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SearchVoatBot ago

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divine_human ago

seismograph suggests that the earthquakes were triggered by explosion, not natural.

i take it that the white hats used tech to trigger the earthquakes which were building up for long, all around the ring of fire, to release pressure from the earth crust - have the quakes appear in a zone without much population, and maybe even revert the expected physical pole shift.

dont know about rescued children, they must have taken them out before the quakes,if that intel is true. china lake is indeed a good target for a starting point of the quakes as it is notorious for MK ultra and chemtrails, at least, from what truthers researched.

Elfchiro ago

Yes, I just found the seismographs of an underground nuke and the California earthquake. Looks very interesting. I will try to post them when I have the chance.

Scablifter ago

Not too sure it was nuked, we have better weapons that that.

Elfchiro ago

They have bunker busting nukes. I will see if I can find a seismograph of an underground nuke and try to compare that to the earthquake that happened that week.

derram ago :

China Lake, Nukes, 1000s of Children Rescued - YouTube

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