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G45Colt ago

Betrayed, or a sting operation?

angelCole ago

Sting, 100%.

GodsAngell ago

Someone (a retired military officer) just this to me late last night:

"Here is what really happened. The drone was shot down in International waters, it was planned this way and russia even proved it was in international waters. A strike was ordered but it was called off to see if there would be a pre-leak to the press and there was and now they have all the people who leaked the information. They also proved that a certain CIA Debbie hapsel or whatever her name is also leaked info to the deep state. So trump just hit the jackpot. They got all the leakers they have yet to get and even who in the media got the information. Trump is gaining more info and Debbie just got her self stepped on when its over. Because she leaked that trump knew they were about to leak information and warned them, but too late for them to cover it up. Trump wins again."


I responded:

Very Interesting! Thanks.

So no war in Iran?

This was all a set up to find White House Leakers?

One more tidbit: People are trying to figure out why Pelosi and Schumer were jumping for JOY immediately after departing Top Secret Security Briefing, re: Iran. Lots of theories:

Chuck and Nancy were dancing......they thought they had gotten the war they wanted ........wrong again

Interesting exchange between two anons about their view of the Schumer-Pelosi dance, the subsequent meeting with Brennan, the NYT story and more.

I wonder what all the high-fives were about?


"Yes it was a set up but I suspect it was also a set up to get MOSAD agents trying to damage parts of the US, like happened in Philadelphia. Yeah see Pelosi and schumer and the deep stated needed trump to go to war vs Iran. It would be the only way they could cover up much of their actions with Iran. You bet they were happy they were part of the pre leaks. You can tell that drone was expected to be shot down. It took 0 evasive maneuvers, none at all. They wanted it shot down they got it shot down and now the deep state and the mosad are screwed. And lets not forget trumps remarks today about deporting millions of Illegal aliens because they did not meet their court ordered hearings. He's using the deep states own law against them. Rumor has it they will go in early sunday morning and start rounding them up and deporting them (say 11+ million of them). If so I expect late sunday or early monday we will have M. Law invoked. Probably for 10 days and be lifted on July 4th. In the process we might get a two-fer. Yep 100,000+ indictments served. Which also means we might have no internet connection and most certainly no Social media to access as they might all just shut down."