WH then. Cheryl Mills is on there though.

fartyshorts ago

There's contacts for Clinton's office.

SpaceForce ago

no george clooney either.

simulacra_01 ago

Page 65 for Ghislaine

AyyAyyRon ago

Scroll through it all carefully. Richardson, Ghislaine, and event POTUS are listed in there at some point in time. They're listed past the main list of people if you scroll further down.

SpaceForce ago

no need to scroll. Use the Find feature.

WhisperingPine ago

Potus is in there as is his brother but he was not part of any of that, this is contacts and the other all mixed together looks like to me but i find it odd that Clinton and the others we know were there as per the court docs , are not in this book :) so makes you wonder why they are not listed in the book , when they are listed in the court docs ?

SK63 ago

Ah, thanks. I must have gone only through the alphabetical part.

ThirtySevenTen ago

This is divination happening right in front of us.

UnitedStatesPatriot ago

This is huge - thank you for sharing. Has anyone tried any of the numbers? If so what was the outcome?

wrok-wrok ago

I cannot see the comment on the video FYI

gamepwn ago

Go to newest comments

bopper ago

Jagger Mick

212 2456055


Somebody give him a ringy dingy.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Is that a phone number or his net worth?

KaputtmacherNL ago

His age.

AUSAFVet ago

lol that too!!

Yuke ago

I'll go with: How many wrinkles are on his cheeks, alone.

Qzenseeker ago

wow.. thanks for this!!

ThepowerofQ ago

Do you know what this going to do? High profile people are going to think to themselves who can I trust and limit who they give their phone # too. They might even resort to throwaway phones.



gamepwn ago

Shill that doesn't mean this should be censored.

ThepowerofQ ago

You must B AI cause that makes no sense.

gamepwn ago

You are saying I am dividing and censoring and making the elite resort to throwaway phones by posting this. If that's not what you meant I'm sorry.

sAVAgeBeastN ago

Seems like a ShareBlue. BOT.. thanks for DL. Done and archived

ThepowerofQ ago

Q is Dividing and Censoring that the reason for the posts

He also mentions Sky falling

bamadeplorable420 ago

ivanka trump and mom.....

INK9 ago

Ivanka would have been 17 or 18 at the time.

amarQ144 ago

Here is pdf... file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Jeffrey_Epstein39s_Little_Black_Book_unredacted.pdf

ratsmack ago

That's kinda funny... and if you're actually serious, then that's hilarious.

amarQ144 ago

lol...meant to put it in a zip

databoi ago

somebody tell this guy how to use a computer

what are you 80? LOL

amarQ144 ago


Arkeo777 ago

What a list - so many people from London and that’s the first scan I did - then I tried to find people at random and look them up on social media - all big company’s and titles . Mind you this was 2005 -

Flutterby49 ago

Why is there no mention of current names and pilot logs ? Why only 2005 to 2008 ect. ? We all know he didn't stop the perversion.

mrGaudi ago

impressive - in its entirety

bopper ago

Some of the people are on facebook.

dundundunnnnn ago

ARCHIVE FIRST before sharing

bopper ago


derram ago

KarlKastner ago

Give us some sample names.

bopper ago

Lots of Rothschild's, lots of royalty.

bopper ago

Jessica and Hannah Rothschild.

bopper ago

Peter Soros, son of George Soros.

simulacra_01 ago

*Nephew to George Soros. Peter Soros is the son of George Soros's brother, Paul Soros.

bopper ago

Thanks, I had checked with Wikipedia, thought I got it right.

bopper ago

Charlie Rose and his wife.

bopper ago

Naomi Campbell.

Palindromedan ago

Briatore is on there too - just saw the post with the Virginia Roberts girl in the pics of Naomi Campbell’s parties and Briatore was her bf at the time and in those pics

bopper ago

Ah yes, I just saw the Naomi Campbell story myself, Daily Mail I think it was..

gamepwn ago

Adam Nick, Aldridge Saffron, Alexander Pam, Allan Paul, Anderson, Lulu, Atkin Helene

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Minnie Driver, Tom Ford, Steve Forbes, Cheryl Mills.

KarlKastner ago

None of those names ring a bell

PrincessCinderella ago

Mick Jagger is there

amarQ144 ago

I say we put'um 6 feet under and give'um another chance

dundundunnnnn ago

I don't see the comment and I don't trust those links.

Stfudvs ago

The links are safe

gamepwn ago

Go to new comment. Second I have been here for years as a Pizzagate and Q researcher and on YouTube. If you don't trust it don't click it.

dundundunnnnn ago

Sorry, dear. I wasn't trying to take a jab at you. I didn't recognize you from v/PG.

gamepwn ago

It's all good lol

dundundunnnnn ago

I'm digging your channel! I'm in the middle of "Gary Caradori's interview with Troy Boner (Franklin Cover-up)" right now.

gamepwn ago

Thanks! I worked hard on it! I want to stop these bastards so badly!

dundundunnnnn ago

Amen. I subscribed. Thanks for all you do and sorry again if I came off as an asshole. I have trust issues ;)