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bamadeplorable420 ago

Juan said on Abel Danger today that the tide is turning and it has gotten stronger all,,,I looked up 'Tide'...........SEE Q32.....THANKS WWG JUAN WGA.

ArielQflip ago

WOW. Just wow.

trypanon ago

Please stop with the sensationalist formatting it is unreadable and regardless of the information I just skip your posts as I'm sure many others do.

The constant

BOLDING!!!! CAN YOU NOT SEE IT IF I DON'T USE BOLD??, CAPITALIZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and "OMFG DAE REMEMBER??? I DO!!!!!!" incredibly offputting. If your information is good or your post is worth reading it will stand on its own merit. Just some thoughts.

Juneysunshine ago

Trying to be patient but you are right, majority are still asleep. I’m waiting to wake up those I love, but the brain washing is massive. We will need a day the world stands still! How do you wake up the masses if the MSM,social media, Hollywood, and politicians won’t speak the truth? Can’t bear to think of another innocent losing a life. Praying for all to be revealed soon.

redtoe_skipper ago

Good points to consider GodsAngell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I'll do with a few less exclamation marks.

Good points to consider GodsAngell!

Thoutzan ago

and he is surrounded by Zionists and neocons and corporate swines, remember.

User890020 ago

You had me at: !!!!

Ddboomer ago

Trump is not Q . Q is part of the Patriots around POTUS

superpatriette ago

No one is saying Trump is Q, but Q team and POTUS have alluded to Q+ posts being from POTUS himself.

Ddboomer ago

Q+ is POTUS and Q is the Patriot team, correct?

superpatriette ago

Yes. That is correct.

Ddboomer ago


superpatriette ago

More than once but 2866 is one of the times.

GodsAngell ago

Trump is Q+, who has posted on 8Chan from time to time.

Ddboomer ago

Q is not Trump. Q is a team of Patriots who literally work next to him.

I have spoken to Q and they, he / she did not claim to be POTUS.

GodsAngell ago

Q+ does not equal Q.

rickki6 ago

Very good GA ! I’m hanging in! What a time to be alive patriots.

SuckaFree ago

If you know what to listen for, you don't necessarily need to decode the message. He was talking to [Them] as well as us, and the sleeping masses. He put them on notice today. It was interesting to listen to.

feli00 ago


tradstew ago

Aaahhh, an analysis with common sense, refreshing.

MAIDENanon ago

Well done man

salumi ago

I'm starting not to give a shit at this point. Hes banned bump stocks, and now is talking about "Red Flag Laws" which assumes rights are not inalienable, and that Citizens are guilty until proven innocent. It essentially guts the 2nd amendment.

He's blaming White supremacists, while ignoring rampant racism against whites. (point that out in the same breath when you speak about "white supremacists."

He better turn his ass around or he's going to get fired in 2020.

Nangasohu ago

I'm sure the Democrat nominee will love your vote.

Now Fuck off back to TWITter.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Buh-bye!

redtoe_skipper ago

So, lemmie get this straight. Potus wants consrvative justices on the supreme court who interpret the 2nd A as written. Correct?

Let's assume a red flag law comes trough, Potus signs, somebody challenges that in court. It's struck down ... Done deal, right?

Of course the dems want more gun control. That is their wetdream. Ok, so here you get a little bit of a wetdream, but it is connected to immigration reform. Shit shit shit, No what? ....

Ok after a long deliberation, forced or not, this package get's through and signed into law. Then somebody challenges the red flag laws. It's struck down. Voila.

You think the only the dems have interest groups with lawyers who can aim at enjoining in all states? You really think that? Well, perhaps it is time to consider the practice of lawfare. Or would you say Judicial watch got what they have for nothing?

GodsAngell ago

Great comment, I added it above in my post.

BCKeeper ago

The mass shooting shit is out of control...

He had to respond, that's what Presidents do.

And he has to try to find a cause, that's what Presidents do.

And he has to try to find a solution, that's what Presidents do.

To do anything less, he'd not be fulfilling the responsibilities of the office.

Not everyone will like his response, the findings of cause, or the proposed solution, if it comes to that, but that's life, can't please all the people all the time, and if you pretend you can, you're a lying Democrat.

rickki6 ago

Well said BC

salumi ago

The second amendment is a pretty clear line in the sand that is not open to interpretation. If that's his solution, than he can start packing.

Anon-Dan ago

The second is there to allow US to fight back against a tyrannical government. The first step is always to disarm the people.

BCKeeper ago

Correct, but he did not threaten the 2nd.

salumi ago

A "Red FLag Law" strips a citizen of their rights without due process, and assumes a person guilty(in this case lack of mental control etc) until proven otherwise. Can you not see how goes against not only the 2nd amendment, but the entire spirit in which that document was written in?

I will not support him in this.

DavidGydeon ago

you think the known, psychiactriac lunatic down the street falls into what our forefathers meant for all citizens to have firearms? Dont be ignorant. Would they want prisoners armed? Ex-cons? Psychopaths?

If you knee-jerk react to anything that infringes on a fucking lunatics rights to own a firearm and defend him, you're also a lunatic.

I believe any sane, legal citizen should be allowed to own a fucking tank. A fucking F-22. A fucking UFO. Innocent until proven guilty, OR, questionable if suspected of a crime.

Anon-Dan ago

Who decides if you are “sane” or not? The government? The FBI? The DOJ? The C_A? That is the rabbit hole of “reasonable gun control”. Every time we give up a tiny piece they just ramp up and go for more until they can come and take them all. Don’t be stupid and fall into that trap.

DavidGydeon ago

Someone who makes repeated threats shouldnt be an issue?

derram ago :

Julian's Rum 🥃 on Twitter: "Over a year ago, Q made a VERY relevant post surrounding efforts to shut down 8ch. It’s playing out just as Q said:

“Staged to frame pro POTUS supporters. Push violence (trap). MSM outcry to force action. Anticipated.”


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ledbetter ago

Also sometimes known as 170 => 17 + 0, where 0 is a + on a phone keypad.

giveitup ago

Nice to remind us of that, at this time. Thanks