showbobandvagene ago

LOL, not one bit of this nonsense is true.

BushChuck ago

Okay, it's Sunday morning. Can you link some video of these "millions" getting ICE'd?

think500 ago

killing 150 people would been a quantum escalation from shooting down one unmanned machine. Unlike every NW0 traitors in WASH, Trump doesn't feed on war. He took it to the edge just to get the NW0 minions to leak, dance and show their fake flag colors.

TSE ago

Someone read too many spy novels, remembered just the right story, changed some names around and Voila. Here is a post.

1031grnis ago

True, but then how do you explain the Shumer/Pelosi dance?

TSE ago

“Schumer was telling Pelosi he was overjoyed because his mother had just been released from the hospital and is OK. Pelosi had asked how his mother, who had been rushed to the ER, was doing,” Washington Post reporter Seung Min Kim tweeted.

GodsAngell ago

Sounds like a "cover story" put out because of the leaked video of them doing high fives.

Schumer has one foot in the grave himself, that would make his mother over a 100 years old.

1031grnis ago

Hmmm, that's not a typical response to such information.

DawnPendraig ago

That seemed legit. This post looks like someone took some true info and had a larp

indeknow ago

Not Gina Haspel, it was reported that Piglosi met with John Brennan after the Whitehouse meeting.

GodsAngell ago


Mscss ago

Good info, only a few people spell ANGELL that way, I do.

Crisbeau ago

Lots of holes in this...Haspel? How could any retired anyone know what Haspel is up to...and to misspell her name and say “whatever her name is”? Bogus..totally. Nice play son but this group to clever for this BS. way to throw some truth in for color though.....amature

Fritter ago


DawnPendraig ago

Also POTUS just delayed round up for 2 wks

fancypants211 ago

yeah so this is not correct info from op's source

GodsAngell ago

No timing difference.....IF you can count. My post came from late last night (Friday). It was late Saturday that Trump announced the 2 week time delay.

fancypants211 ago

when i heard this info i knew it was never gonna happen. we would hear about it only after. so either your military source is full of crap or feeding you misinfo. or was not in the know high enough to be told this was all a ruse. not a good source anyway you discern it.

GodsAngell ago

Oh really? Can you post a link to confirm this?

GodsAngell ago

Name was not mis-spelled:

Gina Haspel, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

AUSAFVet ago

Yeah she was the nasty waterboard Looks like now she is loading the assclowns with nasty. Never liked her..I think fucking brennan got to her

Crisbeau ago

You’ve been outed little boy. Take the L

hollywood2020 ago

11 million? I doubt that even if Trump announced it on CNN himself

GodsAngell ago

There has been a CONFIRMED 22 Million ILLEGAL Aliens in this Country to date, at a MINIMUM, including all the ones who sneaked into this country before Trump was sworn into office!

Taking them ALL out will:

1) Deter all those thinking of invading our country (stop the caravans), and

2) Clean up our Elections, because they can't vote illegally if they are out of the Country and removed from all the election rolls.

GoodGodKirk ago

I would like a jstor link to the MIT research, otherwise you’re just sticking acronyms and high Ed schools to make you sound legit.

Mitsubishi, Sony, Toyota! I know Japanese bitches.

RoundWheel ago

Several studies conclude 40 million or more.

BushChuck ago

More like 60 if you do the math.

In Canada we have almost a million illegals (thanks, assholes) and it's only been going on for two years.

This shit has been happening in the USA for, what? 30-40 years?

GodsAngell ago

Yes, I believe that is more accurate.