USAMatters ago

Around March 19, 2019 Trump said "I have the police, the military and the bikers for trump . . .

"President Donald Trump has caused another firestorm with a menacing statement to conservative outlet Breitbart that things will get “very bad, very bad” if his supporters among the military, police, and bikers are pushed too far."

If Trump needed the police, military, bikers for trump along with rolling thunder, retired military, retired police, and the other tens of million of armed citizens to help him out - we would all be there - just need the place and the date.

IamJulianAssange ago

Remains to be seen. If it comes to citizen action, we're years behind where we might have been. Q is literally "all or nothing."

AdmiralEnchilada ago

We're all just waiting for order 66, when their true colors show and they try to take take away freedom by force

Load up for a platoon, not just you

Get a mill amd a lathe, and learn to make parts

Logistics is where we may falter, thats what globalization is for

HJ-Oih96_uxmK9 ago

I stand strong in my armor of God. The only reason we're not out there executing traitors is because of Q. If they (or Trump) give the signal, it is on. Believe you me.

Elfchiro ago

It's not over yet. Still plenty of time for violence. But for now we wait, watch and hope the plan succeeds.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

just like our heroes did 75 years ago

Those people 75 years ago used violence.

petevoat ago

...but you should have added, "but be prepared to be violent if they decided to touch our president"

I am not kidding

Thoutzan ago

Meanwhile whistleblowers and witnesses die like flies. GJ everyone. Trust the plan and do nothing, so that Lord Soros and Co. and finish their plan.

LanJon310 ago

When we go, we GO.

It would be detrimental to engage our enemy right now. And, you will die quick, if you go for it.

It will be obvious when it's time.

ArcAngel ago

relax.. it wont hurt as much if you just let it happen.. thats a good goy..

Omnicopy ago

We may still need to against them not each other. I believe they are bringing their NWO in fast now!!!

LanJon310 ago

Of course that's always an option. They can't catch us off guard, because we are on the towers right now, watching, as we you are believe it or not.

Be patient and always know that the men who have died for this country have sons and daughters who are pissed.

And WE'LL be damned if we let these filthy, foul, greedy, evil, disgusting bastards of an enemy win.

I ask Jesus Christ every night to forgive me for the hatred that I have in my heart for these people.

W W G 1 W G A

MrShekelstein ago

People will go violent if justice fails.

The military will probably kill loads of people themselves if necessary.

KVD ago

It's been cause we have something to lose. That's it.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya they thought we would start civil war 2.0

Im a little scared are we too late or right on time? They know if it did kick off it would be very very bad for the jews the liberals the pedos the faggots and the commies very very bad so i think they arr scrambling to come up with a 20 year stall. If they can make it 20 more years of the slow burner being turned up thry can win

ArcAngel ago

dont fight it.... just let them have your way with you! you might live..

paperfolder1 ago

Yet. In the meantime, reloading and storing ammo for the day we refresh the tree of liberty.

Misallocatedracism ago

Congrats, nothing happened, and you managed to not go ballistic. just like all the normies said.

progressbin ago

They are getting first blood everywhere, and they have the media to lie about who the victim is. Their shit is backfiring on them, though. Their day of justice approaches.

Karmy ago

No wonder they are ramping up the censorship on Youtube, Twitter, FB etc. They are panicked now. The truth is coming out and alternative media is what they are trying to control now. The MSM is not enough.

Wazhappenin1 ago

anyone advocating violence is usually a fed.

TPTBNewsReviewer ago

In this fight, we're actually fighting to defend OUR freedom. Except for the war for secession from Britain, they have all been contrived with their own version of 9/11 trigger events.

Memorial days like today offer an awkward tension between honoring good men of valor and courage whose blood and lives were spent in the machinations of twisted warmongers.

Trump is the rare Commander in Chief who loves his men enough not to send them to fight for the globalists.

This is the best way to honor our war heroes and veterans; don't send them to fight in foreign entanglements.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I think things are on the very edge now. If Trump succeeds, then fine. Otherwise, it won't take much to set if off.

BulletMagnet879 ago

There is no "if".

tom47 ago

ALWAYS make your enemy the #AGRESSOR!Never act out of anger, or hatred, a hot head or hot temper will kill you quickly!

HoppyHap ago

If the boys in WW2 had that attitude you be speaking German or Japanese. Anger is a great motivator and it gets you off your azz. Over 160,000 18-20-year-old kids joined the military immediately after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Wanted payback.

Why do people always think anger is being a hothead?

tom47 ago

If you fight while enraged, your opponent (IF) he or she has a cool head, will defeat you! When ent6ering battle, enter with determination, skill, know what you need to do, and do it with out allowing anger to cloud your judgment! "Walk softly, but carry a big stick!" FDR>

HoppyHap ago

We are discussing different meanings for the same word that leads to confusion. Anger is not always rage or being hot tempered. To the man who can control his anger is also the man who can control his tongue. A chip on your shoulder makes good company. Like I said it gets you off your azz and provides the fuel to accomplish great things. Because I am angry does not mean I wade into a fight blinded.

Again, It’s not wrong to feel angry. Taking all that powerful energy and working to find solutions, help, and healing with things you see as being wrong can be very beneficial to your own peace of mind, and the betterment of the world around you.

tom47 ago

What I was attempting to get across, is the type of anger or RAHE that clouds and impairs judgment! Like IF you were to see your spouse molested or raped , many would fly off the handle and wind up getting themselves killed in the process! It is best to turn that rage into determination, with clarity of thought and action! Most that act out of rage run out and act alone, which is never the right thing to do! Let yourself kool down, make a plan and then work the plan!

fishmantis ago

Even if you act purely in self defense you will be painted as the aggressor.

tom47 ago

It mat determination to win!ters NOT what the enemy may think, What matters is how you, or we carry out our assignment! ALWAYS attack with a cool head, clear mind and

LanJon310 ago

Right on Sir.

THANK YOU for your service. At 72, you must be disgusted with what you see in this country.

When the time comes, we will need to have threads about what to expect, and how to deal with certain situations.

One thing is for sure - US Patriots didn't do we need NOT feel guilty for wanting to stand for what our fathers willingly died to protect...for us.

tom47 ago

I regret that much of this comes out of the "#HIPPY #FREELOVE_ANTIWAR movement of 60's and 60's ! Self same ones that spat on us vets when we came back!

cantaloupe6 ago

It was a KGB psyop to run for multiple generations demonizing quality and meritocracy, aka Marxism. Along with the Frankfort school.

Combined with greedy globalists and controlled mass media. Rockefeller created feminism nefarious purposes.

Citizens were misled.

FirstDamsel ago

Molon Labe, brother.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Keyboard Commandos. Should be a hastag. WWG1WGA

LanJon310 ago

Much truth to that actually...we are all on the same team. We are all keyboard warriors ready to ditch the keyboard!

ALIENS2222 ago

I agree. We are not out of the woods yet though. not even close.

General_Anxiety ago

High 5. We will as a last resort but we got the Trump card so it's not necessary. Thank God!!!!

BulletMagnet879 ago

Pun intended?

General_Anxiety ago

Of course. MAGA <3

ky_jelly ago

"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes" You better start taking down these fuckers, they are killing our people wholesale...

ArcAngel ago

leupold scoped laupua .338.... you can see the whites of their eyes from 500M

Snicklesnork ago

My weapon of choice as well; been a big fan of .338 for a long time! Love it!!!!

brandnewset ago

He who snaps first, loses. Don't snap first, snap second.

LanJon310 ago

Nahh, this one ain't a game of timing...with opposing sides working on strategies. The DS is on the go, that's obvious.

Their untrained puppets will melt, cry and beg for mercy when a few pissed off mission-oriented Patriots plant them.

When we go, it will mean we've concluded that it's necessary to do everything we can to save our Republic. They cannot stop us even if we schedule it a week in advance.

Blacksmith21 ago

They should not forget rough men stand ready to do dirty deeds in order to maintain the Republic.

sinclair ago

I don't see how they "weasel" out of it. Wouldn't they have been dead?

LanJon310 ago

Not if we nickle and dime them. I was referring to a few Patriots getting enough and taking things into their own hands, alone.

WWG1WGA means E V E R Y T H I N G right now. Don't go there, unless you know we will ALL go there.

sinclair ago

Why not? Small clandestine forces have been used to great effect throughout history. People have accidents. Some just disappear. Who would be the wiser?

ZombiClown ago


cantaloupe6 ago

Soros spent 18 Billion. It went to organizers of disease ridden caravans, Antifa agitators - trying to lead citizens against one another. Like NZ they want a suffering spectacle to take away freedoms. Leftists advocate for their own enslavement - pride goes before a fall - narcissistic virtue signaling is a trap. Look at Venezuela, etc. equality is tyranny.

ArcAngel ago

pride before the fall... makes sense..whit pride is so vilified.... untill the SHTF... then entire races get decimated maps get re-drawn.. cuz white-ppl are realy, realy nice... untill we are not..

Snicklesnork ago

It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate. Rudyard Kipling

IamJulianAssange ago

Not "Saxon" but "English."

It is "The Beginnings" by Kipling.

Snicklesnork ago

I wonder how it got changed, and by whom? Do you know?

IamJulianAssange ago

An overzealous WASP (originally term of racial hatred) probably wanted to use it in an American context. Some of us still remember the Spirit of '76 and to them, "English" is a dirty word! (doesn't bother me.)

Delacourt ago

Like NZ they want a suffering spectacle to take away freedoms.

Exactly. So many people misunderstand this.

The leftist elitists are just looking for a justification that the masses will accept so they can take away more rights. 9/11 worked like a charm for them, since it allowed them to push through the Patriot Act. Christchurch allowed them to push through more censorship and propaganda.

It's like people forgot how false flags work or why they happen.

wokeasfook ago

Meanwhile there are Muslim training camps within US borders. While we're reduced to talking to strangers online.

VoterinVegas ago

I hear you, but I am armed where ever me an my wife travel. Whether to the store or gas station we are locked and loaded. I will defend all i come across with my life and will protect all those in need.

I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

wokeasfook ago

I like you

the_Green_Chain ago

We still outnumber them, know where they are and they are already corralled like pigs in their No Go Zones.

Rhondaher ago

We arent strangers, we're Americans one and all. We dont know our own history. Not alot of family history was kept by pioneers who settled this land. My ancestors came from Wales in 1801. They had 3 boys. They settled in PA. The only way to own land each generation had to move into new territory. They went from PA to Ohio to Indiana to Missouri and Iowa to Colorado to Oklahoma and some went on to CA. Each generation had 6 to 9 children and those children had as many. Some lived and some didnt. They stretched across this land. I have more relatives than I can count but know none of them. But many of you could be my cousins. We settled this land and this is just one family story. We have more in common than we know. Thank God for family Bibles because they kept our history as best they could. We will deal with these enemies later after we have destroyed the devils who control us. The bloodline families, pedophiles and mass murders and child abusers in their Satanic rituals. We will win control of our country first and deal with the rest later. We will protect our property and our families when they are at our door. They dont stand a fucking chance against all the guns we have. Stand tall Patriot and keep the faith.

ArcAngel ago

im sure some molitolvs would elicit a better response & more thorugh investigation than a complaint... either the cops are allowed in to gather evdence, or dismissd, which grants probable cause....

Delacourt ago

No one is reducing you to talking to strangers online. There are Republican and conservative groups and events all across the country. You're choosing not to go to them.

ArcAngel ago

most of us have jobs, responsibilities. families... bills & all the other freedoms the usa guarantees us,

LanJon310 ago

You sure are rustled by this thread, huh, scooter?

We are all brothers and sisters. Some of us cherish our freedom more-so than others.

I'm sure you think ICE and cops aren't needed...but who are you going to call when I go bat crazy insane and walk into your door with a baseball bat? You dumbfuck libs don't think about that.

ArcAngel ago

open carry AZ.. you walk in MY house, you go out inna body bag dipshit. your a fuckin moron... ps. your beaner nigger ass would get blown out the drive way the second you stepped foot in my yard.... id probly have to drag your unwashed greasy ass back onto my property... go suck on g.soros jew cock, fuck boy.....

wokeasfook ago

I was taking more broadly but whatever. Jump to whatever conclusions you like. If we were half as willing to organise as the left we'd be occupying newsrooms across the country. Occupying universities. We'd be demanding heads on pike's but we aren't regardless of your mini Town Hall circle jerks that nobody has here of. Cheers for the links to these wonderful groups and events. Could you be any more vague?

Delacourt ago

How am I supposed to know what groups or events are in your area? Of course I'm speaking broadly. You think I can telepathically know where you are and tell you all about the Republican club down the street that you refuse to go to, while you bitch on the Internet about what you've been "reduced to"?

wokeasfook ago

Says the guy from high up on his horse.

LanJon310 ago

Maybe you should have staid the fuck shut up, since you have nothing to offer.

LanJon310 ago

I've been to a few republican and tea party events in my time, and in the end NOTHING happens after the discussion.

You might mean well, but this thread was not about going to visit your local public republican event so he/she can fix it.

THEY are not only part of the problem, but a HUGE contributor of the problem. How can we vote them out, you might ask?

Well, a hate-America-nutt-job tax-payer-made-millionaire lib runs against a back-stabbing tax-payer-made-millionaire pub... What do you do?...that's the only two buttons on the panel.

SearchVoatBot ago

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tom47 ago

And no one has the CHEJONIES to go in and take them out? Come on, I know we have SNIPERS, artillery men, ETC. Let's git it done!

paperfolder1 ago

If anyone were to think about doing that, he wouldn't advertise it here, or anywhere else.

wokeasfook ago

You're glowing

cantaloupe6 ago

4 months... glowing hard

tom47 ago

DOES it show?

Delacourt ago

Yep, we don't need comments like his.

wokeasfook ago

Look at it's history. Bring sunglasses.

PatriotLady1 ago

Those camps are no doubt located where Hussein moved moslem 'refugees' invaders.

RealBlackberry ago

Yep, and they are still coming in.

pby1000 ago

Death of 1000 cuts, while we take the high road.

Pollycracker ago

Brilliant, and true. China, we give as good as we take.

ZombiClown ago

T/y for the post, ready as well. Boy am I glad you didnt say "ive got a buttload"! got more xm118 than carters got pills.(j/k for humor purposes only) Thanks Patriot and tell the family T/y as well

needlesdog ago

Amen! Let the enemy fire the first round, they will not appreciate the outcome!!

HoppyHap ago

The enemy has been firing shots for decades. Which one are you going to all of a sudden do someting about?

fishmantis ago

Yeah, keep being ready while your rights are chipped away, inch by inch. While your enemies grow in number and your people are attacked. Never anything major enough for the people to step up, but in the end it's all the same.

DependasaurusRex ago

We haven't. Yet...

thatguyiam ago

Remember the wikileaked emails from DNC+faggot obsolete msm

we will create a summer of chaos

LanJon310 ago

Agree brother.

ArcAngel ago

gonna have to remove the cannon-fodder 1st...