danmanky ago

According to the stock charts, Google stock has been on a strong uptrend since the 1st of June.

robowriter ago

Sedition. Anti-constitutional behavior. Election tampering. Owned by tribal members Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt who own 27.4%, 26.9% and 5.5% of the company in 2015. Google was seeded by the Pentagon.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Qbank ago

Full agreement there, this is a feckless company with no loyalty to the country that allowed it to thrive, talk about usurpations.

Pollycracker ago

Another no doubt: Google to be broken up, and so will Facebook.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

None of you know how the stock market works at all and Google didn't lose shit.


Throughout the entire week there was one major sell-off that made that 2% slip but it was only a loss of $2 per share but they're well over $1,100 per share so it didn't even fucking matter.

This article is tabloid sensationalism from Zero Hedge and I expect nothing less from them.

robowriter ago

As seen from Level 2, it works from 20 or so "axes" buying and selling the majority of shares and your ability to successfully predict it.

HeLovedPandas ago

Tyler Durden strikes again.

Mscss ago

President Trump’s words matter, he gets my 2020 vote

xtalbluedolpin2 ago

The free world depends on POTUS getting tech under control before they are in control!

cantaloupe6 ago

Lol. Some of Goolag's upper management doesn't hold American - those values present in the founding documents and spirit.

Gr8_again ago

I'm all in for #KAG2020 I'm so sick of Demon-crats hatred for America! Google's treasonous alliance with China, as well as meddling via censorship and various AI means in our elections process warrants investigation and punishment to the fullest extent of the law! Tech companies should not be above the law! #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

This is what happens when you end Big-Tech Censorship.
