veteran88 ago

Q called out the Jewish mob and mossad for being filthy assassins.

Invest in gas companies.

PacaGoat ago

Its getting hairy out there. Several things come to mind,

suicide weekend, coming?

A week to remember? This week?

Flt Gitmo842 NAS Jax - Gitmo

42 years ago since the Great blackout in NYC.

Bill Clinton 42nd president.

Hold on to your butts. And popcorn. Chicken wangs tater salad......

JackANorey ago

Great post, but a couple of questions if I may. 1) Is there any evidence that JE has been moved? Q said where IS he being held not WAS. 2) Wouldn't someone like JE have a killswitch, making an attempted hit more dangerous than keeping him alive?

Boysrback07 ago

Black out 42 years to the day of previous black out in 77 42nd President is BC they were also in NY.

Con Edison ✔ @ConEdison We are working to restore power to 42,000 customers primarily in the Westside of Manhattan. We will provide updates as we receive them. Thank you.

42 is sure used alot.

No Coincidences

HerbanGardener ago

Anonymous 07/13/19 (Sat) 21:35:51 313722 (2) No.7032330>>7032352 >>7032358 >>7032374 >>7032391 >>7032394 >>7032398 >>7032402 >>7032418 >>7032422 >>7032530 >>7032624 ManhattanAnon - There is a HUGE police presence at MCC Manhattan where Epstein is being held, whole block barricaded….


j_Dawg_01 ago

I saw something earlier today about Eggstein being held just 2 or 3 cells away from El Chapo, but I can't find it again.

HerbanGardener ago

The Los Angeles Times stated that the prison is often referred to as the "Guantanamo of New York",[2] and The New York Times stated that its administrative segregation units had severe security measures.[3],_New_York

rickki6 ago

Hope he is at Gitmo

Jfunction ago

What Epstein has done includes suborning members of congress and the judiciary and amounts to sedition and almost certainly to treason. For these crimes he can be charged and tried as an enemy combatant: GITMO.

Crikes ago

There is no chance that power was cut to infiltrate a prison to get to Epstein, right? I mean, the power outtage would never include a prison, or hospital, would it? They must have off grid backups.

The outtage was either done to hinder a raid, or obfuscate another move.

In other words, the outtage was either irrelevant to Epstein, or it was done adversarily to those who would want to spring or murder him.

I suppose it could have been a raid for Epstein with cooperation from the prison. Maybe he was swapped with a clone or twin who doesn't know anything?

I think it's much more likely that those working with "Q" created an outtage to do something else in NYC. Maybe to hide a move in the city.. it's second only to DC in the human disease category, so there's plenty of vermin to move on... or maybe to move Epstein out under cover of darkness? Or maybe the darkness helped the prisons defenses/hurt a raiding party?

Who knows. It seems very unlikely to me that the Clinton suicide squad cut the power in attempts to raid essentially a fortress that would have its own source of power.

I'm guessing either Epstein was moved without the possibility of video evidence of it, or some security system was bypassed that would normally require power, or police response, to hold up.

Or there was simply something else done that wasn't supposed to be seen. That they wanted civilians to stay safely away from, and not stream live online.

Again, who knows. I just don't buy a hit/rescue squad cut power to invade a prison.

GodsAngell ago

Prison was unaffected by power outage.

I think the White Hats took out the power as a distraction while they extracted Epstein and moved him where he is safer from assassins.

1scm ago

I believe epstein was moved, most likely gitmo which offers highest security. It is also obvious the white hats knew about the blackout before it went down. Perhaps they arranged it, remember Atlanta airport.

TexasDeplorable ago

Epstein himself did not come into Federal jurisdiction. His plane did. Port Authority boarded his plane and arrested him. Epstein never touched foot on US soil before the arrest. Epstein's plane has the warrant on it. That is why he is willing to put it up as collateral for bail along with his 77ml NY location. (Also under seizure related to Trump EO13818.) His lawyers are forcing the jurisdiction subject while knowing he won't get bail. The lawyers filing documents for bail are not about bail. They are attempting to put the judge in a box. The judge kicked the can down the road because he does not want to rule on bail. That is why he raised the 3 day rule to the defendant and kicked the can down the road to another judge to hear later. Folks we have our first Military Tribunal about to happen. This case is outside of the Civil Court System. Let the fun begin.....

QCrumbCatcher ago

Imagine televised military trials for Clinton live from GITMO!

Rondiggity ago

MCC is very close to the Brooklyn bridge. Wasn't Q just asking us to "FIND THE BRIDGE" between Brongmans and Rothschilds? Who owns the Brooklyn bridge?

AUSAFVet ago

Will the bastard be at his bail hearing tomorrow or just represented by his attorney? That will tell if he is there or moved. I opt with moved..maybe even capo moved too

Ponycam ago

gitmo would certainly be the safest place for him, if we want to know who else was involved in this.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Confining Epstein at GITMO would make it much more difficult for the Mossad or the clintons to shut him up before the good guys are finished with him.

Qdini ago

A Manhattan Anon posted last night on 8 chan that the MCC facility where Epstein is being held along with El Chapo was surrounded by police. The facility was not in the area of the blackout. But perhaps the blackout was a diversion to get rid of Epstein (187) so he can't tell stories.

altaccounttwo ago

It's almost like someone in power os actually enforcing laws

Quinceberry ago

Yes could have been an attempt to eliminate him (187).

suomy_the_nona ago

Yes, Q drop 3429 sounds like that connection. EPSTEIN / coincidences / POWER

How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?
Where is EPSTEIN being held?
Do you believe in coincidences?
POWERful people connected?

Gumbynator ago

You eliminate a liability by turning it into an asset.

Paladin_Diver ago

I'm not arguing with the inference you are making with your analogy, as it is a possibility I had also considered.

I'm just going to nitpick and say that financial liabilities are paid off, not converted to assets. It's a double-entry bookkeeping nit I'm picking, and I don't even really like that type of accounting.

Smokybubbles ago

Or by having Jethro shank him in the showers for a carton of smokes.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, I overlooked the words in All Capital Letters:






@SerialBrain2, Qdini

GodsAngell ago

I just found this article, from July 8th that says at that time he was being held in NYC.

But if the Bail decision was kicked to another Judge, that is extremely unusual, and makes me think he was sent to GITMO afterward.

OR, perhaps the White Hats took out the lights last night to distract from Epstein being transferred from NYC prison to GITMO.

Qdini ago

Yep, they could have moved him. But GITMO? Likely another military base close by. Here's the Q post:

How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?

Where is EPSTEIN being held?


Do you believe in coincidences?

POWERful people connected?


To me this says someone was going to assassinate Epstein last night during the blackout and Q was way ahead of them. That's why the massive police presence around the facility. But I agree, they likely moved Epstein to prevent this from happening.

altaccounttwo ago

Epstein is the #1 target for these pedophilic psychos

JackANorey ago

Wouldn't a hit job have to come from the 'inside'. So why surround the outside?

Qdini ago

We don't know what was going on inside. Or who was trying to enter

JackANorey ago

The statements about extraction that you and others make appear to make more sense. I would guess that JE would be more dangerous if dead [assuming he's got a kill-switch].

PeopleAreReading ago

Powerful with power all in caps, like the power that went out.

GodsAngell ago


GodsAngell ago

Yes, no more Oswalds/Ruby's.

Paladin_Diver ago

I still get sick to my stomach thinking how different this world could have been, in a good way, had Oswald lived to spill the beans. So much pain and misery could have been avoided.

(Yeah, the same could be said for if JFK had lived).

MrDarkWater ago

Jack Ruby = Jacob Rubenstein

Paladin_Diver ago

Yeah, I recall reading something along those lines recently.

bopper ago

This might be correct.

SkelSoc ago

But if the Bail decision was kicked to another Judge, that is extremely unusual, and makes me think he was sent to GITMO afterward.

OR, perhaps the White Hats took out the lights last night to distract from Epstein being transferred from NYC prison to GITMO.

I thought that too, (about the bail issue going to another judge). Hmm. Interesting...

bopper ago

That's exactly what it sounds like, Epstein is at GITMO.

altaccounttwo ago

I hope they waterboard the fuck out of him

Are_we__sure ago

Why does it sound like that bopper?

Cuz Epstein is still in federal jail in lower Manhattan.

bopper ago

They likely will designate him an enemy combatant and take everything he owns.

GodsAngell ago

Well, just the sex trafficking is enough to have all of his assets taken, as per Trump's Exec Order 12/21/2017.

bopper ago


bopper ago

Because of Q's latest post, below.

Where is EPSTEIN being held? Reconcile. Do you believe in coincidences?

If true, then he is no longer in NYC.

The question is, what does Q mean by the statement.

You still in NYC bro?

Qutiee ago

I'm getting a different take on this. Maybe what Q means is that Epstein is at the same jail as El Chapo and as far as connections he could in for a whole slew of drug trafficking charges on top of the sex charges. El Chapo is said to be singing and has supposedly exposed the people who he deals with in the US. I'd bet money that the two of them are not strangers.

bopper ago

Thanks, you may be right..

angelCole ago

I would think he's in protective custody, in jail, but more likely NY as he is due in court tomorrow, at last report, for his hearing on whether he will be granted bail or not.

GodsAngell ago

Thanks, I just found this:

What's next: Epstein's bail hearing is set for July 15.

BUT!!!!! This article was dated July 8. So he still may have been moved for his protection.

bopper ago

Do you have an idea about what Q meant? I'm not sure. Thanks, didn't know he will appear tomorrow, or at least scheduled to appear.