It looks like he is serving notice that he is out for their blood. When you wear your enemies colors it is an insult.
Earlier today He said they have done nothing in the house to resolve the migration crisis despite having asked for 2 weeks to work on it. They have not held a debate, put out a bill, had a call to stay and work through the weekend on it. Nada!
He said on Ingraham that the Dems are not having a family spat but a civil war. His segment pointed out the AOC playing the race card today was particularly strange because her Chief of staff had called the blue dogs segregationalists yesterday. 2 of them are black and experienced in their own childhood in the southern segregation. Calling black people racists and segregationalists!
MudPuddlePie ago
SBBH is all over GA today/tonight. Losers.
grace8 ago
I tried to post this in GA I dont now if mods took it down right away or if it didnt post for some other reason. Do we have a rally point if we are "scrubbed". I have a bad feeling about Putt and the timing of this update is convenient if it stops v/GA
Here's the comments of concern on the above link. The link is to Putts global comment that update is coming.
[–] Lapstrake 9 points (+11|-2) 6.8 hours ago
Will QRV still be here after the update?
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[–] heygeorge 7 points (+8|-1) 6.4 hours ago
Q scrubbing is the point of the update
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[–] inspiretk -1 points (+0|-1) 5 hours ago
Q's going to be pissed if that happens.
The timing is very coincidental. Eyes up I guess and see what happens.
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[–] Lapstrake -4 points (+4|-8) 6.2 hours ago
We'll see.
WWG1WGA, fren.
MudPuddlePie ago
Uh...yikes. Not sure if we have a rally point. QRV made a new place to go if things got scrubbed but I didn't pay much attention to it. I think it's a sticky there. Did you ask Crensch?
grace8 ago
i pmed him him after my post failed to post. an hour ago and no reply. then half hour ago i pmed MolochHunter and no reply.
I imagine something would be posted at 8chan and many of us are able to go there at least to read.
These *&%# are so aggravating. How they see themselves as superior is beyond me. I read through their moronic posts sometimes and.... Thank God They will soon be put straight on what is true and that they are wrong and missed the biggest political event of our lives times. Not only did they miss it they became like digital Brownshirts bullying everyone who steps out of the lines they have drawn.
MudPuddlePie ago
They're prolly just busy...things are moving very fast here.
Yup, SBBH tards are pathetic. So easy to trigger. :)
Hey, if you get a chance, listen to the USAWatchdog interview about what they think is coming, re what POTUS is going to do with a reset, food, water and precious metals. Better safe than sorry.
grace8 ago
Thank you for the recommendation. I wanted to watch that earlier and got distracted. I have book marked it for tomorrow. That is something i want to understand more about. As u say better to prepare.
MudPuddlePie ago
grace8 ago
MolochHunter just replied and said not to worry they are just shitposting.
Soon the hunted become the hunter. They wont be able to walk down the street or post under their normal user names anymore. They should be ashamed.
MudPuddlePie ago