joelwinsagain ago

Start building the gallows, it's time to send a message

SharkShack ago

All the while the media is foaming & giving the American haters squad the platform to destroy themselves.

Vc83 ago

That feel when everyone calling us conspiracy tards and pizzagate isn't real gets to wake up and see on the news,

  1. It's a fucking jew,
  2. They're sex trafficking,
  3. High level politicians and actors are blackmailed over pedophilia

Truther65 ago

This has now moved into sex trafficking territory which means they can seize his assets. Notice the judge asked how much money he has. The ball of yarn just keeps rolling tighter and tighter and soon the entire pedo cabal becomes embroiled in this. It could be the keystone to all things coming to fruition in taking them all down. Royal family named and who else will be named and indictments unsealed as this goes forward? Exciting times for anons who know and recognize every move they are making to bring this whole house of cards down. I have been a justice seeker all my life and now this. I am happy to be alive to witness this. Everyday is a new and exciting day to see this all unravel. WWG1WGA

GritD2 ago

I za broke yo honor

Vibratron ago

Same here, same here~ (I don't want to die before I see the Bush's, and his whole government, the Clinton's and their whole government, the Obama's and their whole government arrested...I want to see death penalties for 911, I want to see the most corrupt creation of all time, THE FED, taken down completely, along with the IRS.....then maybe I can rest in peace)

PygmyGoat ago

From your fingers to God’s eyes.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Same here!

Blacksmith21 ago


Truther65 ago

Ditto Patriot.

PGLiterati ago

I wonder how they have increased the investigation--does that mean the scope is broader, or they have more witnesses (which we know they do)--wish they had elaborated though likely that is the only tidbit they were given.

WillGreeley ago

Somewhere? I saw a pic of 8chan info that led me to reading about an american destroyer arriving at the epstien island with a thing to dig up possible bodies? Can't find it. Do you know anything about that?

PGLiterati ago

Nope--haven't seen that anywhere--but I haven't been on 8-chan for several days. You would think that they would check out the island. Julian's Rum is postulating that drone anon Rusty Shackleford--is part of the Q team. Drone vids are extremely professional.

WillGreeley ago

Found it on the Great Awakening page

Wheatstone ago

FISA allows for multiple connections to the target being watched and their contacts and their too.

Finding other conspirators would expand it further with more FISA warrants allowing more surveillance.

It basically means they have locked onto conspirators with enough evidence to convince a judge they should get more spying powers.

This is good news. But very understated.

Vibratron ago

I think it all of those things.....I'm quite sure that scared people are coming forward and there is not telling what they could be divulging who knows how broad the scope would be.....murder, spying, blackmail etc etc etc

Lurker17 ago

Surprisingly straight article considering it claims to be progressive journalism. I was expecting more "orange man bad" "reporting".

Yes, this will escalate!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

They're called "Raw Sewage" for a reason! They perpetrated so many lies for Hillary it was obvious.

MudPuddlePie ago

Lots of POTUS haters there...

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That is Raw Sewage. No doubt they want to spin this in Hillary's favor. But her 2020 chances might just be getting slimmer. I'm not going to hope too much for it, but there might be a glimmer of hope she is arrested soon. But not getting my hopes up. I want to see her and Obama's minions get arrested too!

MudPuddlePie ago

Can't happen soon enough. Although didn't Q post something about Bill and Canckles going to have health issues (possibly death) instead of prison? Can't remember.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Something about health problems. But I don't think it was ever mentioned if they'd go to prison or not.

MudPuddlePie ago

Ah, K, thx...

KillerKap ago

Clinton Global Initiative members do not like this news. No.

Wheatstone ago

At some point they will have to recognize this as a treasonous conspiracy.

As far as I understand the situation that would immediately put the whole investigation, arrests, trials and sentencing in the hands of the military!

This would speed up the whole process massively. And with the evidence gathered and investigation running for years now they should be able to start mass arrests very quickly.

I think we are moving pretty fast in this direction.

Treason charges against any of the conspirators would get the ball rolling.

Womb_Raider ago

Adam schiff pushed for GITMO trials to be public. It’s not a good thing at all. Trump would be wise to move against this.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Stop! My pitter pattering heart can't take this excitement!

QCrumbCatcher ago

That...and just in time was the bill passed to make military tribunals at Gitmo public and televised!

Womb_Raider ago

Adam schiff pushed for GITMO trials to be public. It’s not a good thing at all. Trump would be wise to move against this.

rebelscumm ago

More like Adam shithead still thinks it'll be Trump and Patriots being brought to gitmo. What an idiot. Like everything, blows up in their arrogant faces.

QCrumbCatcher ago

Why isn't it a good thing?

Wheatstone ago

That sure put a smile on my face.

Funny how it just came up like that.

QCrumbCatcher ago

Here's the sauce for anyone reading this.

Getcha popcorn ready!

jamesyb0i ago


Wheatstone ago


bopper ago


derram ago :

None | REVEALED: The government just ‘dramatically’ expanded its investigation of Jeffrey Epstein – Raw Story

'Federal investigators have been able to “dramatically expand” their investigation into financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein as prosecutors bring sex trafficking charges against him, Assistant U.S. Attorney Alex Rossmiller said in court on Monday. '

'Investigators have been able to expand their probe of Epstein, Rossmiller said, because “many individuals identifying themselves as victims and witnesses” have now come forward. '

'Epstein’s lawyers argued he should be released because they said he has not re-offended since 2005, when the accusations of sex trafficking date from. '

'To consider Epstein bail application, the government said it would like to better understand his finances.“How much money does he have?'

'Annie Farmer and Courtney Wild both testified that Epstein victimized them and that he should remain in jail. '

This has been an automated message.

Revodude2 ago

Bug out kit.

GritD2 ago

Was cought. I bet he has several more passports , and he could afford a private hop to a few countries to get around the us passport issue.