Qdini ago

Very impressive @indeknow!

Sutie ago

Indeknow..I think you are right...The house of cards is starting to fall..Amen

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I think he’s been moved. Q 3429...How do you eliminate a liability? Where is Ep being held? Reconcile. Do you believe in coincidences? Powerful people connected. PANIC.

indeknow ago

The setup was three weeks ago when he was put on suicide watch and now.....

Do you believe in coincidences?


derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1160154025511280640 :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Maggie Haberman of the Failing @nytimes reported that I was annoyed by the lack of cameras inside the hospitals in Dayton & El Paso, when in fact I was the one who stated, very strongly, that I didn’t want the Fake News inside & told my people NOT to let them in. Fake reporting!"

https://tweetsave.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1160158591518674945 :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "In a letter to me sent by Kim Jong Un, he stated, very nicely, that he would like to meet and start negotiations as soon as the joint U.S./South Korea joint exercise are over. It was a long letter, much of it complaining about the ridiculous and expensive exercises. It was....."

https://tweetsave.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1160160760179372032 :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Never has the press been more inaccurate, unfair or corrupt! We are not fighting the Democrats, they are easy, we are fighting the seriously dishonest and unhinged Lamestream Media. They have gone totally CRAZY. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

This has been an automated message.

amarQ144 ago

The idea that he is alive and has been transferred or...?...is one possibility. The other is that he is dead. If he is dead the black hats won another round, regardless of how it happened.

indeknow ago

Epstein is a Federal prisoner with the goods on just about everyone, he is probably more protected than POTUS.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not buying that the CCTV failed, the guard was napping (my words), etc.

I've worked in max security corrections facilities - the CCTV systems are rock solid as that is what keeps COs alive - situational awareness.

A CO anon pointed out that he did suicide watch. It was known that if someone dies on your shift, you could be criminally and civilly liable, not to mention lose your job.

So either the Deep State got to a guard and said "go blind or your family dies" and let Eggstein hang himself (which would be tough in a suicide proof room) OR this was a jailbreak engineered by the white hats. Too many people would have to be involved to get him out illegally.

eldorann ago

Yes. From the linked 4chan post (some other post here, search on "4chan" and it should show up) the body that was shown had cosmetic differences (facial structure) from the real Epstein.

Woelf3 ago

Pretty close to exactly ... might be a few twists and turns ... it’s really gettin real folks ( Anons ) !?

Ramp7 ago

Narrative has changed. El Paso and Dayton are off the Front Page. Gun Control lost

indeknow ago

White Hat operation to put Epstein back in and control the news cycle. Epstein is the keystone that will crash the house of cards.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Yep. Anybody notice how suddenly nobody is talking about gun control or white supremacy?

Fuckin bad guys aren’t the only ones who can change the narrative.