derram ago :

Stewart Swerdlow: "Macron Rothschild Man, Groomed By His Wife Who Is His Handler" - YouTube

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grantedrights ago

Via Neon Revolt >>

Facebook, Zuckerberg, His Handler Wife, and… Organ Donation? Who is Priscilla Chan? #LetsSueFB #DeleteFacebook #QAnon #GreatAwakening April 13, 2018 by Neon Revolt Step back with me for a moment, and recall some older #QAnon posts, particularly regarding the repeated injunction to “follow the wives.”

A lot of these questions have now been answered. FB is a spying tool, not created in one kid’s dorm room (as #Cuckerberg repeatedly suggested during his Congressional testimony), but by the Pentagon and the CIA, as a spying tool; a way of sucking up all kinds of information and keeping tabs on the populace.

Q immediately followed that post, with this:

So today, I intend to do just that.

Who is Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg?

Look at that photo. So much love between those two.

Sorry, got distracted by the sheer level of human passion coming through in that Wedding photograph. Rarely do we get the privilege to witness with two souls knit together in such bonds of eternal love. This photo was taken from their surprise wedding… Which had 100 guests… which thought they were going to Priscilla’s graduation… and at which they served Mexican take-out, which cost 7 dollars a plate.

Sorry, what was I saying?

Ah, right! Priscilla Chan! Who is she? What do we know about her?