argosciv ago

Read through the entirety of this comment, the end is very interesting.

A more less sensationalized take on her death, from

The woman whose body was found in the compactor of her tony Union Square apartment building on Tuesday had drunkenly slid down the trash chute and was crushed to death, police said Wednesday.

Lara Prychodko, a 48-year-old mom of one, was last seen alive on surveillance video at 4:20 p.m. Tuesday stumbling in a stupor from an elevator on the 27th story of the Zeckendorf Towers.

It is not known how she managed to get into the chute. But about 30 minutes after she was seen on video, a maintenance man found her body “crushed from multiple angles” in the compactor, according to police.

Prychodko had moved to the building at 1 Irving Place about two years ago, after splitting from her husband of 13 years, David Christopher Schlachet, who owns a Manhattan construction company called Taocon, Inc.

“It’s just crazy. The building sent out an e-mail saying not to use the [trash] chute . . . What a terrible, terrible way to go,” said a resident of the building, which had previously earned infamy as the address where Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin lived with her disgraced perv hubby Anthony Weiner.

This article mentions that Weiner and Abedin lived in an apartment which spanned the 15th and 16th floors, and that Lara's apartment of only 6 months was on the 10th floor and that "Her body had fallen down the trash chute from the 10th floor, where she has an apartment":

This obviously contradicts the neonnettle claim that she was found "in the home of" Weiner and Abedin.

More curiously, though, we have conflicting information between the dailymail article, the nypost article and the following article (referenced by the dailymail):

The latter 2 articles stating that she was last seen (via security footage) on the 27th floor, while the dailymail article states that she entered the chute from the 10th floor where her apartment is located.

As for the Soros connection...

The claims come from unverified sources and alternate between stipulating that Soros is directly connected to Lara and tangentially connected through her estranged husband, David Schlachet.

Here is the bloomberg profile of David: |

^ Full background text:

Mr. David Schlachet has been the Chairman of Taya Investment Co., Ltd., since May 2014 and Cell Cure Neurosciences Ltd., since April 2014. Mr. Schlachet served as an Interim Chief Financial Officer of Syneron Medical Ltd., from August 24, 2012 to November 2012. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Syneron Medical Ltd. from November 2005 to May 14, 2007. He served as Chief Financial Officer of Syneron Medical Ltd., from July 2004 to November 2005. He served as the Managing Partner of Biocom Management and Investment (2002) Ltd. from 2000 to June 2004. He served as a Managing Partner of Biocom Venture Capital Fund. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Schlachet served as a Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Strauss Elite Holdings. From 1996 to January 2000, he served as Vice President of the Strauss Group of Companies. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of Strauss Holdings Ltd., from January 1996 to June 1997 and served as its Vice President. From 1988 to 1995, he served as Vice President of Finance and Administration at the Weizmann Institute of Science. From 1974 to 1988, he served as a Senior Manager at the investment company of Bank Hapoalim Ltd. From 1989 to 1990, he served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Yeda Research & Development Co. Ltd. He serves as the Chairman of the Board at Harel Capital Markets Ltd. He served as the Chairman of Elite Industries Ltd. from July 1997 to June 2000. He served as Chairman of Syneron Medical Ltd. from May 22, 2013 to February 18, 2014. He served as Chairman of the Board at Strauss Group Ltd. He serves as a Director of Teldor Cables & Systems Ltd. He has been a Director at EZchip Semiconductor Ltd., and EZchip Technologies Ltd., since September 2005. Mr. Schlachet has been a Director of Taya Investment Co., Ltd., since December 14, 1997. He serves as a Director of United Studios Ltd., Taldor Computer Systems Ltd., Hapoalim Capital Markets Ltd., Teldor Ltd., and Proseed Ltd. He was Independent Director of BioTime, Inc. from April 11, 2014 to May 01, 2018. He had been an External Director at Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd. since January 2010. He has been a Director of Syneron Medical Ltd., since May 2007. From November 2008 to December 2012, He served as a Director of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Clearing House. He served as Director of Pharmos Corp., from December 1994 January 2012. He served as an External Director at Mazor Robotics Ltd., since November 2007 until January 17, 2017. He served as a Director of Proseed Venture Capital Fund Ltd. He served as an Outside Director of Compugen Ltd., since June 2001. He served as a Director of Israel Discount Bank Ltd. and Poalim Capital Markets Ltd. Mr. Schlachet holds a B.Sc. Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology and an MBA degree from Tel Aviv University.

As we can see, there is a lot of companies to paw through to determine if in fact David has ties to Soros.


With regard to Lara, the only notable business connection which I've found so far, is her tenure at WebMD which ended in 2012 due to company downsizing (the same year she separated from David and lost custody of her child).

The curious part

So as yet, I cannot confirm or deny that Soros has connections to either David or Lara (I'm quite confident that Weiner and Abedin aren't connected, though). However, upon reviewing the circumstances of Lara's death, I think it is fair to say that it is very suspicious.

In fact, her father strongly agrees and thinks that she was murdered -- he also has a very good reason for suspecting as such, as seen in this article/interview with him:

When he heard the news that his eldest daughter had died, Nicholas, who lives in Toronto, rushed to New York. With nowhere to stay in the city, he and a younger daughter who accompanied him on the trip moved temporarily in to Lara’s apartment on the 27th floor of Zeckendorf Towers, down the hall from the garbage chute from where she fell or was thrown to her death.

^ So here we have another mention of the 27th floor being the true location of Lara's apartment, which means that the dailymail article has at least lied about the 10th floor...

Here's where it gets very interesting though:

But he is adamant about a few details. First, he said, the video that purportedly showed his daughter staggering drunk in the building’s hallway towards the 27th floor garbage chute shortly before she died does not exist.

Multiple media outlets, including The Post, have reported that Lara Prychodko was last seen alive on surveillance video stumbling from an elevator in her luxury building at 4:20 p.m. on the day she died.

“There is no video because there is no video camera in the hallway,” Nicholas told The Post.

“And there is no way, no way that Lara committed suicide,” he added. “It’s now a matter of ridicule on the Internet that anyone can conceive of throwing themselves down a chute.”

He continued: “There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind. My daughter was murdered.”

^ Given the amount of conflicting information being reported, well, again I say this is indeed a very suspicious death.

Next we have a bit of background on Lara's family. Also quite interesting:

Given her family’s violent early history, it’s a miracle that Lara had the chance to be born at all. During the Second World War, her grandfather was a Ukrainian engineer who was forced by the Nazis to defuse un-exploded Allied bombs on the streets of Berlin. At the same time her great uncle was dropping bombs on the beleaguered German capital as a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force at the tail end of the war.

But by the 1960s, the Prychodko family were all safely settled in Canada. When Nicholas Prychodko turned 19, he longed to see the world. As he set off with his high school sweetheart — Helene Mathe — on a trip south, they discovered that Helene was pregnant with Lara.

All in all, the above nypost article is worth reading. Again, I am inclined to agree that Lara's death is incredibly suspicious especially given the difficulty of 'accidentally falling into' the garbage chute (see dailymail article for photos of chute).

Quite interestingly, albeit difficult to say it is related to Lara or her death, the following can be gleaned from the WebMD wikipedia entry: |

In 2017, private equity company Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (K.K.R.) agreed to purchase WebMD Health Corporation for approximately $2.8 billion. |

K.K.R. has an historical relationship albeit not exactly friendly, via its founders, with none other than Bear Stearns... yes, that Bear Sterns, where Jeffrey Epstein worked for several years and eventually became a limited partner before leaving around the time of an insider-trading scandal which involved Edgar Bronfman Sr.

@Crensch @MolochHunter @Shizie @Vindicator @Kestrel9

argosciv ago

DickTick ago


Are we serious about the "possible disinformation" tag?

Anyone with common sense can point out an average of 1 - 3 obvious dinformation, lies, or just straight-up bulshit stories on the front page of our subverse at any given moment, 24/7.... And this is what randomly gets a "possible disinformation" tag, huh?

That's some shit there...

Don't get me wrong I'm happy to see it, but I really find it comical and don't understand the point at all if we're not going to also tag the ones even my eight year old daughter could scan over and call out as bulshit, with proof of it's bullshittery found and sourced within minutes in most cases....

If we're going to go that route then every time someone post something and it makes it to the front page, which happens multiple times a day, and they are stories that have been debunked time and time again shouldn't they get the same tag or even a "definitely disinformation" tag??

@MolochHunter @Crensch

bamadeplorable420 ago

I see GERALDO RIVERO WITH HIS NAKED SELFIE EVERY TIME I HEAR THIS NAME weiner and FOX NEWS KEEPS putting him out as 'somebody' to listen to..............JUST LIKE PEDO PENCE...

Adminstrater ago

Wow, I have a small flash of a memory of this story, but you are right! How did we lose focus on this Clinton related murder?

Thanks for posting OP. Damn fine work.

progressbin ago

How the FUCK is this "possible disinformation" when it was revealed over a year ago? Did Crensch run srayzie off so he could pull this shit?

Crensch ago

Wasn't me, faggot.

I also didn't run her off, and your characterization of the recent goings-on is suspicious as fuck. @MolochHunter keep an eye on this guy. He hates Q and everyone here.

Ladyoflight ago

You just can't make this shit up.

RainDrops ago

She lived in the building and was an alcoholic according to this article.

2fast4u92 ago

Must have been a (((suicide)))

whatdaheck ago

These democrats can be damn sloppy

Lyonessrising ago

From last year.... Doubtful....

con77 ago

fucking hell!!!??? How many coincidences make a WTF?

Qdini ago


FatLadySings ago

We knew that last year.

MolochHunter ago

The Daily mail article referenced in the neon nettle story confirms it was the FORMER apartment building of Weiner / Abedin

this renders your headline somewhat misleading. Not only is it the general apartment's trash chute (not specific to the Weiner apartment) but also its not even used by Weiner / Abedin in any capacity as they have moved on from there

GetWoke ago

It's manhattan, union square, the heart of the beast... Don't be so quick to dismiss. Youre smarter than that

MolochHunter ago

which is why i flaired 'possible' disinfo

GodsAngell ago

This seems pretty clear....maybe her body didn't make it down the shoot and was STUCK in Weiner's apt?

"48-year-old Lara Prychodko's body was discovered in the trash compactor in the upmarket Manhatten apartment belonging to convicted pedophile Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin; Hillary Clinton's sidekick."

READ MORE: © Neon Nettle

MolochHunter ago

garbage chutes in those apartments tend to be communal - in the hallway - connected to all floors

its an apartment housing many well connected people, the stretch to the Weiners is entirely unsubstantiated

jonnyquest ago

An Israel native and graduate of Tel Aviv University, Schlachet is also involved with a number of other high-profile, Soros-backed operations.

Wow, who would have guessed!?

Poohwhisperer ago

Can ya even throw a rock in NYC without hitting a Soros backed operator?

Witsend ago

Swim with sharks . . .

Platypus43 ago

I mean seriously? How did we lose focus on this story? They threw her down the trash chute when they had money and resources to dispose of the body, or maybe they were being watched because Anthony is a fucking pedophile being watched, so just throw her in the trash and hope nobody notices. But the real question is, why was she murdered? What did she see, what did she ask, what did she refuse to be a part of? Or what did she threaten to reveal? What was in it for her? Somebody knows, somebody wants to tell the story.

AUSAFVet ago

They listed her death as a heart attack..injected heart attack I would assume. Going through a divorce, she was accused of having drug and alcohol issues and had her son removed from her custody. Possibly was going to expose the big pharma/soros related activities...

NewSouthernBelle ago

Wow -- excellent post.

I saved it.

Thank you!

StormRider9090 ago

Fake news, cool your jets. Do you just believe anything you read online? Apply some critical thinking next time.

Specific_Fox ago

Exactly one year ago today.

AuraLain ago

I was thinking more along the lines of her husband messed up, so she had to die. Perhaps Pedo Island?

GodsAngell ago

Stuffing her dead body into Anthony Weiner/Huma Abadin's trash shut was obviously a WARNING to the owners of the apartment: SHUT UP, or Else!!!

Why she was killed? Any number of reasons. Maybe her husband was tired of her. Maybe she became a states witness to the prosecution about Soros. It could be anything.

DickTick ago


Even the Mods tag this one is "possible disinformation" and you just eat it right up anyway...

and that should let you know it really must be bulshit because they never call your posts out as "possible dinformation" even though at least 30 to 40% of them are absolutely disinformation, or just naivete on your part. Not that you purposely putting out the disinformation, you're just gullible enough to fall for it in the first place..

My point is that the tag must mean that the story some foreal bullshit and of course you jump straight on the post they tag it to and start spreading it like it's the written word of God in stone..... like always.....

Ffs woman

Gorillion ago

This. She was a warning.

369693936 ago

good job anon, one year delta.

Platypus43 ago

It just goes to show you how much has happened in one year, but one year is a microsecond when it comes to solving a murder. Murderers face justice sometimes 50 years after committing the crime, we should be paying closer attention to this.

MolochHunter ago

the daily mail story says it was the FORMER apartment of Weiner / Abedin

so its a long bow to draw to conclude they had something to do with it

Blacksmith21 ago

Folks used to laugh at NN articles. Not so "funny" anymore.

StormRider9090 ago

They still do, it's a classic fake news outlet.

Blacksmith21 ago

Says the counternarrative:

StormRider9090 ago

Sorry, neon nettle is a bunch of crap. Weiner didn't even live in the block of apartments. Jesus Christ, QTards are the worst.

TurquoiseLover ago

They're exterminating each other.

suomy_the_nona ago

The article is from 2018. Interesting anyway.

369693936 ago

Ha, one year delta.

TippyHome ago

I remember it from last year. But just like all the other Clinton body counts, was never connected to her.