moderator99 ago

You need to explain this theory a lot more before anyone but idiots will accept it.

hitekhobo ago

The blackout is when the swap occurred. So you think the culprits got a second chance to kill Epstein after the first try failed? Who’s the idiot pal 😂

moderator99 ago

Trump is using their own tactics against them.

Epstein suicide is a military-grade psyop, legal under Obama's changes to the NDAA.

Epstein was a foreign (Mossad) intel agent, involved in treasonous activity of the highest caliber. He would have been held under military law and held in Gitmo, not MCC. He's a national security risk and would never have been taken there.

Trump needs to keep this on the down-low in order to carry out his plan.

Israel is being saved for last and not mentioned for a reason.


MAGA_Q ago

If you tell the court he is dead and then bring him back, you have tainted that evidence the becomes admissable upon his death. Hello yall even try to keep legal basics in your heads when you come up stuff?

hitekhobo ago

lol... he ain't comin' back... use YOUR head... 😜

KarlKastner ago

Who has officially told the court that he is dead?

MAGA_Q ago

The media, the DOJ statement.

KarlKastner ago

Did the DOJ state that it was in fact Epstein? And that he had in fact committed suicide? Or that it was all being investigated. I haven't read it.

weaselmonkey ago

The DOJ statement was that he died in Federal Custody. They didn't say where.



the ears certainly look different.

moderator99 ago

Same ears, different lighting. Close analysis shows the same ear folds in the exact same places and shapes.

GodsAngell ago

I agree.

Everyone does realize what just happened today, don't they????

Even Trump Doesn't Believe "The Official Narrative"!!!

Even worse, Trump is indicating a CONSPIRACY to Murder Epstein!!!!

Yes, I know to many people who totally BELIEVE CNN and SNOPES, that the word CONSPIRACY is a VERY, VERY BAD Word, in fact it is total Lunacy, for anyone who believes in them. However the Legal Dictionary defines them, and Q has been teaching us all about them, and obviously POTUS believes in them too. Shock and horror to some I know. But, these FACTS seem to escaped many on this board. It went right over their heads.

Some still think CONSPIRACIES = LIES.....but TRUMP doesn't think so, in spite of Q pounding these FACTS into us for what?......2 years???

TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":

Yep, SB2 Message: Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.

Ouch that's going to SCARE a lot of people on this board....who fully TRUST in lame stream media's SPIN!!! (not to mention SNOPES...whom some think is the last word on TRUTH.)

HERE WE GO, the OFFICIAL Pronouncement by SNOPES (and CNN):

TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":

Yes, this is very interesting. EVEN TRUMP DOESN'T BELIEVE THE "The Official Narrative"!!!!

This is truly funny.....although I realize it shatters the illusions of many on this Board who hold Fox News, and CNN and even SNOPES as the absolute LAST WORD ON "THE TRUTH", even after all of Q's warnings to the contrary!!!!!!!!

We should really bow our heads in a moment of prayer for these people who "just haven't caught on yet", and are in a DEEP, DEEP Depression tonight, realizing their ILLUSIONS of these BASTIONS of TRUTH and EVIDENCE just got shattered to pieces today BY......not Q,... but President TRUMP!!!!

Our Hearts and Prayers are with them.

My only hope is that they WAKE UP, before it is too late.

Yes, this is very interesting. Even Trump doesn't believe "The Official Narrative"!!!!

Trump is pointing the finger at the Clintons, and indicating it is not suicide but MURDER (Arkancide).

I don't think Trump would do that if Epstein's death was faked by the White Hats to put him into witness protection program. Or would he?

But then again, a little voice inside my head says, leaving Epstein out where he could get bumped off, knowing the Clintons's body count history, seems almost like dereliction of duty to me. Trump is not stupid.

On the other hand, maybe Epstein did sing his head off, and the white hats faked his death, so he could go into a witness protection program with the clintons no longer hunting for him. Not that Epstein will be set free, but he will be hidden away in a safe place while he cooperates in the take down of the bigger fish. And Trump is just pointing the finger at "the usual suspects" in such cases, to help seal the cover story.

I think Epstein was only put into the prison to get him to agree to talk. He hates the low life of the prison, and worried all the time the Clinton Assassins will get to him first. I think he finally agreed to talk, so now the white hats faked his death, and moving him as a cooperating witness to another secret safer location.

Jim Stone thinks Epstein is probably winging his way to Israel/Mossad where he will be under their witness protection program.

Either way, someone wants us to think Epstein is dead, in spite of the coincidences (all security cameras malfunctioning ) and the photos of him don't quite match previous photos of him and official photos are apparently photoshopped:

Eye witness account, thinks they switched bodies....and a soldier in military uniform picked up Epstein:

And then there is this curious Q post:

Why did Q draw our attention to WHERE Epstein was being held, IF Epstein was where the press said he was???

There was an 8Chan post that at the same time as the power outage, this prison where Epstein was held (which was no secret it was splattered all over the press), was surrounded by many many police officers. We wondered if this power outage was a distraction (and to shut down communications) while Epstein was extracted and taken to a safer prison. He would subsequently go to and from court via helicopter.

Maybe Epstein was replaced with a body double that night? And that is why the photos today of his ears and nose don't line up exactly?

We know Hildabeast and Billy the rapist have body doubles.

SerialBrain2 says Epstein's Death was FAKED:

Message? Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.

Eye The Spy says Epstein's death was faked too:



Do not jump to conclusions about Epstein.




10:04 AM - Aug 10, 2019

Epstein's Longtime Girlfriend (and Mossad Hangler): Ghislaine Maxwell Queen of Sex Trafficking Elite is Missing

I have to post this. NOBODY (who has been following Q) is buying the Official Narrative!

These are really funny tweet posts:

moderator99 ago


How is it that you can possibly do all that 'research' and then write up all these long posts about it, as one person? You write more text than anyone could possibly produce in such a short time!

How many people are behind your persona?

Why are you ALWAYS promoting questionable sources?

Why are you ALWAYS promoting questionable stories that never pan out?

In one post you accurately state that Epstein would have a guard stationed outside his glass-doored cell watching 24/7. But then in other posts you promote the bullshit rumor that the cameras were turned off. So which is it? How would cameras being turned off not alert guards to immediately go and check on him? That is protocol. I know.

You have also claimed in another post that he couldn't possibly commit suicide because he would have no way to do so. So how did he do it?

And you have also posted elsewhere claimg that he escaped! How did he do that?

You've claimed just about every possible thing that you can think of, thereby proving that you just claim any bullshit story that you can come up with to distract people and confuse them with false information.

DawnPendraig ago

Please stop spamming!