Conservatism as a Mental Illness (
submitted 5.6 years ago by UnscathedViolet
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SquidFiddler 5.6 years ago
Me: I need my gun to protect myself against my ex who threatened to kill me, actually tried to kill me, yet is not in jail because, "domestic violence."
Psychology today: Preplanned self defense because of past trauma = Crazy(PTSD) = confiscate gun
UnscathedViolet 5.6 years ago
:( Sorry to hear that
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SquidFiddler ago
Me: I need my gun to protect myself against my ex who threatened to kill me, actually tried to kill me, yet is not in jail because, "domestic violence."
Psychology today: Preplanned self defense because of past trauma = Crazy(PTSD) = confiscate gun
UnscathedViolet ago
:( Sorry to hear that