GiCoDr ago

This is great!

boomeredpill ago

On an interesting note -- I walked in to the living room where my granddaughter was playing Angry Birds. Every once in awhile that game has events. You'll never guess what THIS WEEK IS! POPCORN WEEK!

Check it out -- And when you use the popcorn on the bad piggies, it wipes them out. IT WIPES OUT THE BAD PIGGIES! You don't suppose the angry birds people are here on voat, do you? I like to think they are! Then again, there have been some concerning images of an illuminati nature in the past, so maybe they're mocking us. But had to share.

UnscathedViolet ago

Haha. You're funny.

MAGAMAN-45- ago

A new thread on 4chan came up talking about this when it went down, only about 40 posts, I couldn’t read them all, maybe something big dropped?

GracieTracie2 ago

With what they know about Epstein they should be hiring body guards.

Redstorm17 ago

Got my popcorn all ready 🍿🍿

Pollycracker ago

Maybe the whole underlying eugenics movement gets exposed.

indeknow ago

In a sign that the attorneys are bracing for government scrutiny of Mr. Epstein’s companies, Mr. Indyke and Mr. Schantz both recently hired criminal defense lawyers.

hollywood2020 ago

It takes alot of lawyers to drain an account

Nachose ago

If they helped Epstein, they are going to need a legion of lawyers.

Doglegwarrior ago

Nice joke comments.

Are you enjoying this??? Mhh ha ha

No i am not i wanted epstein kept alive so he could fucking testify not see some stupid fucking jokes and Qfaggots saying trust the plan

Psilocyber ago

Yeah, things are gonna get real disappointing. Again.

UnscathedViolet ago

The story was developing earlier. Here's some sauce.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Opaque Finances Could Become Focal Point for Investigators

The article goes over suspicions regarding Epstein's finances. Showed signs of money laundering and human trafficking. Near the end, it explains why the attorneys need attorneys.

Two of Mr. Epstein’s longtime attorneys, Darren Indyke and Jeffrey Schantz, were involved with some of his trusts and other entities in New York and in the Virgin Islands, according to incorporation documents. Neither lawyer responded to requests for comment.

In a sign that the attorneys are bracing for government scrutiny of Mr. Epstein’s companies, Mr. Indyke and Mr. Schantz both recently hired criminal defense lawyers.

CMAnon ago

This is how the process works. Rich client dies. Attorney's for rich client look at their normal inflated fees of $550/hr. They have 3 other attorney's they can put on this case so that's a total of 5@$550/hr. or $2750/hr. They pull out the phone's calculator. $2750/hr x 40hrs/wk = $110,000 x 52wks = $5,720,000 annually. They realize that's a drop in the bucket for their dead client's estate. So, they can either hire more attorneys or simply hire another firm with the understanding that 30% gets kicked back as a "finder's fee". So now the Criminal Defense Team jumps into action and assigns 5 more lawyers to the case. Since they don't want to lose 30% they up their fees to $750/hr (reasonable by DC standards)and proceed to do the math. 5x$750/hr.= $3750 x 40hrs/wk = $150,000 x 52wks/yr = $7,800,000. Still a drop in the bucket. Time to hire expert witnesses, DNA testing, Genomic experts, photo experts, IT experts, etc, etc, etc. The team grows until cost is about equal to amount in the estate less a few $ which gets divided equally among the victims.

This is why there are so many lawyers in DC. It's like watching Sharks during a feeding frenzy. A high profile case benefits lots of lawyers and their staffs. The politicians and people like Epstein either end up in jail, dead and/or bankrupt and the lawyers have chauffeured limos, private jets, mansions, summer homes at the shore, winter condos at Vale and 3 kids in Ivy schools.

boomeredpill ago


Every Democrat presidential nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate).

Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.

Barack Obama was a lawyer. Michelle Obama was a lawyer.

Hillary Clinton was a lawyer. Bill Clinton was a lawyer.

John Edwards is a lawyer. Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer.

Look at leaders of the Democrat Party in Congress:

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer is a lawyer.

Ex-Senator Harry Reid is a lawyer.

The Republican Party is different.

President Trump is a businessman.

President Bush 1 and 2 were businessm e n.

Vice President Cheney is a businessman.

President Eisenhower was a 5 star General Officer.

The leaders of the Republican Revolution:

Newt Gingrich was a history professor.

Tom Delay was an exterminator.

Dick Armey was an economist.

Ex-House Minority Leader Boehner was a plastic manufacturer.

The former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is a heart surgeon

Who was the last Republican president who was a lawyer?

Gerald Ford, who left office 31 years ago and who barely won the Republican nomination as a sitting president, running against actor Ronald Reagan in 1976.

The Republican Party is made up of real people doing real work, who are often the targets of lawyers.

This is very interesting. I never thought about it this way.

The Democrat Party is made up of lawyers.

Democrats mock and scorn men who create wealth, like Trump, Bush and Cheney, or who heal the sick like Frist, or who immerse themselves in history like Gingrich.

The Lawyers Party sees these sorts of people, who provide goods and services that people want, as the enemies of America ..

And, so we have seen the procession of official enemies, in the eyes of the Lawyers Party, grow.

Against whom do Hillary and Obama rail?....Pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, hospitals, manufacturers, fast food restaurant chains, large retail businesses, bankers, and anyone producing anything of value in our nation.

This is the natural consequence of viewing everything through the eyes of lawyers.

Lawyers solve problems by successfully representing their clients, in this case the American people. Lawyers seek to have new laws passed, they seek to win lawsuits, they press appellate courts to overturn precedent, and lawyers always parse language to favor their side.

Confined to the narrow practice of law, that is fine. But it is an awful way to govern a great nation.

When politicians, as lawyers, begin to view some Americans as clients and other Americans as opposing parties, then the role of the legal system in our life becomes all-consuming.

Some Americans become adverse parties of our very government. We are not all litigants in some vast social class-action suit.

We are citizens of a republic that promises us a great deal of freedom from laws, from courts, and from lawyers.

Today, we are drowning in laws; we are contorted by judicial decisions; we are driven to distraction by omnipresent lawyers in all parts of our once private lives.

America has a place for laws and lawyers, but that place is modest and reasonable, not vast and unchecked.

When the most important decision for our next president is whom he will appoint to the Supreme Court, the role of lawyers and the law in America is too big.

When House Democrats sue America in order to hamstring our efforts to learn what our enemies are planning to do to us, then the role of litigation in America has become crushing.

Perhaps Americans will understand that change cannot be brought to our nation by those lawyers who already largely dictate American society and business.

Perhaps Americans will see that hope does not come from the mouths of lawyers but from personal dreams nourished by hard work.

Perhaps Americans will embrace the truth that more lawyers with more power will only make our problems worse.

The United States has 5% of the world's population and 66% of the world's lawyers!

Tort (Legal) reform legislation has been introduced in congress several times in the last several years to limit punitive damages in ridiculous lawsuits such as spilling hot coffee on yourself and suing the establishment that sold it to you and also to limit punitive damages in huge medical malpractice lawsuits.

This legislation has continually been blocked from even being voted on by the Democrat Party.


When you see that 97% of the political contributions from the American Trial Lawyers Association go to the Democrat Party , then you realize who is responsible for our medical and product costs being so high .

14 of the 24 liars currently running for the opportunity to be the Communist leader of our country in 2020 are lawyers. Other than that, they are all COmmunist party hacks. God help us!

isalod_2298 ago

More eyes need to see this, please make as a separate post!

boomeredpill ago

thx - just posted it.

MolochHunter ago

this deserves its own post bro

boomeredpill ago

OK - Will do, MolochHunter. I'll start a thread now. Thanks.

MAGAMAN-45- ago

Why would Epstein’s estate be paying layers to defend them from their own crimes? Did Epstein give them the power of attorney over his money? Did they help get him killed to get at it?

MolochHunter ago

he may have had a contract; in the event of arrest my P.O.A. goes to ....

DaraChaos ago

Hopefully they'll leave something for the victims. 🙄

CMAnon ago

Yeah, about $18.36

lifeduringwartime ago

So, who gets picked to carry evidence to the fires of Mordor? It's in New Zealand right? Attorneys can shed their skin after all.

Boysrback07 ago

They probably are on the list as well.

PGLiterati ago

They must figure the Feds are going to pull a Cohen.

70times7 ago


You are a better journalist then that twitter account.

1Paydaddy ago

Mathew Goldstein authored this NY Times Shit post.

derram ago :

BNL NEWS on Twitter: "BREAKING: Two of Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime attorney’s have hired criminal defense attorneys"

This has been an automated message.

indeknow ago

Need more sauce than that! Nothing on the wire.

UnscathedViolet ago

Here's some sauce.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Opaque Finances Could Become Focal Point for Investigators

The article goes over suspicions regarding Epstein's finances. Showed signs of money laundering and human trafficking. Near the end, it explains why the attorneys need attorneys.

Two of Mr. Epstein’s longtime attorneys, Darren Indyke and Jeffrey Schantz, were involved with some of his trusts and other entities in New York and in the Virgin Islands, according to incorporation documents. Neither lawyer responded to requests for comment.

In a sign that the attorneys are bracing for government scrutiny of Mr. Epstein’s companies, Mr. Indyke and Mr. Schantz both recently hired criminal defense lawyers.


Two of Mr. Epstein’s longtime attorneys, Darren Indyke and Jeffrey Schantz, were involved with some of his trusts and other entities in New York and in the Virgin Islands, according to incorporation documents.

Oh wow. So if his lawyers are controlling his estate now, and his lawyers aided Epstein with his human trafficking conspiracy... They are fucked. Uncle Sam is going to inherit Epstein's wealth (asset forfeiture) and his lawyers assets too!

I'm going get me some of that fancy popcorn for this show!

boomeredpill ago


oops sorry about caps, am on phone. But also excited to see movement forward!

MAGAMAN-45- ago

How do I add a Jesus popcorn meme replying to your post?

UnscathedViolet ago

Lol. Get me some too!

UnscathedViolet ago

It says developing. I'll add when I learn more.

Ricardinho ago

I am guessing Dershowitz retained counsel...

70times7 ago

Ah, another twitter post from that account that has 0 evidence, 0 sources, 0 links.

No wonder they control you all so easily.

They say jump, and off ya go.

UnscathedViolet ago

That user is great grouch. This was well known months ago.

bdizzle3000 ago

many other things they post are source-less too.

Blacksmith21 ago

Are you enjoying this as much as I am?

TexasPatriot972 ago

Only thing I'd enjoy more would be taking them out physically, up close and personal. Word from ETS is they'll be charged this week. I don't care if the world burns if that's what it takes to clean out the vermin.

loooooongtimelurker ago

the world is already burning down - we are here to extinguish the elite arsonists and their satanic pedovore fires

Blacksmith21 ago

ETS has been taking a lot of flak over his credibility lately. He's made some pretty bold claims, but I've seen nothing from him to give me pause for thought. Disinformation campaigns operate at multiple levels. AUGUST is hot!

SpaceForce ago

How many times have you cummed today?

TopTierCIAShill ago

hell, im jerking off to it as we speak!

TexasPatriot972 ago

I'm so excited, I didn't need to touch it. Spoojed at the good news.

UnscathedViolet ago

Probably more!

GodsAngell ago

Epstein "corpse" possible match for Bourdain - animated GIF comparison

DickTick ago


Moln0014 ago

They resemble each other well. Is it because they are both Jews?

UnscathedViolet ago

Oh how weird!

MolochHunter ago

this flips my wig

esp given what Bourdain said about the Clintonistas being on his ass before he died

UnscathedViolet ago

I didn't know he said that.

MolochHunter ago

Yer I can't quite recall the details, it involved his girlfriend somehow

UnscathedViolet ago

I heard he was a perv too

GodsAngell ago

EyeTheSpy: "We are about to charge Epstein's longtime legal team. -, Watch for it." -etc.

DickTick ago

Q outed eye the spy close to a year ago. So I'm not sure why anyone still listens to him

UnscathedViolet ago

There's a big, almost transparent, 15 on his tweet.

Blacksmith21 ago

; )

Sheneyney ago

Me too!! What a thriller, lol

showbobandvagene ago

What does this mean? Why would an attorney need an attorney?

TexasPatriot972 ago

They are so fucked. Do you know how hard it is to have a lawyer step in to prosecute or sue another lawyer? An accused lawyer has so many ways to bullshit out of trouble that it usually isn't worth the trouble or even a plausible option. If DOJ is going after counsel, they have evidence beyond solid.

Take these fuckers out. Every last one of them. And at execution time, fuck lethal injection. Put them in a room with a family member of a victim- and a knife with a 3" blade so it takes awhile. The thought of snapping these fuckers necks gives me a massive hard-on.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Idk Jack shit about law but that's funny.

GodsAngell ago

Harvard Law Professor and attorney Alan Dershowizt was named as one of the rapists of young girls.

Does that help?

UnscathedViolet ago

Beats the heck out of me.

Quicktor ago

Because a Rosenstein needs a Levy...

and a Levy needs a Bloomberg...

and a Bloomberg needs a Cohen...

the Babylonian Talmudic Train hitches on and on, circumcised dick into anus, circumcised dick into anus, from Berkeley to Brooklyn and Tel Aviv to Tokyo...

satisfyinghump ago

Is this an actual song?!!? I want to sing along!!!!

Pipefag ago

Vivid description!

Blacksmith21 ago

A man who is his own attorney, has a fool for a client.

Womb_Raider ago

I’m curious - why? If they have a vast knowledge of the legal system why would they not best represent themselves?

SkyeVeritas ago

The BAR gives that as advice....job security. Common law must be uncovered in OUR lawyers, no judges, none of the commerce, no DAs. no tainted grand or petit juries.

satisfyinghump ago

easier to get emotional? And become subjective instead of remaining objective.

Expert_Testimony ago

Main reason I can think of is that you wouldn’t be able to testify/question yourself.

Womb_Raider ago

Best reason thus far

Womb_Raider ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Not objective.

AperionPatriot ago

Because you -never- represent yourself in a court of law. Why they think they are about to be charged with something is the real question.

Trash_Panda ago

I'm more surprised they aren't hiring security details. Then again they probably did that too

SpaceForce ago

oh shit, I hope they dont(yeah i do) have dirt on the clintons.