COAnon ago

Nice but far too late - the propaganda agenda already was initial broadcast, not many saw the retraction.

MSM contributes to 110% of the hate these weak minded millennials think is the right way. Idiots.

comprametu ago

The sun is shining! The truth is beautiful even to be reported by the enemy of the people (MSM).

LuciferMF626 ago

I saw a newspaper clip that said the Ohio shooter actually died in 2014? WTF? the person who posted it was removed as well as the article.

Time4puff ago

Did things backfire? People are not stupid, was the public not buying their narrative? Sure we heard a few politicians go off the rail but many knew they were nut jobs already. Sure we heard the same few angry people blasted on the news cycle. But what the real people think? Around here, my liberal friends don't even want to talk about it. I'm thinking either they're embarrassed of what's going on or stopped caring. Has desperation of the media's attempt to divide the nation become too obvious?

pizzaequalspedo ago

IDK, people are pretty stupid overall. I mean we probably have circles where people are awake, but in the general population, they eat whatever CNN and FNC spoon feed them.

Fateswebb ago

This is a psyop by the FBI to try and create a civil war. Thing is the El paso shooting was clearly a false flag, but it would appear they used that to provoke the Ohio shooter. Who was probably their own little wind up doll.

GapingAnus ago

This is a psyop by the FBI to try and create a civil war.

Fat people do not revolt. Armed insurrection in any country is incredibly dangerous, likely to fail, likely to get you killed and will at the very least utterly ruin the country's economy meaning no more pizza rolls, netflix, potable water or internet access.

The people who control you don't want that. They want lively opposition between easily controlled groups of people who treat the engineered conflict like sports or, at best, hoping that someone else does something while they are at home watching it unfold on youtube.

Civil war is boomer fan fiction. It will never happen because nobody really wants to fight. They want others to fight for them. Civil wars happen when people have nothing left to lose.

pizzaequalspedo ago

The FBI and remaining letter agencies need to be the first to go in a civil war. They have perverted justice.

Barfin ago

the fbi was trying to make patsys out of people in the occupy wall st movement a few years back. I think one of the reasons it was shut down overnight was someone realized "wait this kind of thing would make liberals look bad because it's most liberals at occupy, let's abandon this operation"

lipids ago

OWS was killed using the progressive stack. Organization took a back seat to muh diversity.

Barfin ago

FBI coordinaterd with homeland security to take em down

they had been anti obama as he was selling out right and left

it was rife with infiltrators who tried to herd it as you say but it was getting beyond their control

mrsray ago

dayton mass shooter has been dead since 2014, already proven, this how thing is a lie

Mscss ago


mrsray ago

see here, on top of obituary, it was reported on before it even happened

RainDrops ago

Debunked already, they're two different people.

Mscss ago


Fateswebb ago

Bro, the dudes parents in the obituary names were different. I'm on the fence, the people that are debunking this point have good points.. it may have been just another dude with the same name with the same sister's name..

Lurker17 ago

Now that MSM has had a few days to spread the lie across the headlines and use it to impune Trump and conservatives in every way imaginable, and more. Yes, now its finally debunked. Thank God. But the damage is done, another layer of false accusations repeated for days was fodder to the left as they spread like wildfire and yielded handsome donations. Many independents (normies) think they heard the truth earlier and have essentially moved on. Progressive pundits will refer to this as a mass shooting owned by Trump and the conservatives that elected him in the future and few if any will call them on the facts.

Meanwhile, all those nasty things (truth) that came out about the Obama cabinet and Dems just before the shootings gets memory holed.

These people sure are crafty little devils. Truth wins, but evil still finds a way to carve out its own benefits. Damn.

rickki6 ago

I was shocked to see the NY Post in my office this morning with same headline pretty much.