Titaniumman ago

Anyone else notice that Schuner has been awful quite lately ??? Hmm, Gee i wonder why, You think he has come to the realization his ass is in a sling?

Lauraingalls ago

I hope so. LOL.

standwithuQ ago

Chucky is in the book and also was named in NXIVM court transcripts as being basicly owned by them.

Lauraingalls ago

Sick. Evil. So many of them.

Trizzle1 ago

Nice. Thanks.

Lauraingalls ago

You're welcome.

tossitrightinthere ago

Thanks, Laura. I've bookmarked the link and will get back to it when I have time.

Lauraingalls ago

You are welcome. It's sickening to see how many rich and powerful people knew him and were with him for one reason or another. SICK.

fogdryer ago

well look at Bill. many people he was a rapist, and guilty to financial crimes while in office.

No one cared....til youre caught

Lauraingalls ago

Yep VERY CAUGHT. Glad Epstein is in jail where he belongs.

tossitrightinthere ago

Indeed. I got into C on the list before I had to put it down, but I'd done a quick peruse before beginning at A. It's raining today, maybe I'll get through more.

Lauraingalls ago

There are just SO many well known people involved. It is horrible.

cosmopolitan ago

Is this list confirmed?