salbida ago

White hats to Epstein:

"You won't be executed. But you give up every legal protection afforded to man. Or we really remove you from suicide watch. Your choice."

moderator99 ago

Is your grandma single?

Scoundrel ago

Noticed this as well. Even lefties and non political types are questioning it

kw92 ago

hurrr whitehats I wish you faggots got hung everytime you misused a term so flagrantly

DawnPendraig ago

First thing hubby says to me today "Epstein is dead" from the guy who would tune me out if I tried to talk to him about conspiracy theories or Q or anything

I am so amazed. Then he tells me he is reading 4 Chan! Woah

scatteredshattered ago

Perhaps he’s flipped, White hats flipped the script for him talking a, faked his death and he’s under protection? No more news about shooting and gun control just left wing pedos

Stfudvs ago

I don’t think there will be but I wouldn’t rule it out there was an assault weapon ban before there definitely can be one again

chocolatepatriot2 ago

so i guess we are due for another FF.

QCrumbCatcher ago

There's alot of talk on 4 chan about the Golden Gate Bridge tomorrow and the fact that this weekend is Tisha B'av.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

important to know for people in Northern Ca.

rumoret ago

Twitter is substituting for 8Chan while it is down. 😉

QCrumbCatcher ago

4 chan /pol/ is where they're all going. Fuck Twitter.

Don_Tomaso ago

Even better if the fucker is actually whisked away to witness protection or gitmo.

SpaceForce ago

yeah, i can't believe how prevalent the Epstein Suicide is on my facebook feed. Even people who I never see mentioning politics are talking about it. Pretty crazy.

I'm seeing it pop up in feeds that have nothing to do with the Pedogate stuff.

numina18 ago

Oh, taking back the narrative. Yes. That makes a lot of sense.

Quinceberry ago

What a fantastic point! The narrative HAS completely changed and this is front and center!

UGM ago

1.4 million tweets with hashtag #Epstein. Imagine how many there really are. Today I am glad so many people are following this story.

Patranon1 ago

All things Epstein are Trending on twitter. Like 16 out of the top 20. Bwahahaa. Suck it DS

Stfudvs ago

Assault weapon ban bill front and center in September so yes they want to move the narrative off the shooter so they can quietly ban assault weapons. This is not white hats my friend

The1stLantern ago

4D chess ny fucking ass. This was a loss, theres nothing wrong with calling it what it is. Do you think your enemy so impotent as to not be able to score a single victory? Come back to reality, theres a war going on and we dont,need bullshit silver linings, we need soldiers.

kydeplorable ago

Calm down, if Epstein was indeed a high value target There is no way the the DS would have gotten to him. I’d speculate that he was removed long ago.

WhiteDragon ago

Exactly, do you think that after the first suicide attempt the PATRIOTS would not protect him? He was not valuable at all. Maxwell and Chandler are way better witnesses. And all the hard evidence (tapes, videos, papers like the flight log) the PATRIOTS have!

Didn't Q say something about August being a hot ...

freeman84 ago

fuck u guys are annoying, go back to reddit.

fucking whitehats and 4d chess jesus christ. Trump is making Israel great again, get with boomers.

QCanada ago

Best spec so far...I like it...

Grunge ago

I don't think Trump had Epstein killed to change the narrative. That is just silly IMO.

But one good thing that is coming of it, I may have went on twitter and larp'd as a leftist and demanded an investigation using the same hashtag they used when Epstein first got arrested. #EpsteinTrumpsBFF and demanded answers and I saw other libtards saying "ya, what if Trump had this guy killed so Trump wouldn't get exposed?" so some of them are at least interested and are holding the thought of a conspiracy in their head.

Dauphin ago

I personally don't think he's really dead, but that is opinion and not fact.

swimkin ago

Yup, I have even been getting text messages from friends who knew I was posting JE information on my FB page. I KNOW many of them are reading my page but not posting on it. I post alot about him, and Q related posts.

isalod_2298 ago

Same, show them this link where it shows Disney taking cruises full of people to that same island.

User890020 ago

White hats don't kill people to change narratives

Dauphin ago

I dont believe he is dead

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't either. I think he was swapped out for a dummy.

MystikMa ago

Doppelganger, doubt he's a stiff either.

Blacksmith21 ago

I would agree.

Publius1778 ago

Nailed it!

Dauphin ago

Barr does not seem to be happy about this... either he is playing his role magnificently or Epstein suicide is really bad for us.

salbida ago

When you do a sneaky move, you don't titter behind your fingers. You play your own part with a straight face, and put some extra pizzaz into your bagpipe practice.

GodsAngell ago

I think you said that wrong. Either Barr is playing a role and there was a CONSPIRACY to murder Epstein, or there wasn't a Conspiracy to commit murder. I do believe that Trump weighed in the topic today for us:

Everyone does realize what just happened today, don't they????

Even Trump Doesn't Believe "The Official Narrative"!!!

Even worse, Trump is indicating a CONSPIRACY to Murder Epstein!!!!

Yes, I know to many people who totally BELIEVE CNN and SNOPES, that the word CONSPIRACY is a VERY, VERY BAD Word, in fact it is total Lunacy, for anyone who believes in them. However the Legal Dictionary defines them, and Q has been teaching us all about them, and obviously POTUS believes in them too. Shock and horror to some I know. But, these FACTS seem to escaped many on this board. It went right over their heads.

Some still think CONSPIRACIES = LIES.....but TRUMP doesn't think so, in spite of Q pounding these FACTS into us for what?......2 years???

TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":

Yep, SB2 Message: Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.

Ouch that's going to SCARE a lot of people on this board....who fully TRUST in lame stream media's SPIN!!! (not to mention SNOPES...whom some think is the last word on TRUTH.)

HERE WE GO, the OFFICIAL Pronouncement by SNOPES (and CNN):

TRUMP'S TWEET TODAY Re: Epstein's "suicide":

Yes, this is very interesting. EVEN TRUMP DOESN'T BELIEVE THE "The Official Narrative"!!!!

This is truly funny.....although I realize it shatters the illusions of many on this Board who hold Fox News, and CNN and even SNOPES as the absolute LAST WORD ON "THE TRUTH", even after all of Q's warnings to the contrary!!!!!!!!

We should really bow our heads in a moment of prayer for these people who "just haven't caught on yet", and are in a DEEP, DEEP Depression tonight, realizing their ILLUSIONS of these BASTIONS of TRUTH and EVIDENCE just got shattered to pieces today BY......not Q,... but President TRUMP!!!!

Our Hearts and Prayers are with them.

My only hope is that they WAKE UP, before it is too late.

Yes, this is very interesting. Even Trump doesn't believe "The Official Narrative"!!!!

Trump is pointing the finger at the Clintons, and indicating it is not suicide but MURDER (Arkancide).

I don't think Trump would do that if Epstein's death was faked by the White Hats to put him into witness protection program. Or would he?

But then again, a little voice inside my head says, leaving Epstein out where he could get bumped off, knowing the Clintons's body count history, seems almost like dereliction of duty to me. Trump is not stupid.

On the other hand, maybe Epstein did sing his head off, and the white hats faked his death, so he could go into a witness protection program with the clintons no longer hunting for him. Not that Epstein will be set free, but he will be hidden away in a safe place while he cooperates in the take down of the bigger fish. And Trump is just pointing the finger at "the usual suspects" in such cases, to help seal the cover story.

I think Epstein was only put into the prison to get him to agree to talk. He hates the low life of the prison, and worried all the time the Clinton Assassins will get to him first. I think he finally agreed to talk, so now the white hats faked his death, and moving him as a cooperating witness to another secret safer location.

Jim Stone thinks Epstein is probably winging his way to Israel/Mossad where he will be under their witness protection program.

Either way, someone wants us to think Epstein is dead, in spite of the coincidences (all security cameras malfunctioning ) and the photos of him don't quite match previous photos of him and official photos are apparently photoshopped:

Eye witness account, thinks they switched bodies....and a soldier in military uniform picked up Epstein:

And then there is this curious Q post:

Why did Q draw our attention to WHERE Epstein was being held, IF Epstein was where the press said he was???

There was an 8Chan post that at the same time as the power outage, this prison where Epstein was held (which was no secret it was splattered all over the press), was surrounded by many many police officers. We wondered if this power outage was a distraction (and to shut down communications) while Epstein was extracted and taken to a safer prison. He would subsequently go to and from court via helicopter.

Maybe Epstein was replaced with a body double that night? And that is why the photos today of his ears and nose don't line up exactly?

We know Hildabeast and Billy the rapist have body doubles.

SerialBrain2 says Epstein's Death was FAKED:

Message? Don't believe everything you hear from Lame Stream Media, including Fox News.

Eye The Spy says Epstein's death was faked too:



Do not jump to conclusions about Epstein.




10:04 AM - Aug 10, 2019

Epstein's Longtime Girlfriend (and Mossad Hangler): Ghislaine Maxwell Queen of Sex Trafficking Elite is Missing

I have to post this. NOBODY (who has been following Q) is buying the Official Narrative!

These are really funny tweet posts:

MystikMa ago

He's really GOOD, Sly & Silent Fox... but always catches his prey!

yukon456 ago

good actors

369693936 ago

They're skewering AG Barr on social media, but he's recused from the Epstein case:

369693936 ago

Ha, thanks. Even the link I posted was updated with the correct info later.

singlebrain1 ago

no prob

Dauphin ago

Interesting... something is definitely happening.

toutedesuite ago

Q told us “Enjoy the show” 😉

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Because that's all it is. You're watching a show they're staging for you, but you're somehow thinking it's reality. It's not.

Mittermeyer ago

Q also told you to sit on your thumbs and do nothing as the world burns around you and America gets overrun with non Whites.

turkeylurker ago

Sit on it and spin Shittermeyer.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I hate it when Q says that.

hello_reddit ago

yeah, you're supposed to enjoy that

undertheshills ago

Think of the Tacos ignore the debt DUIs and reconquista politics.

Anomalia ago

The question is what else are we not talking about... like the huge happening in Russia?

Mittermeyer ago

Like some of the Epstein files being released proving Bill went to the island the day before this happened.

Christosgnosis ago

oh, but all that will be talked about - because even Normies are not buying into "just a sucide" and that's it. So they too will be pre-disposed now to hear more about all these powerful people that are implicated in Epstein's crimes and that are at risk for the same

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Difference is, most 'normies' know it's all just a show. It's produced. The whole politics thing is a staged production to distract you from reality.

Christosgnosis ago

no, Normies don't think like that - folks like you do because you've been at it and seen deeper than the Normies

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

That's plausible. That's how it used to be, but I haven't talked to them in quite a while, other that to ask for a large, or whatever.

Ddboomer ago

Yup, even fake news has comments from sleepers who don't Believe Epstein committed suicide

ShaneE11183386 ago

Agree 100 percent

Ive looked at pics

Its not same nose or ears

Looks like a prosthetic head

But my twitter feed is absolutely everything epstein

Its like a 9/11 type news event it seems.

Greattttt time for all those names to come out

MystikMa ago

It's CHUM TIME, watch the frenzy begin!!!

TexasPatriot972 ago

This! One way or the other, everyone on the shit list has just lost their chance to be exonerated from the horse's mouth. In a pretty world, Epstein could confess, gain credibility and then testify that certain persons did not participate in the sickness. With him gone, either dead or in protection, the case against many will be decided by forensics and existing testimony.

That said, there is one potential blowback. Nobody other than regular people like us gives a fuck about these victims. Without a good target for The Peoples Anger, and face it, a white Jew billionaire is a great villain, this case may go the way of the Do Do bird. They'll forgive the Clintons and George Clooney.

Codyhbgbrb ago

Also seems to be wearing a cervical collar.

comprametu ago

Exactly! Change of narrative. Two good things out of this: 1. White hats can search Epstein's house w/o anyone standing to challenge it, 2. Change of narrative 3. Rachel Chandler is really the star witness of all this and she is somewhere alive and already sang 4. DS is now confused and nervious as to whether JE is alive or not...

new4now ago

Ghisele is the star witness

Where is she?

Is she being protected or will she turn up dead also?

JE alive as a Goverment Protected Witness, that might work

There's a lot of alphabet agencies

In at least 3 countries that would want him dead

Not to mention the Big Names he associated with

The announcement of his death really is no surprise, but what if.....

frankenmine ago

The problem is you can't have a criminal case without a suspect.

hg74rhyd9 ago

No but every victim and their dog now is going to sue his estate in civil cases. Everyone will want a piece of his alleged millions, and you can bet they will do everything possible to get it.

ditzee ago

You can have criminal cases against others found in depositions, discovery, etc.

Christosgnosis ago

but there is a suspect (Epstein) and there's still the prosecutors evidence and witnesses - and a myriad of other individuals that are implicated in the suspect's crimes that could likewise be charged - prosecuted using much of the same evidence

frankenmine ago

If Epstein is really dead, he is no longer a suspect.

singlebrain1 ago

there are others who will be charged. Conspiracy? RICO?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Not if Epstein's testimony was crucial to the case. Him being dead makes it far more likely that any related cases will be dropped.

singlebrain1 ago

The girls are the ones making accusations.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Still, I think his death is going to throw a huge damper over the whole case. There could still be a couple sacrifices though.

Mittermeyer ago

Also now that Epstein is dead his Estate can destroy all the evidence he had because since the defendant is death there is no current active investigation. Him being alive is also how it stayed in the media. Expect another mass shooting or something to make everyone forget about this whole thing soon.

cantaloupe6 ago

Another FF incoming

singlebrain1 ago

There is a current active investigation in GM.

Dauphin ago

I heard and now cannot re-locate, but someone had said "now that he is dead, the criminal case is closed and the evidence can now be dropped to the pubic." Again it's a rumor but sounds plausible to me.

MystikMa ago

Mike Cernovitch...Said "it's depressing, sad but it's over, he's dead for sure." I'm sure his pal Dersowitz, hope it;s true... However, Defense CANNOT object on Evidentiary Discovery, when thery don't have a live client. It's chum time...Let the feeding frenzy begin...

ketoll ago

Would be such a weird twist if McCain and Epstein are both alive and cellmates in Gitmo right now.

Confucianism ago

I know it is seems unlikely however it’s possible. Q has mentioned to question everything.

rndmvar ago

More than just that. Witness testimony from a deceased person cannot be cross examined. This rule was put in place to stop the mob from killing witnesses, and keeping their testimony from being presented as evidence. Thus a dead man's tale carries more weight in a courtroom than a living person's does.

2TBob ago

^^THIS^^ makes my heart sing.

abattoirdaydream ago

If it only involved him, yes. If evidence gathered from his property is part of other on going investigations into others, no.

comprametu ago


Joe10jo ago


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littlestown ago

Very good point!

Elfchiro ago


Lauraingalls ago

What does your grandmother think? That is cool.

Dauphin ago

she literally asked me if I had ever heard of this Epstein guy, what's the story... I am telling you... this could be the red pill for a lot of people

HelloDolly ago

I just came back from a overnight trip with friends to see a 60's band. We were in the car for two hours and I had a captive audience. I am usually really reluctant to overdo it because I don't want to scare people off. I kept saying "you can't even imagine this rabbit hole." Short story is I just got a text asking me for the name of the "guy that likes the weird art" and Kate Spade's husband's name, etc. Oddly, or not, this one woman kept saying "it all makes sense now in a weird way."

hg74rhyd9 ago

I redpilled my friend on a roadtrip last fall. I'd mentioned stuff in passing for a couple years, but the timing was right and the kiddie molestation stuff (specifically adrenochrome) went past all his defences and grabbed him hard.

Blacksmith21 ago

I agree. I'm not on social media, but my wife is. She said everyone is talking about Eggstein. Groupthink is saying this was faked or Arkancide. The sheep are saying this...

Ddboomer ago

Icing on the cake... the “ suicide”

Dauphin ago

I told her he was good friends with Bill Clinton who flew to this private island 26 times WITHOUT HIS SECRET SERVICE (Which is unheard of) I told her this private island has underground tunnels and a weird temple and it said to be a playground for elite to molest younger girls.. told her files of a girl just leaked from a girl who was 15 and was sold for sex on that island... she listen... I know she is in shock but hearing it laid out like this combined with everything that happens, she is not doubting it. I told her look it up online (she has an ipad and loves it.) She didnt really say much after that but with all the things I was saying she was responding "mmm hmm" a lot. I bet asking people "Did you hear about Epstein" will open the door.

salbida ago

Granmas with iPads—what a great world we live in!

CaJuN-M8 ago

Change girls with kids. Male and female. And they sacrificed them.

allonthesameteam ago

I think the files were "released", not leaked. Big difference.

isalod_2298 ago

Show her that Disney used to take people to that same island, will open another can of worms for exploration. Here is the archived link showing the cruise going there, it’s towards the middle of the page where it shows Little Saint James as a destination.

Dauphin ago

she's going to need baby steps...

DawnPendraig ago

Disney is going to be the pill that chokes people into denial if it's not done later. I'm still fighting denial.

Lauraingalls ago

So much Evil. Her head will spin.

Lauraingalls ago

WOW. Lots and lots to tell her. Thanks for your reply. She will be shocked.

Dauphin ago

I just called my dad, I call him every weekend and we are talking Epstein right now. He's really into it! 78 year old Israel loving boomer I think I am red pilling him right now!

Lauraingalls ago

Wonderful. God does open doors in unexpected ways. Great to hear.

bopper ago

Yeah, my family is now asking questions. It's a good feeling.

Dauphin ago

First my Grandmother and now my dad, on the phone with him now... I am breaking him! hahaha he is pro-Israel to the death and I am cracking it!

I keep asking him, "but why are all the pedophiles Jewish?"

dingdong44 ago

My boomer dad is uncrackable. Give me your number, I'll have him call you.

Dauphin ago

I'm getting a lot of resistance to the JQ fuck they were brainwashed.