moderator99 ago

Thank you for posting.

CMAnon ago

Something tells me it was a Mossad whack. I read somewhere he had a $100 mil price on his head. That’s a lot of cash and a huge motivator. Plus wasn’t Ehud Barak implicated by association? I’m sure Alan Dershowitz is breathing easier too.

webster_warrior ago

Bureau black hats have to be P.O'd. The Atty. Gen. is saying he is opening a separate investigation.

Stfudvs ago

We fucking want answers Bill

Ddboomer ago

Watch and read. The answers will be revealed. There will be many things that we will never know, but the Cabal/ swamp is going down like a well-made reality movie

Stfudvs ago

This is a war, white hats are not going to win every battle

“Moves and countermoves”

I’m watching for a counter move on Epstein as I think it was a big blow that he was murked.

Ddboomer ago

We will see

Ddboomer ago

I just read serial brain 2 decode. I din’t Concur, but I guess ... will we ever know, really??

All I care about is the swamp going down!!

Stfudvs ago

I have faith in Barr, hope he doesn’t suddenly decide to kill himself.

Stfudvs ago

Personally I think sb2 makes way to many stretches and I almost never agree with him. I’m with you, we are all here to see the cabal burn.

RecceRat ago

Anyone else see this ........apparent suicide? Now to me it stands out, it's reported as suicide, AG Barr don't think so!!

Muntanolva ago

Barr is not pointing that it wasn’t a suicide. He is assuming it was a suicide, but for it to happen under federal suicide watch points to a gross or willful negligence. That’s the point of investigating it, it is not acceptable to happen.

crazycloud2 ago

We need to find out who was responsible for the camera going down and make sure he is not cremated.

Qzenseeker ago

Another one bites the dust.. we saw this coming :(

CSweeny_74 ago

He's alive...and not because whitehats have him. He got away.

Stop "hoping" for nonsense. Did anyone really think he was just going to go down?

Haven't any of you learned anything?

nx6bg ago

nothing but another shit-show. make it stop already ...

standwithuQ ago

Does anyone think Barr would say that Epstein has been moved to Gitmo if that is the case? The 'suicide' is a cover story but he can't say that. You are watching a movie.

PGLiterati ago

Dude, he's dead. Do you honestly think that they would do it this way? There would be other, much less odious ways to achieve that goal if that were truly the case.

Muntanolva ago

Faking a death is felony fraud.

DickTick ago

Ah.. the ole' "state an opinion as if it was a proven fact" thing.


BH29 ago

I hope so

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

You are correct.

ALIENS2222 ago

They let him get whacked to catch a bunch of bad guys who did the whacking....

Qdini ago

I am glad Barr made a statement.

2TBob ago

I am Frickin exhausted. I don't want to say I am losing faith but I am starting to believe our believing we, (Q team), had already won this war, may have been premature.

fujison ago

Usually, when your enemy commits suicide I don't think that's called losing.

2TBob ago

Did not mean "losing". Maybe we just have not "WON", completely yet. War is ongoing with battles still undetermined, is my point.

fujison ago

This is a soft civil war. Wars are not easy.

GodsAngell ago

Personally, I think Epstein was transferred by the White Hats to GITMO.

OR, maybe Epstein sang like a bird, and coughed up all evidence in exchange for going into the Witness Protection Program. The DOJ/FBI fake key witnesses deaths all the time to get people to rat out Mafia bosses. No bigger mafia than the Clinton Mafia.

Lots of posts that the picture of Epstein doesn't look right.

Oh, and once again, even though Epstein was on "suicide watch" ALL the cameras were on him were turned off, while he supposedly commit suicide. Another coincidence??? I don't mind this time if it was the White Hats doing all this.

DammitMan ago

For once angell I agree 100% with what you say.

Ranlove ago

I’m not buying this shit. On suicide watch and cameras fail?!. A very high profile prisoner like Epstein would be watched like hawk.

Two options here. 1. The deep state got to him and paid the prison officials to look the other way. 2. He made a deal. The white hats faked his death and moved him to GITMO and he already spilled the beans.

GracieTracie2 ago

What has Q told us over and over “Enjoy the show” gotta admit I don’t like this part but I’ll bet the end blows our minds.

Platypus43 ago

Looks like somebody isn't buying the story, this is actually potentially a really good thing if it indeed was a hit.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

You’re watching a show, and us anons have the script.

philmchawk ago

Because he is doing the bare minimum of opening an investigation? Are you fucking retarded?

abattoirdaydream ago

What else can you do, prior to an investigation though?

philmchawk ago

I don't know what they have so i couldn't tell you the best move. All i'm saying is thinking this is anything other than what they are obligated to do is full cope.

abattoirdaydream ago

Perhaps. But it isn't like nothing is getting done at all. I lived through the 90s. That was a lot of nothing. This has been the most energetic I have EVER seen "potential" "good guys" be. I'll hold out hope, and cope with it being slower than I like, because I have a concern that this genuinely is our last shot before civil war.

philmchawk ago

Trump is a token white nationalist to keep us on our hands "hoping" (they love praying on Christians hope/faith) while they change our demographics so much that we can't win.

abattoirdaydream ago

Trump is not a white nationalist. You showed your hand shill. GTFO. I'm flagging you.

philmchawk ago

Read what i said again jesus. He ran as a nationalist and hinted at being pro white. Since then he has done nothing to show he is a nationalist or pro white. He is a token nationalist to keep you sitting on your hands. They knew if they came after the guns with a dem you would rise up but since it's trump you guys are going to let it happen.

abattoirdaydream ago

Ok. White Nationaist implies and has always implied (for the general public) a nation for white people. I totally get that there are variations and nuance, and as long as Israel stands in our tax money, I can't criticize the concept of ethno-state.

Nationalist implies wanting a distinct and independent nation. No riders regarding anything else (including ethnicity) required.

However, never has Trump suggested that he took a position in line with the typically accepted meaning of White Nationalist. Nationalist sure. And he doesn't call for "Death to the White Devil" that is certain, and very welcome, to be sure. But not hating white people doesn't equal wanting an ethno-state. At ALL.

Also, I think that if Trump makes a gun grab his own side might take his head off (figuratively of course). The support is ideological, not cult of personality like the media says.

philmchawk ago

Right but he ran on a very very natonalistic platform and then hinting at the white part (immigration based on merit and assimilation; who has the best assimilation and merit? white people).

I mean he might as well come out and say "Death to the white devil" he has done nothing to help whites out at all and keep running on "LOWEST HISPANIC AND BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT WOOO A$AP OUT OF JAIL NIGGAS". He then keeps condemning white nationalist too.

If trump takes guns they might do something. If hillary took guns we would 100% have a civil war. You see why they're picking him?

abattoirdaydream ago

I have my concerns about the situation. But you are reading into things. Trump taking guns would be the highest betrayal. Hillary doing so would be predictable. You tell me which would enrage more people.

philmchawk ago

Hillary by far. Look at how people are trying to twist epstein death into a good thing. They are going to do the same shit when trump takes guns.

PGLiterati ago

Great. These federal investigations always clear up everything and bring justice. Right. Three years later we'll be told that Epstein procured some rope from someone and hanged himself. End of story.

GodsAngell ago

Relax, Trump has already provided some insight:

Everyone does realize what just happened today, don't they????

Even Trump Doesn't Believe "The Official Narrative"!!!

Even worse, Trump is indicating a CONSPIRACY to Murder Epstein!!!!

Yes, I know to many people who totally BELIEVE CNN and SNOPES, that the word CONSPIRACY is a VERY, VERY BAD Word, in fact it is total Lunacy, for anyone who believes in them. However the Legal Dictionary defines them, and Q has been teaching us all about them, and obviously POTUS believes in them too. Shock and horror to some I know. But, these FACTS seem to escaped many on this board. It went right over their heads.

Some still think CONSPIRACIES = LIES.....but TRUMP doesn't think so, in spite of Q pounding these FACTS into us for what?......2 years???

TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":

Yep, SB2 Message: Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.

Ouch that's going to SCARE a lot of people on this board....who fully TRUST in lame stream media's SPIN!!! (not to mention SNOPES...whom some think is the last word on TRUTH.)

HERE WE GO, the OFFICIAL Pronouncement by SNOPES (and CNN):

TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":

Yes, this is very interesting. EVEN TRUMP DOESN'T BELIEVE THE "The Official Narrative"!!!!

This is truly funny.....although I realize it shatters the illusions of many on this Board who hold Fox News, and CNN and even SNOPES as the absolute LAST WORD ON "THE TRUTH", even after all of Q's warnings to the contrary!!!!!!!!

We should really bow our heads in a moment of prayer for these people who "just haven't caught on yet", and are in a DEEP, DEEP Depression tonight, realizing their ILLUSIONS of these BASTIONS of TRUTH and EVIDENCE just got shattered to pieces today BY......not Q,... but President TRUMP!!!!

Our Hearts and Prayers are with them.

My only hope is that they WAKE UP, before it is too late.

Yes, this is very interesting. Even Trump doesn't believe "The Official Narrative"!!!!

Trump is pointing the finger at the Clintons, and indicating it is not suicide but MURDER (Arkancide).

I don't think Trump would do that if Epstein's death was faked by the White Hats to put him into witness protection program. Or would he?

But then again, a little voice inside my head says, leaving Epstein out where he could get bumped off, knowing the Clintons's body count history, seems almost like dereliction of duty to me. Trump is not stupid.

On the other hand, maybe Epstein did sing his head off, and the white hats faked his death, so he could go into a witness protection program with the clintons no longer hunting for him. Not that Epstein will be set free, but he will be hidden away in a safe place while he cooperates in the take down of the bigger fish. And Trump is just pointing the finger at "the usual suspects" in such cases, to help seal the cover story.

I think Epstein was only put into the prison to get him to agree to talk. He hates the low life of the prison, and worried all the time the Clinton Assassins will get to him first. I think he finally agreed to talk, so now the white hats faked his death, and moving him as a cooperating witness to another secret safer location.

Jim Stone thinks Epstein is probably winging his way to Israel/Mossad where he will be under their witness protection program.

Either way, someone wants us to think Epstein is dead, in spite of the coincidences (all security cameras malfunctioning ) and the photos of him don't quite match previous photos of him and official photos are apparently photoshopped:

Eye witness account, thinks they switched bodies....and a soldier in military uniform picked up Epstein:

And then there is this curious Q post:

Why did Q draw our attention to WHERE Epstein was being held, IF Epstein was where the press said he was???

There was an 8Chan post that at the same time as the power outage, this prison where Epstein was held (which was no secret it was splattered all over the press), was surrounded by many many police officers. We wondered if this power outage was a distraction (and to shut down communications) while Epstein was extracted and taken to a safer prison. He would subsequently go to and from court via helicopter.

Maybe Epstein was replaced with a body double that night? And that is why the photos today of his ears and nose don't line up exactly?

We know Hildabeast and Billy the rapist have body doubles.

SerialBrain2 says Epstein's Death was FAKED:

Message? Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.

Eye The Spy says Epstein's death was faked too:



Do not jump to conclusions about Epstein.




10:04 AM - Aug 10, 2019

Epstein's Longtime Girlfriend (and Mossad Hangler): Ghislaine Maxwell Queen of Sex Trafficking Elite is Missing

I have to post this. NOBODY (who has been following Q) is buying the Official Narrative!

These are really funny tweet posts:

PGLiterati ago

Oh, well shut me down now--if Eye the Spy says so too!! Give me a break. Eye the Spy? Please. That is moronic.

Odius1 ago

I'd be more faithful if someone said he try give himself a bj.

redtoe_skipper ago

with a red scarve from the doorknob .....

1031grnis ago

Oh yes, the red scarf.

Backoftheqanon ago

"Instead of" would be better

Welorf ago

Sweet more of tax payer money spent on more federal "investigations"

joeneesima ago

In addition to the FBI’s investigation