Dressage2 ago

This like the other are kids that have been MK Ultra’d. Don’t know what it is? Do the research and realize they are controlling the kids through drugs, possible some have chips implanted in an tooth, their head, etc. Some are being controlled by radio frequencies. Remember, they all seem to say they heard voices in their head. The therapists travel from site to site and set up shop. Remember Adam Lanza? His therapist was Ron Fox. Fox gets into some trouble and moves to New Zealand where he sets up shop. Guess whose therapist was the shooter at Christ Church. Bingo, Ron Fox. I have researching and tracking these therapists. Look at Colorado shootings at theatre and Columbine. Yes, they had therapists and were on heavy duty drugs. They do not want this to come out. Evil like none other is operating out there.

VolunteerForTrump ago

This sounds like a cry for help rather than crisis averted. The kid buys the domestic terrorist starter kit then tells Grandma what he plans to do and goes with her to the hospital to seek treatment. Everything he bought laid out of the bed for the cops to inventory.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Fuck no. No coincidences. This was a deepstate plot averted. Plan b was elpasho guy.

KyJane ago

Maybe the kid was "in the making" and it backfired, or Granny just really prevented it from happening. Too much coincidence to be nothing.