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Blacksmith21 ago

Are you enjoying this as much as I am?

UnscathedViolet ago

Probably more!

GodsAngell ago

Epstein "corpse" possible match for Bourdain - animated GIF comparison

DickTick ago


Moln0014 ago

They resemble each other well. Is it because they are both Jews?

UnscathedViolet ago

Oh how weird!

MolochHunter ago

this flips my wig

esp given what Bourdain said about the Clintonistas being on his ass before he died

UnscathedViolet ago

I didn't know he said that.

MolochHunter ago

Yer I can't quite recall the details, it involved his girlfriend somehow

UnscathedViolet ago

I heard he was a perv too