comprametu ago

Great post. Thanks!

Wise2TheLies ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

suomy_the_nona ago

Probably the "special place" for Soros refers to President Duterte of the Philippines: reinstate the death penalty, and the president took the opportunity to fire a warning at George Soros:
“There is a special place in hell for you, idiot. Set one foot in this country and my duty is to make you go straight there.”

President Duterte Warns George Soros ‘There Is A Bounty On Your Head’ (2017)

KYanon ago

Check mate!!!! Didn't see his name on the Bilderburg 2019.....and potus tweeted today and the timestamp led me to a pic of Soro's and Rothchild. Good find!!!!!

Q20191776 ago

Awesome. Thanks for sharing here.

Added to

standwithuQ ago

I just looked and I don't think it's on there. Wish someone would add it I don't know how.

Qdini ago

The only place for GS is under ground. 6 ft at least

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

No more Q proofs. Arrests

derram ago :

QBlueSky⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Twitter: ".@POTUS Message in the Westminster Abbey guestbook “Thank you so much. This has been a great honor. Special place.”

Notice: "Special Place" GS=George Soros

We have a Special Place picked out for GS Really special Q

Soros MIA Bilderberg

.@GenFlynn #QAnon #SaturdayThoughts… /0DijtDmSV8"

This has been an automated message.

redtoe_skipper ago

Duterte of late has an issue with trash...